Extremely Long Labia

Extremely Long Labia


Extremely Long Labia

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This lesbian wants you to know having a ‘large vulva’ is nothing to be ashamed of




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Jess Greenash has a "large vulva" (Instagram/@thecrudevegan)
Jess Greenash has a “large vulva” and says her labia is “a lot longer than anybody else’s that I’ve seen”.
She struggles to fit into size 10 jeans because, she says: “My flaps are too big.”
“I never wear jeans due to the huge discomfort my flaps experience,” the 24-year-old explains.
“There’s never enough space and it feels like my lips are going to fall off.”
Growing up, she struggled to accept the shape of her vulva, especially as she began to compare herself to women in porn who have “very tight, neat, tucked-in vaginas”.
Greenash believes the idea of having a ‘designer vagina’ puts people under pressure and gives them a complex about what their bodies are meant to look like.
She noticed from a very young age that her body was not like everybody else’s and online pornography added to the shame she felt.
“I have bigger labia – she’s more meaty,” Jess explains.
She now shares her experiences of having a “large vulva” as a YouTuber, The Crude Vegan, to help others accept their body.
Encouraging people to talk more openly about discharge, periods and different body types, Jess hopes to break down stigma through body positivity .
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Greenash was very conscious about her vulva but realising she was a lesbian and dating other women was a turning point that helped her embrace her body.
“Prior to ever having sex I was very conscious about it,” she tells PinkNews .
“But I found that when I started to be with women, I started to feel a lot more confident and comfortable with myself.
“I got to experience other vulvas and they told me that everything was perfect.”
Since dating women, Jess’ relationship with her vulva is “a lot stronger”.
She is now in a long-term relationship with her partner and wants to break the taboo around vulvas as “it’s never spoken about”.
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body positivity ,

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Sexual practices vary per culture, even from tribe to tribe. Some practices are harmful, others are intriguing. How does Valentine respond to elongating the labia?
‘My friend has grown up in Kenya and currently lives in Uganda with the Buganda tribe and is about to get married. She realized that all women enlarge their labia with local medicine until it covers the whole private area. The reason is said to be to give more pleasure to the man. Is this really true? Do men in Uganda only love women with elongated labia?’
Well to start with, I wish ‘she’ had written to me instead of you, a very concerned friend.
So let’s look at your ‘friend’s’ issue. She is about to marry a Buganda man and she is wondering whether he will love her with her short, boring, non-pleasuring natural labia ? The kind of labia that has literally brought pleasure to billions of men on the planet. Well, frankly, only he can answer that, but I think a proposal and intent to marry might mean he cares for her, no?
Another thing is that the Buganda have done this for years, but I do not know that it actually enhances male pleasure during sex in any measurable way. In fact, what I have heard is that the process of stretching the labia is very enjoyable and it makes young women get used to sexual pleasure at an early age. While women in other cultures are taught not to touch themselves and are shamed if they do, Buganda girls have the opposite experience and this allows them to participate in their sex lives more fully and without shame.
Measuring increased male pleasure in a scientific way would involve having men report how they felt during sex with women with elongated labia as opposed to regular labia, and as you can imagine that is hard to do. Reported sexual pleasure is hard to measure as it is largely influenced by culture.
Many Kikuyu women, for example, find the idea of sex with an uncircumcised man abhorrent and taboo so they might report that the sex was bad even when there might be no real physical difference.
But back to your ‘friend’, is this man asking that she stretch her labia? Is she considering it simply to keep him? I urge that she thinks long and hard about this as it is a permanent change, very much like getting a tattoo of his name on her thigh. She should also consider that all this might not matter to him.
Do you think some cultural practices are outdated? Are there similar or different sexual practices in your tribe? We would really love to hear them on Love Matters Africa and Naija .
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Am Not Asexual Expert But Am Not Asexual Expert But What I Know About The Goodness In Elngenting Is That When The Size Of The Libia Is Increased, The Size Of Entrec To The Vagina Is Reduced Which Increase Presure From Both Side . I Thnk Evryone Knows How Presureble Is To Enter In Avery Tight V And How Boreing Its To Enter Avery Wide V. Elngeting Also Increase Of Contuct Between Man And Woman And The Libia Is One Of The Most Senstive Female Part So All Of This Adds To Umeasureble Presurea.
Thanks for your input Joseph, Thanks for your input Joseph, but elongating the vagina lips does not make the vagina tight. That is up to the vaginal muscles.
May i ask ?is there any May i ask ?is there any medicine used 2 make clitoris alittle bit longer?
Hi there, elongation is done Hi there, elongation is done by physically pulling on the labias. There is no use of medication.
I understand some people… I understand some people somewhere in Rwanda use the Black Jack’s leaves.They Crash the leaves to produce some liquids then the apply to the clit while pulling it outward.
Thank you for your… Thank you for your contribution Walter.
Hi I will like to grow my… Hi I will like to grow my libia using natural herb please help
Hello Aviorda, unfortunately there is no natural herb that we can prescribe for you. Of importance is foreplay and helping your partner know what makes you feels good. check out this article : https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/male-body/forget-size-remember-foreplay
Thank you for your feedback Sheila. Please feel free to look through the site and find other articles that you may find of interest.
cant women without long… cant women without long labia can thy b married n also keep a man???
Hi Anonymous, of course they can and do all the time.
Do they stop at some length… Do they stop at some length or they pull forever
This practice is mostly common among women in their reproductive years. In most women, the labia do become larger during this period. In some communities, girls usually start to stretch their labia from teenage years. 
Pls what can I do to pull… Pls what can I do to pull out my libia I like it when it’s out
So sorry Love Matters cannot help with this. While I respect that this is a personal preference, it is important to think carefully about why you really want to do it. Make sure that you are not doing it for reasons that won’t matter in a few years. All the best in the decision you make. Cheers!
I’m 40 years old want to… I’m 40 years old want to make my labia long and big please help
So sorry Love Matters cannot help with this. While I respect that this is a personal preference, it is important to think carefully about why you really want to do it. Make sure that you are not doing it to fit in or because that is what your partner wants. If you are to do it because you truly prefer an elongated labia, then go for it. All the best in the decision you make. Cheers!
God’s white moral police have got you turning your back on your culture. They hate their labia Minora and pay surgeons to cut them down in size. Also you cannot enjoy masturbation and sexual exploration in your youth white society frowns on it. Most of these white women do not orgasm from intercourse and many have trouble forming intimate relationships with their partners.
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By butterball3315386 | 29 posts, last post over a year ago

