Alpha Private

1. What experience do I need to start earning?
In our channel, there are very easy schemes with the help of which, even the most inexperienced person can start earning.

2. How much should I invest to start working?
The minimum investment is $ 20.

3. Why are you selling this?
We are honest with our subscribers. We earn on our channels by selling access to them.
In return, we are engaged in filling and updating schemes in our channels.
Also, we work through all the schemes indicated in the channels and therefore put out only working ones.

4. If I cannot earn, will you return the money?
We believe that who is ready to learn something new and work, he will definitely be able to earn.
Also, all the schemes have been personally tested by us, any scheme can bring money. Therefore, no refund is provided.

5. How much can I earn?
Any member of our channel can earn a virtually unlimited amount of money.
It all depends on his diligence and patience, on average, our subscribers earn from $ 100 a day.
Work about 3-4 hours a day sitting at home or for example in a cafe.

6. Is it legal?
How to apply a purchased hammer, the personal choice of each. You can build a house or you can kill a man.

7. How to observe digital hygiene?
To ensure the safety and anonymity of our subscribers, we give access to the channel related to security on the net. 
It details the specific steps to keep you safe.

8. If I don’t like your channel, how can I get my money back?
When buying access to the channel, you buy not only earning schemes but also knowledge, any knowledge costs money.
We believe that the whole the information presented in the channels is much more expensive than $50.
By this, we are sure that you will not regret about the amount spent.

9. If I can't, who will help me?
All schemes on our channel are designed for experienced and not experienced people, any person can work on them. 
Same each any member of our channel will be able to ask any question in our chat, where them will help and answer any question.

10. What are my earnings built on?
Our cases consist of all types of earnings on the Internet, ranging from sales to the provision of services.

11. Why does it cost $ 50?
$ 50 is the optimal price that you should pay for new knowledge.

12. If for someone it is expensive?
We do not consider this amount big, you can earn them on the very first day of work.

13. How much time should I spend on work?
You can spend on work exactly as much time as you see fit.
You must understand that the more time you spend, the faster and more you earn.

14. Can I combine with the main work?
Yes, moreover, having gained experience, you can completely work online and not go to work.

15. How is the average duration work of your cases?
All the schemes have been worked out by us in such a way that they work without changes in the methods for more than 6 months after the publication on the channel.

16. How often do new cases come out?
Every 2 weeks.

17. How is case performance confirmed?
All the above schemes are personally tested and refined by us, this is done so that any subscriber would on our channel was able to earn. 
It is much more profitable than trying untested earnings schemes from free access.

18. Where can I see feedback from participants?
All the reviews you can read on the forums where you saw the ad.
In the topic of our project written reviews by our subscribers.

19. What do you need to start?
To work online, you need access to the Internet and a computer.

20. How do I pay for access?
Please contact in Telegram: @alphaprivate
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