Ezee Stock Selection Filter for Manual traders

Ezee Stock Selection Filter for Manual traders


An article by, www.ezeetrading.in (Committed with developing amazing algos to empower retail traders and investor.)

Who can benefit from this ?

1) Manual Traders, who want to have an edge in market.

2) Auto traders, who want to increase accuracy of their existing strategies. This might be that one thing that you might be looking for.

3) Stock Market Portfolio managers, who manages other clients.

4) Stock Trading brokers / firms.

Many Manual Traders find it difficult to sustain in Market for more than 90 days.

Why does this happen...?

Some of the Reasons are:

1) Lack of knowledge of Market.

2) No Edge in Market.

3) No time and money spent on learning Robust Market Edge.

4) Rely on Tip Providers.

5) No practice.

6) No confidence on Strategy.

7) And many more.

We have received many requests in past years where many novice traders/investors wanted to learn some good reliable techniques to overcome the initial challenge that new traders face.

For the sake of understanding how this technique works, we shall see step by step how this technique improves the trades accuracy and to what extent. And see that how much reliable it can be. We will see how to get below PNL Curve using very simple technique...

Step 1: Benchmark (Without using this Filter)

For comparison purpose, we assume that if you would have traded without using this Filter, in all the FNO stocks, using some publicly available youtube strategies.

Then your returns graph would look something like below:

Without using this Filter

This is the returns since 2015, if this filter is not used. One can see lots of ups and downs in returns. Also the end returns is falling downwards. If you trade like this, you will definitely loose money.

Step 2: Using Filter with Score > 5

When we apply this simple filter, and traded in only stocks for which Score generated for that day is more than 5, then the over returns is much better than the one without using the filter. Not only the number of trades reduced, the per trade returns has also increased. But wait, its not so good yet. Lets now be slightly more selective in stocks.

Step 3: Using Filter with Score > 10

When we selected only those stocks to trade, where Score of the stock for that day came to be more than 10, the returns has become very smooth. The number of trades has also reduced and per trade average return has also increased considerably.

Below is a brief performance improvement chart for this filter.

The better is the Score of the stock using this filter rule, the better is the accuracy of the trades. We can see that the average return increased from 0.03% per trade to 0.26% per trade using such a simple filter. When clubbed with other good marketing edge, this filter makes wonders and accuracy is even more. This is a technique, which every trader who want to be successful in market should be aware of.

My friend asked me to keep the fees reasonable, so have come up with a fees of Rs 4999/- for teaching this strategy to anyone interested in learning a good way to improve accuracy in trading.

PayTM Payment link to get access of Step by Step Strategy Development training Video:

Pay Here

Note: Those who Enroll till 27th Oct 2019, will also get complementary Free Scanner that further makes using the Strategy even Simpler and Smarter.

I have decided to teach this technique to limited number of followers so that the technique remains within few of us. We may stop teaching this any moment.

Extra Notes:

The best part of using this filter is the control one has in deciding the number of trades and accuracy of the trades. As per the comfort level one can select the Score threshold for stock selection. e.g. If you want to just use this filter without clubbing it with any other strategies, i would recommend using Score > 20 as a good configuration.

And suppose you want to club this filter with some other strategies, you can select Score > 10 , so that there are sufficient number of trades available for applying the next strategy for filtration.

What i like the most about this filter is that it works very well with almost all the other strategies. I am passionate about markets and i keep receiving new strategies from my followers, and like to put them under test in my paper trading tool, which tests more than 85 strategies on daily basis in live markets. When i tried to evaluate the paper trading results of all those strategies with and without applying this filter, i have seen improvements in the returns in almost all of those strategies. This further makes me confident about the robustness of this Filter.

Contact Us:

Interested candidates may contact us on

1) www.ezeetrading.in

2) or message on Telegram id @RoboTraderIndia for a quick chat.

All the very Best and Happy Trading...! :-)

Who can benefit from this :

1) Manual Traders, who want to have an edge in market.

2) Auto traders, who want to increase accuracy of their existing strategies. This might be that one thing that you might be looking for.

3) Stock Market Portfolio managers, who manages other clients.

4) Stock Trading brokers / firms.

For getting this Step by Step Strategy Development training Video(3 videos):

Pay Here

An article by, www.ezeetrading.in (Committed with developing amazing algos to empower retail traders and investor.)

Note: Past Performance does not guarantee Future Returns. Please do your own due diligence before you make any Trading and Investment decisions. Technical analysis can predict future prices of financial instruments only with certain level of accuracy. Therefore, before taking any financial decision, you are requested to consult your financial adviser.

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