F-16 With Boobs

F-16 With Boobs


F-16 With Boobs
By Felicia Sabartinelli Published: Apr 7, 2016
People would suggest I get a boob job. But as tempting as it was, I knew I had to love me the way I was.
I’m Felicia Sabartinelli, Colorado actress, artist and writer. You can call me ‘Fe’ but please don’t call me ‘Bye, Felicia’. In my spare time, I enjoy writing my online poetry series, Bedside Photos. I also like brunette men and breakfast foods. Learn more about me @ www.feliciasabartinelli.com
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Today, I know that even if my chest had never grown, I would be alright with it.
My great aunt bought me my first bra when I was 11. She gave it to me on my birthday, when I definitely didn't need a bra. All I wanted was my very own set of breasts. I think I believed that a bra would magically make my boobs suddenly appear – and that I would finally be a woman. That definitely did not happen.
I barely fit an A-cup in high school. I used to wish on every star I saw in the sky that I would be blessed with an ample chest, that I could fill out a shirt without two spare pieces of fabric hanging over where my breasts were meant to be. I wanted boobs so badly that I started referring to them as my "hope chest," because I thought if I hoped hard enough they would suddenly just blossom.
While in high school, I realized quickly how flat I was in comparison to my girlfriends. Also, I couldn't escape the pressure I felt from seeing other teenage girls in magazines, TV shows and movies. I sure as hell didn't look like most of them . I looked much younger – especially physically. Every time I complained, my grandma would remind me, "Mine never came in until I was in my 30s." Well, her chest was huge, so I had to have hope, right?
As time went on, I remained confident but still a bit envious, feeling left out whenever my friends were having conversations that I couldn't be a part of. They'd say things like, "I can't run, it huuuurts !" I wanted to know that feeling! (It also sounded like a great excuse to get out of gym). Even complaints like, "I can't sleep on my stomach anymore…" and "He wouldn't stop staring at my boobs" made me – you guessed it – want boobs.
I would make jokes about my flat chest, putting balloons up my shirt during sleepovers to make my friends laugh. I figured I should make fun of myself, rather than feeling sorry about something that I had literally no control over.
But by the time I started college, I was actively trying to come to terms with my little knockers. I learned how to accentuate my other physical attributes. I had nice eyes and hair, and I had a great butt – but I still wished I had boobs. 
Sometimes, people would suggest I get a boob job. There was this idea that surgery would 'complete' my body somehow. That I would be 'sexier' or more 'womanly.' But as tempting as it was, I knew I had to love me the way I was. Even though I wanted boobs so badly, I just never saw that as an option for me. 
So, I learned to take all the confidence I had and found a way to be fully happy with my body. I decided to wear cute tops confidently. I didn't stress about wearing padded bras. In fact, sometimes I didn't even wear a bra! And then something great started to happen: I started to forget all about not having boobs. It was no longer an issue.
Then one day, or gradually, things changed. It seemed to just happen. I noticed little gaps between the buttons of my button-up shirts. I noticed a nice shadow effect happening at the top of my chest, a rounding out – something I had never seen before. Then I noticed that they were jiggling a little as I walked. I yelled to my roommate, "OMG, They jiggle! They jiggle while I jump!"
They continued to grow. It wasn't really attributed to weight gain, either. I started out as a 32A and suddenly was a 32B. And eventually, after a few years, I became a C-cup.
Suddenly, I knew the feeling when guys stared at my chest – and, yes, it quickly became annoying. Since I had glorified boobs for so long, I also started to notice that having them wasn't very different at all. 
Sure, having a body part that society glorifies is fun for a while, but then you start to realize that it doesn't really fix or change anything. Today, I know that even if my chest had never grown, I would be alright with it.
It's a beautiful thing to have experienced both sides, to completely understand what it's like to have and have not. Not once did I ever consider plastic surgery. I never wore heavily padded bras. Even if I never had that late growth spurt, I think I would be just as confident today. 
And you know what else I realized? It never mattered how flat or full my chest was. I should have never relied on something so insignificant to make me feel like 'more' or 'less' of a woman. It never provided me more or less opportunities. It didn't make me any more or less attractive. It didn't make me more or less capable.
You are damn sexy – no matter what size breasts you have. If you want plastic surgery, go for it. If you prefer to rock your chest au natural, at any size, go for it. You do you. The rest will always fall into place.
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Eat healthy fats. Breasts are made of fatty, adipose tissue, so they will not appear until you have gained body fat. Monounsaturated fats are the best choices for increasing breast size. Healthy fats include olive oil , nuts, cheese, avocados, yogurt , and granola . [1]
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Women who have less than 17 percent body fat may stop ovulating and menstruation. If you have already gone through puberty, but you are not having regular periods, then raising your body fat in a healthy way will help you to grow breasts and return to normal menstruation and ovulation.
Avoid other fats that are unhealthy, like trans fats and saturated fats from fast food and processed food sources. These fats usually end up collecting on areas of the body that women want to avoid being fuller, such as thighs, hips, and the stomach. They can also cause other health problems, including high cholesterol . [2]
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Refrain from consuming processed foods, sugars, and sodas which may help you put on weight but will certainly lead to other unhealthy conditions.