Dr Artem Agafonov
answered this
How Unusual Are Asymmetrical or Large Labia? What Can Be Done About Them?

I am really nervous about becoming sexually active with ANY guy because my Labia seem WAAAAYY too long. I feel like they're gona take one look at them and go eewww?? I'm also afraid when a guy goes to finger me, he will get turned off by how much is down there. Seriously my labia, when stretched, is 2 full inches long, on both of them. Now I would think any guy would think thats gross?

HELP ME!! "/

Okay I'm not sure if this will ever be read, but it's worth a shot. :-)

I'm currently 14. And I have had the same problem but with only one inner lip. If you're happy with them being longer, then that's fine, it's YOUR body. :-) If not... read on,
A few months ago I told my Mum how I was feeling, I explained the situation and how it made me feel, it's uncomfortable when I'm on my period, and gets quite cold and moist. She took me to my doctor straight away... I burst into tears when she asked to see my vagina, I wasn't emotionally ready. I knew I would have to show people to get it fixed, but I didn't think I would feel so bad. Last night, I was searching the internet, and it looks like some guys like it, but the majority don't. I personally don't like it on myself. I'm having surgery to trim my labia, my parents have both agreed it's the right thing to do. We're hoping I can get it done when I'm 15 and in the 6 weeks holidays privately, it will have time to heal during the holidays and I think I'll be old enough to cope with it emotionally. By doing this I will feel a lot more confident when I do eventually decide to have sex with the right person.

In my opinion, if it bothers you that much you feel rubbish, get surgery.

hey mine are 2 inch. long is that normal? eh

My labia minora is really long on the left side. It hangs out of my vagina about 2 inches and i can stretch it to 3 and a half inches. I am 15 and I am embarrassed to ask my mom to take me to see someone about it because my right labia is REALLY short. It looks like it isnt there. I don't know what to do...

Im 15 and I have an inch long of both my labia minora and I could stretch both of them. Im insecure too but I try to not feel bad about it. If you already have enough money then you could go and take surgery, if not tell you're parents. Have the courage and tell them, they are your parents afterall. Being shy could bring you nothing.

hello did u have the surgerg i just founf out that i ahve got t to and there is a nothway to get rid it but i carnt found out i dont want to go to my doctor too.

Honey,if your lips down there are bigger,it means u taste damn good dont go to remove them God gave them to u to please some1

In reply to anonymous on 2012-03-28 - click to read

I have an extremely long labia and a very short labia too. One is barely non-existant and never stretches but the other one keeps growing and is now 1.5 inches long when fully stretched :/

Hi do you when you say one labia is longer than the other do you mean one side of your labia minora (inner lips)?

Hi guest. Just like every part of you is slightly different to the next person so is your vagina, what you describe is perfectly normal and it is more the fact that your self conscious about it why you notice it where it really isn't that visible to others.
Don't be ashamed of the way your body has developed be proud that your different :-)

In reply to anonymous on 2012-03-28 - click to read

I'm 16 years old and last year I went to see a doctor about the exact same thing, I was really worried also that it seemed to be thicker on the longer side in certain spots and I thought I had a tumor or something. I think labia don't stop growing until you are around 16/17. But anyway, I went to a doctor with almost the same situation and she told me I was perfectly healthy and normal, you have nothing to worry about

It is not a negative trait at all because some or maybe more than one guy may never touch you down there. You think of it as a blessing because for sure at least a guy who "Loves you" will get to know you very intimately and deeply. It's never gonna be and never was the size of your labia. Nor any other physical trait you have. Imagine how it looks...btw. It does not matter if he is not interested in a loving relationship with you.

I'm 15 and I have this problem too. I tried to tell my mom about the pro
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