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A Wife and Mother OFFTOPIC discussion

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Start date

Mar 21, 2022

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How can you discuss a game while also being offtopic in relation to said game?

How can you discuss a game while also being offtopic in relation to said game?

danken , dobzzz , bolabola and 3 others

Do you think "that dev" , not to be confused with L&P, who makes "that game" , not to be confused with AWAM, will release another teaser?
I didn't think that because of my theory I would destroy the forum, forgive me, I didn't know that I could destroy reality because of how much I foresaw the events of the future

Do you think "that dev" , not to be confused with L&P, who makes "that game" , not to be confused with AWAM, will release another teaser?

This game seems to be getting more popular than what I was expecting sadly.
I was waiting for it to finish before jumping in again, but I guess now it has reached the annoyingly popular level so it will never finish.

nexer You old git How are you doing

What do you think? From very good upwards

globsis , keefer43 and nexer

Just to hear you sweat sexy voice and kiss your shell like ears

That's so sweet what you said.
Something's happen? What's wrong with you?

keefer43 , NllyPoP and nexer

I didn't think that because of my theory I would destroy the forum, forgive me, I didn't know that I could destroy reality because of how much I foresaw the events of the future

Haven't been here for a few days, what happened?
And the original is locked again already? Looks like it was up for a whole 40 minutes.
The worst I saw was a few people questioning lack of progress on the animations, and it is closed again.

The worst I saw was a few people questioning lack of progress on the animations, and it is closed again.



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A Wife and Mother OFFTOPIC discussion

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Start date

Mar 21, 2022

Been taking a break from AWAM related stuff for a couple weeks...uhm... Is L&P seriously reworking early ingame days now? Does this process add another year to the development of PD13, or what's the deal here?

Someone probably shared this Patreon post, but I can't seem to find it.

Been taking a break from AWAM related stuff for a couple weeks...uhm... Is L&P seriously reworking early ingame days now? Does this process add another year to the development of PD13, or what's the deal here?

Someone probably shared this Patreon post, but I can't seem to find it.He wants to attract new patrons

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You must be registered to see the links

