kolbak pute


WHAT IS THE FILES. FM LIBRARY? Library  is a blockchain-based hybrid data library created and managed by the community and supported by direct micropayment, token incentives, shared traffic and storage. The library seeks to provide space and markets for its users where they can upload their files for future preservation.

The library  will be created by combining technology and best practices from a centralized and decentralized world. Both types of networks have advantages and disadvantages, so will combine both to limit their weaknesses and highlight their facilities.

Bittorrent and other decentralized P2P networks are known to be not very reliable, because any file can become inaccessible at any time and the user interface is usually lacking. While the classic centralized client-server architecture has scalability problems – because the number of users increases, the speed drops but service costs increase. How does Blockchain work?

Through this platform, developers can connect their applications with other applications running on the network to open extraordinary functions. Technology is used to build distributed systems, allowing participants to share functions and data. This platform enables distributed cryptosystems, storage and dynamic computing as well as collaboration between many nodes to efficiently provide and enable capabilities in any work domain. The use of virtual friends computer models also allows organizations to deploy services and applications with zero application costs.

When users deploy applications to the network, the application is immediately created globally using decentralized technology to transfer files and business logic. When developers use the store, they can make money without intermediaries.

Benefits of

  • Platform allows developers to build rich and rich cross platform applications.
  • This platform allows zero usage costs for existing infrastructure.
  • This network provides peer-to-peer networks and server to server.
  • The core application built in a friend’s workspace allows users to design and use their cloud infrastructure.
  • Components have been tested by the user.

This time I will review the project called Remember all the things I wrote in this article are purely from my own observations. I will give values ​​ranging from 1 to 10, There are several categories that will be my assessment starting from;

style = “text-align: center;”>  FILES. FM PROJECT REVIEW 

  1. Concept (9) 

With only $ 1 or the equivalent of 100 FFM tokens we can get additional capacity for online storage for life, isn’t that cheap? And that is only one of the many benefits of this project. is a semi-decentralized online hydrid storage project that offers unlimited storage and speed. Everyone who contributes to the .fm file will get its own benefits. Volunteers will get free tokens and users will also get benefits.

Although this is not the first project that has a decentralized storage concept but brings something new. before starting this project they were also active as an online storage service company. so this project of course has an experienced team. Looking at these facts, I give 9 values ​​for this category.

  1. Duration (7) 

I think the information I got, the ICO roadmap of their files. I will end Q1 2019. And if you look at the presales website they will start on February 1, 2019. So there will still be more than 4 months until the ICO project ends. Seeing all this, we can conclude that their project is projected for 2019. There is still time to prepare if you want to participate in this project.

Then what about the value of this category? if we overlay this ico preparation time and only see how long their ICO is done, we can conclude whether their duration has good value or not.

I personally give a value of 7 for this category. the reason is because I can’t find detailed information about when their ico ends. I only read it from the road map, which is Q1 2019 (January-April). If we assume their ico will end in the final Q1 phase, that means their ico will be arrested until April.

  1. Popularity (10) 

The way I observe whether a project is popular or not is to look at their telegram group and also the number of visitors from their website in a direct way. Many say the project is popular, judging by how big their ICO opinion is. But in my opinion that is not enough because the number of website visitors, members of the telegram chat group, and followers of their social media accounts must also be considered. You might be suspicious if a project gets a large income from ICO but the number of visitors to the website is very small. Project developers could fake their income or more. therefore, I gather some information, you can check what I found below.

  • The number of members in the official telegram group of is 26262 members.
  • The twitter account already has 2,430 followers.
  • Facebook Fanpage has been liked by 7560 people.
  • Visitors per day on their official website “” have reached 33,737 with Pageviews 74332 per day. You can see here for more details  here  .
  • Alexa Rank for Global their website 14126, Details  here

Conclusion:  For the popularity of it seems we don’t need to hesitate anymore. they have a high number of website visitors 33737 per Alexa day rank below 15,000, this ranking is already high. This is normal because is a company that has long existed. So it’s not strange if they have many users. For their own social media accounts, it seems they have just succeeded, this can be seen from the number of followers they have. But I am sure this number will continue to grow every day. Seeing all the evidence I gathered, I did not hesitate to give a perfect score (10) for this category. and maybe this new project, is the only one I have given the highest value for this category now.

  1. Website and Whitepaper Details (7) 

Website:  I like the look of their website, the color but not striking. And it looks like the token sales site is put together with their main website. we can see it from the initial view. On their website there is a countdown timer that shows when their presales will start. But there is no information about when their ICO will start and when it will end. The only information that can be a reference is from the road map, which explains their ico will end in Q1 2019 without a specific date. And I think this is one of my concerns.

Whitepaper:  A 58-page whitepaper. I thought the information I needed was there. But unfortunately it doesn’t exist. They also did not explain information about ICO details in their whitepaper. whether it was intentional or not. What is clear is that these shortcomings must be corrected as soon as possible. However, I still appreciate their whitepaper.

For this category I give a value of 7, with the reason I explained above.

  1. Project Development (8) 

This may only be the initial stage but I see them developing very fast. Even though before the project began, their platform already existed. But not with the library feature, library services are still in the Beta stage. To try another version, you must buy their token first in presales later. This means that currently the beta version of the library cannot be tried. For this category, I gave 8 reasons because even though it was only the initial stage, they were able to show very positive developments.

Advantages of

In my opinion, from the solutions offered, it is clear what benefits community members and writers get.

The advantage of community members is that they receive remuneration for doing work that is useful for storing digital inheritance for internet users now and in the future, while writers will receive prizes for their work or work. This reward is usually in the form of tokens paid by the company.

In addition, is also committed so that internet users can access useful and free content that is useful in an easy and legal way.


Projects with the concept of online storage are rare. The last time I saw a project like this was the Siacoin project. Despite having the same concept, the two projects are very different. So is an unusual project.

I have also tried their online storage platform, the first time I uploaded photos on The user interface of the platform is very easy to use.

More about the project

Total Token Supply: 10,000,000,000

Public & Private Sales: 2,000,000,000

Limited Supply: Yes

Soft Cap: $ 3.000.000

Min Cap – first round: $ 10,000,000

Hard Cap: $ 20.000.000

Symbol: FFL

Type: ERC777 / ERC20

Starting price per Token: $ 0.01

ICO (FFM Token) Library


Symbol Library: FFM  

Platform: Ethereum  

Supply: 10,000,000,000 FFM  

Price: 1 FFM = 0.01 USD  

Softcap: $ 3,000,000 USD  

Hardcap: $ 20,000,000 USD  

ICO Date: November 26 2018 – February 25 2019


For more detailed information, you can visit the official website and social media below:


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