Yuni comel



The world has changed, viewers have changed. Streaming services are developing, not only as far as subscriptions but also in original content; Millennials are no longer impressed by the industry's efforts to compete with larger screens, special rooms and very high investments in marketing. They are interested in content, regardless of whether it's a television, computer, tablet or smartphone; the medium has no limits.

Filmgrid seeks to use technological, operational, and ideological innovations to provide fair commercial alternatives, to produce equality between users and to promote art. By getting rid of unnecessary intermediaries, the creation of better films will be promoted. That way direct participants receive a higher percentage of profits, and they receive it faster.

For filmmakers who have made digital films (and / or hold copyright for that) and want to use their projects, we have Billboards, storefronts for films of all types, lengths, types and styles. It's actually very simple.

Filmmakers register at Filmgrid as Creative Users, if the film is a collaborative work, the Creative Users involved must form what is called the Creative Team, then upload it to Billboard the Movie; once in the display, the viewer buys a digital copy of the film, and, through the application, the film can be downloaded or streamed and viewed as much as specified by the audience user.

If there are Creatives with a cool movie project, or a very good idea for one, they can use Filmgrid'sPitchboard to fund it. All there is to do, is upload a description, an image, giff, teaser or trailer video and a budget to participate.

It's not quite crowdfunding, yet it relies on the crowd. There are three options to do so:

A Production Fund, where the crowd, in this case the platform users, will decide voting upon the catalog of projects in display on the Pitchboard which ones will get part(or total) of such fund. One or more projects may be funded in each round.

The fund will reset in cycles, all projects can participate as much as liked.

An old fashioned Presale, where the user can buy the movie before it is made, in order to support its Creative Users with the production of the project.

The patrons of the project will always be in control of the proper usage of the presale funds, according to the Creative Team's production plan.

The help of a Production Pool made by users that are interested in movie production.

These Investing Users get the opportunity to take part in the financing of the project, in exchange for a percentage of the profit generated by the product.

This way, the project is committed only to the Viewers, and never to movie moguls.

The Production Fund management, the voting and the dispersal of funds will be secured by Smart Contractsin the Blockchain, assuring the veracity and appropriate usage of the funds; every Creative User member of the funded Creative Team can trust the platform will release their respective payment, therefore everyone can focus in making a great movie.


A Social Reputation System will provide the best quality control, delivered by the users themselves; rating Movies and Creative Users, bad quality or poor Movies won't make to the top, with the possibility of getting permanently banned.

Users can use reactions to interact with each other in the platform.


Movies can receive a Critique from those who watch it.


Movies and Creative Users can be granted with an Applause.


Creative Teams can earn Ovations with their projects.


Users can follow their favorite Creative Users and Teams.

Since is a network, a connection channel gets open, where Creative Users can find key members for their crews, or find a crew where to contribute, and most important, learn from the Viewers feedbacks.

(Don’t worry, in purpose long boring movies won’t pass the Social Reputation System)



Developing the project Filmgrid using blockchain technology is the logical move to make, the decentralized nature of this new technology is a perfect fit for the principles/tenets behind Filmgrid. Furthermore, it can solve problems that traditional centralized technology cannot, particularly issues of censorship, intermediaries interference or trade transparency for example.

Perhaps its greatest attribute is the level of trust that it allows to generate between users. This trust is the base for the proposed business model.


With the intention of being productive as soon as possible, the first two years, business will take place on the Ethereum network, the DApp and the Smart Contracts will run on top of the blockchain. Gas costs will be cover by the platform, not the users.

Extract from the Ethereum Project web site:

"Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

These Apps run on a custom built Blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property."


During the period the DApp lives in the Etherum Network, we will be developing Filmgrid Blockchain, an Ethereum fork, on which the consensus algorithm Proof Of Work (PoW) will be changed to the consensus algorithm Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET), turning it into a Permissioned Blockchain. This way, this Blockchain’s need for miners is eliminated as the computing power is provided by the Filmgrid peers network.

Every device that runs Filmgrid's DApp is a potential source of computing power. The PoET algorithm gives the opportunity to do processing in the backend of the device, randomly chosen, with a low power consumption while watching a movie. Users will have the option to enable or disable this function at will.

Filmgrid will provide server power for certain functions of the DApp and the off-chain interconnecions, such as the video files retreiving or social network activity.

A KYC module will also be implemented, in order to differentiate the type of user in the platform, the more faculties within the platform, the more information is requiered.


The whole point is to get here. It is well known that as many big industries, the movie business is far from being fair, we constantly hear about movies making millions of dollars in the box office, but what we don't hear about is that money remain in the intermediary’s pockets. Not to mention the shameless product placement movies are put through.

In a traditional Hollywood-like business model, income is produce with the sale of theater tickets, digital and physical video copies, licensing to SVOD services and others. The typical scenario for profit distribution will include a Recoupment Waterfall, an accounting technique designed to provide control to the middlemen, hence the manipulation of profit.

For a movie with a hypothetical income of 101,473,573.86 USD, it would look much like this:

Recoupment Waterfall

It takes a few years for the recoupment to be completed, the producers pool is the last to see any income. The producers pool is made not only by producers, but also by some creatives that negotiate a percentage of revenue, such as directors, writers, actors and others.

Every deal is unique for each movie, it depends in the names behind the project, but it usually respects the presented figures.


Remember we mention Filmgrid wanted to disrupt the industry? We meant everything about it. We come up with an innovative business model, cutting out intermediaries, aiming for the moviemaker to be the one who make the most profit.

Now, before any greedy thoughts, let's consider that this brings the opportunity to dramatically lower down the cost for the viewer, increasing volume sales.

In our proposed business model, we have three income sources within the same platform: Premiere sale,Screening sale and Home Cinema sale.

In either case, Creative Users members of the Creative Team begin to receive income from the first sale. The decentralized application and the smart contracts will take care of all the automated operations and income distribution, respecting the configuration from the team registration.

We have now the opportunity to offer the users, international movies at an accessible price for almost anyone; and at the same time, a fair alternative to movie makers. The suggested prices for each sale option are:


With these prices and using the types of income of the typical scenario, we can run our hypothetical case, for the same movie, using Filmgrid.

Recoupment Waterfall

Even though the total income was dramatically less than in a typical scenario, the revenue received by the Creative Market was bigger.

Note. To have a better detail of the scenarios, figures and pricing methods, please read the whitepaper.

Author: Yuni comel

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