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Eat estrogen-rich foods. Estrogen is a potent female sex hormone, which at its proper levels can aid breast growth. Good sources of natural estrogen include pumpkin, garlic, red beans, lima beans , chick peas, eggplant , flax seeds, and squash. [3]
Research source

Increase your consumption of soy products. Soy products are high in isoflavones, which can help the body increase its own estrogen levels and promote breast growth. Soy is also rich in protein and can help build and repair damaged tissues in the body. Try soy milk , soy nut butter, etc., to see results. [4]
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Avoid food rich in testosterone. Testosterone is the male equivalent of estrogen which decreases breast growth. Avoid carb-rich foods such as chips, crackers, white rice and baked goods to minimize the production of testosterone in your body. [5]
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Anabolic steroid use will have a similar effect to testosterone on breast growth as well.


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Eat protein. Protein is one of the best ways to make your breasts grow. Try drinking more milk, and eating more eggs, peanut butter, lean fish, chicken and nuts. In any case, you should be trying to eat a well-balanced diet irrespective of whether or not you are trying to make your breast grow faster.
If you eat more protein, your curves will be softer and round out nicely. [6]
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Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables help regulate testosterone levels in the body, while the anthocyanins and antioxidants in them further help build healthy tissue and protect against damage from free radicals. Make sure you're getting a minimum of four servings a day. [7]
Research source

Berries, like blueberries , are a good choice because they're high in antioxidants.
Dates, cherries, apples and plums should be included in your meals because they have more estrogen than other foods. [8]
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Drink a mixture of papaya juice and milk every day. Although it is not extensive or well done, some research has shown that one of the best to improve breast growth is to drink a mixture of papaya juice and milk. Nutrients and vitamins found in these two ingredients help plump your breasts as long as you drink the mixture routinely. [9]
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Alternatively you can also eat fresh papaya in lieu of the juice.


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Do yoga or pilates . These exercise programs strengthen your core and in turn require significant strength in your chest. Often you are working with your pectoral muscles, the chest muscles under the breast. As those muscles are strengthened, through poses like chaturanga in classical yoga, the breasts will have enhanced size and shape.


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Do chest presses. Grab 5 lb (2.2kg) weights in each hand. Set them aside on your exercise mat as you lower yourself onto your back. You can also use a weight bench for this exercise.

Bend your knees and contract your abdominal muscle deeply.
Grab a weight in each hand. Raise your hands directly over your shoulders. Your palms should face each other when they are in the air.
Lower your arms down slowly until your elbows touch the floor beside your waist.
Pause and lift them slowly. Repeat 12 times. Do 3 sets of 12 with 30 second resting periods in between.
Switch the position of your hands so that the palms face your feet and repeat the exercise. You can also use a 10 lb. (4.5) weight bar for this version.


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Do chest contractions. Stand with your feet hip width apart. Grasp the ends of a hand towel with a hand on each end. Hold your arms out straight in front of you. Contract your abdominal muscles and try to pull the towel in opposite directions with each hand. Pretend you are playing tug of war. Hold the contraction for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
Increase the amount of time you contract your muscles every other day.


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Do chest flys. Find a weight bench that you can set at an incline. You can also use a chair that inclines, as long as it gives firm support. Grab 2 5 lb. (2.2kg) weights. Lay back on the incline.

With a weight in each hand, extend your upper arms parallel from your shoulders. Your palms should face toward your lower body, rather than toward each other.
Lift the weights until they almost touch in front of your chest. Pause and slowly lower them to the original position.
Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.


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Do chair lifts. This will tone and strengthen the arms, chest and shoulders while also enhancing the size and appearance of the breasts.

Back up to a stable chair. Squat down with your feet slightly out in front of your knees and reach back with your arms to grab the arm rest or seat of the chair.
Lower your torso down slowly without going past 90 degrees of elbow bend. Then push yourself back up.
Repeat 10 times, then break, and do two more sets of 10.


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Do pushups . Pushups will help strengthen your pectoral muscles, those muscles under your breasts, which in turn will give the breasts an enhanced firmness. Pushups are also just excellent exercise for overall physical fitness and strength. [10]
Research source

Lay down on your stomach on an exercise mat. Place your arms right below your shoulders.
Press yourself up into a plank position. Your weight should rest on your hands and feet, with
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