kk "Okay, what should I wear?"
kk "God, I hate going to dinner with that bastard!"
kk "[harry] wrote that this is a fancy restaurant where you have to dress fancy and rich."
kk "Let's see..."
kk "That should be enough. It's more than fancy and rich for this asshole! Even more than he deserves!"
"Upon arriving at the restaurant, [kate] asked the hostess about the table and she told her that she was already expected."
harry "You're punctual! I like that!"
harry "And wow, you look stunning! You even wore a sexy dress like I asked you to. It wasn't necessary, but I appreciated your effort! Huh."
k "That's right! I had to urgently dress up for a man I barely know, who has put my boyfriend in an extreme predicament, which will consequently jeopardize our entire life together."
k "And who blackmails me with questionable dates to allow me to participate in a contest whose prize is, by some incredible coincidence, exactly the same amount he asked for as compensation!"
k "And he is also the head of the jury there."
harry "Ah, what could be better than a little sarcasm as a greeting...!"
"[harry] pulled up a chair so [kate] could sit down comfortably. And sat down at the table himself."
harry "How do you like it here?"
harry "To get a table here, regular mortals have to reserve it months in advance! But that doesn't apply to me!"
k "Under other circumstances, I'd be glad of course. But right now it's the least important thing that could be for me!"
harry "Well, since I came 15 minutes ago, I took the liberty of ordering food for us already."
harry "And a bottle of wine, of course."
k "I don't care."
harry "How did your boyfriend react to our date?"
k "Wait, first of all, it's not a date! It's just a business dinner that doesn't go on!"
k "And second of all... what do you care how my boyfriend reacted?"
harry "So you didn't tell him anything."
harry "Oh naughty girl!"
k "Why naughty?"
harry "Never mind!"
harry "I ordered the most expensive wine for us. Your boyfriend, would have had to work for years to taste it."
k "Thanks, but I'm not thirsty!"
harry "I insist!"
harryp "The illusion of choice is all you have. Don't be mistaken about yourself."
harry "So, what shall we drink to?"
k "Come on, to the evil and rich manipulators who blackmail ordinary people while they just want to live their lives in peace?"
"Hey, I'm not blackmailing you?! You can leave at any time!"
harry "Your boyfriend got charges that were fair."
harry "Or are you telling me he didn't hit me then?"
kk "I think I have to be a little softer if I want to solve this problem. Otherwise, why am I here?"
harry "It's really just a place to meet you. Outside of work, where we can just get to know each other better."
harry "We're also sitting in one of the most expensive restaurants in town! Others are just dreaming of getting here, and you're already here."
"A girl like you belongs here. Not among the rabble."
"You're like a diamond in a pile of glass."
"[harry] started showering compliments on [kate] and for a while she was even intoxicated by them."
"[kate] finished her glass."
kk "I have to come to my senses. He's complimenting me on purpose to throw me off."
k "Thanks for the compliments, but when are we finally going to talk business?"
harry "Patience, [kate]. I really like you and everything I'm saying to you now is not to confuse you."
kk "Is he reading my mind?"
harry "Well first of all, I have a little condition for this evening! And if you submit, I can take that as meaning you deserve my forgiveness!"
k "What's the other condition?"
harry "All right, let's get on with it!"
harry "So... I'm willing to accept your apology for my boyfriend and you... only if you get rid of your panties right now!"
k "What???"
harry "We still have some time before dinner is served."
harry "So, I want you to take your panties off now and put them on the table."
k "Are you out of your mind? Asking me to do that?!"
harry "Well actually I'm not asking, I'm demanding! It's the only thing you can do today to earn my forgiveness!"
harry "Relax, who's gonna know?"
harry "Whether you wear panties or not, no one here cares!"
k "That's not the point!"
k "Asking someone to do something like that is just outrageous!"
k "Besides, I don't understand why you need it at all!"
k "And how does that help me earn your forgiveness?"
harry "I just like the idea of talking to you and knowing that you're not wearing anything there in a crowded restaurant!"
k "You're an asshole, you know that?"
k "I've never done anything like that!"
harry "I don't think you have much time left. The food will be coming soon, and the waiters will be coming up to us more often to change dishes."
harry "Of course you can do nothing, get up and go home."
harry "But then your boyfriend would still be under investigation and you'd rob him of his only chance at a free life."
k "Just unbelievable! You're brazenly blackmailing, you're not even trying to hide it."
harry "Come on, don't be like that!"
harry "No one will know about this!"
k "What if I say I'm already without panties?"
harry "Come on, are you that naive to trick me?"
harry "I wouldn't believe a modest girl like you would go to a fancy restaurant without her panties on!"
harry "Well if you insist, we can go to my place after dinner and you can prove me wrong. And you're not a little liar."
kk "What a bastard! What the hell am I supposed to do?"
kk "As nasty as it is, you have to admit that he's right, most likely no one will notice it."
menu panties_off_harry_rest :
"Take your panties off" :
if slut >= 8 :
$ slut += 1
k "[kate] sighs heavily."
k "Shit, okay!"
k "I'll go to the ladies' room now."
harry "No, I want you to do it right here!"
k "Are you crazy? Someone might notice that!"
harry "Not if you do it carefully! I know you can do it!"
harry "Do as you're told and all will be well."
kk "What a freak! But like I have a choice..."
k "Okay, then I'm going to need another glass of that expensive wine."
harry "As you wish."
"[harry] poured a glass of wine [kate]"
kk "What a freak! How did I ever get myself into this situation?"
harry "The waiters will bring the food any moment now. I'd hurry up if I were you!"
"[kate] looked around a bit."
"No one seemed to be looking in their direction. Everyone was absorbed in eating their food and paying attention to each other."
kk "Okay, let's just do it!"
kk "I can't believe I'm doing this!"
k "Are you satisfied?"
harry "That was hot!"
k "I hope you choke on your grin!"
k "Now I have to put them in my purse right away."
harry "No! Now put them on the table. Right there."
"[harry] points to a spot in the middle of the table."
k "What? We didn't discuss that!"
harry "Come on, what have you got to lose? You've already taken them off."
k "Asshole!"
"[kate] quietly pulled her hand toward [harry1]. She clenched her panties hard in her fist so nothing would stick out."
kk "He just wants to humiliate me more."
k "I hope that's it. Pervert."
k "What the hell are you doing? We have a waiter coming!"
harry "Relax, that's it now."
k "What are you doing?"
harry "This will be my trophy in defeating you."
"[harry] quickly put [kate] panties in his pocket."
else :
kk "No, I'm not going to let him take over again. I didn't even see him do it. Again..."
kk "Okay, that's it. This is disgusting."
k "I tried to be nice, but this is too much!"
k "We'll find another way to solve this problem!"
harry "Well, whatever you say. It's your choice! And there won't be a next time!"
"[kate] got up and left the restaurant, leaving [harry] with nothing."
jump evening_flat_kira2

"Don't take your panties off" :
kk "No, I'm not going to let him take over again. I didn't even see him do it. Again..."
k "Okay, that's it. This is disgusting."
k "I tried to be nice, but this is too much!"
k "We'll find another way to solve this problem!"
harry "Well, whatever you say. It's your choice! And there won't be a next time!"
"[kate] got up and left the restaurant, leaving [harry] with nothing."
jump evening_flat_kira2
"A minute later, the dishes arrived."
"It was the first time she had been without her underwear in a public place."
"No bodice is worn with this dress, and the panties were stolen by [harry]. She wasn't wearing anything else besides the dress."
"The feeling of being completely naked never left her. It seemed like everyone knew about it."
"And everyone is now sitting at their tables discussing what she's like."
harry "And? Don't you feel a little more... free?"
k "I don't feel comfortable."
harry "You have to admit it was kind of fun. The adrenaline! Emotions!"
harry "I'm sure you enjoyed it. Maybe you haven't realized it yet, but you loved it."
k "You're wrong..."
harry "You can lie to me, but I'm sure you're already wet between your legs."
kk "[kate] didn't even realize it right away, but now that [harry1] pointed it out. She really felt that she was getting wet underneath."
k "You're wrong, if only in your dreams!"
harry "So, how are you and [archie] doing? Have you told him you don't want him yet?"
k "And how's your love life going? Oh yeah, you're single. I guess nobody ever loved you."
harry "I'm not complaining or looking for love. I have enough women. I can have any."
harry "But there will always be a place for you in my life."
k "I'm not interested."
harry "Who knows? Maybe you'll change your mind tonight!"
k "Yeah, keep dreaming!"
harry "Yeah, you're here for your non-visible [archie]."
k "Of course, that's the main reason!"
harry "You think I'll leave you even if you pay the money and [archie] is released from the investigation?"
k "Look, I don't want to hurt you or hurt your feelings."
k "All I care about is participating in this contest. You offered it to me and said you'd help."
k "And that's what we should be talking about now, not how many women you've been in bed with!"
harry "Let's eat first. We still have time."
k "You said you wouldn't leave me alone. What do you want [harry]?"
harry "Okay, you want to get right to the point. Come on!"
harry "I'll be honest with you. I find you irresistible and I'm sexually attracted to you! Very attracted."
harry "Honestly, I've never been more attracted to anyone than you."
harry "You could go the hard way and try your luck in a contest or find money somewhere else."
harry "Or..."
k "Or?"
harry "I want to spend one night with you!"
"It took [kate] breath away."
k "I hope you mean something like going to the movies!"
harry "No, I mean I want to have sex with you!"
k "Are you sick? What are you talking about?"
harry "No, listen. Just one night! That's all I ask."
harry "Just one night and no problem. I promise I'll take my statement from the police and never bother you again."
k "This is sexual blackmail! I can report it to the police, you understand that, don't you!"
harry "And who's going to believe that? Your word against mine!"
harry "The police will do as I tell them."
harry "And believe me, you won't regret it! It's a great deal."
harry "I'll make you feel things you'll never feel with your [archie]! It'll be a win-win situation!"
harry "We can do it tonight right after dinner. And it'll all be over."
k "Are you crazy?! That's out of the question!!!"
k "On no terms, I will not have sex with you!!!"
k "Of all the options tonight, I couldn't even imagine you offering me that!"
harry "Well, it might not happen tonight."
harry "Go home and think about my offer."
harry "The audition is next week. You'll have time to think about it while we work on your performance. But no later than contest day."
k "There's nothing to think about and decide!"
k "I can't even imagine it!"
harry "Well, the offer still stands. I'll see you at the audition."
"[kate] got up and left the restaurant completely upset and without panties."

Sabertooth__ , nexer and ancienregimele

kk "Okay, w
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