Extreme Pleasure Sex Toys

Extreme Pleasure Sex Toys

Silicone is non-porous, which means that it doesn't hold onto bacteria or other germs. That's because silicone isn't porous like other materials (such as TPE, which can harbor bacteria and mold), so you don't have to worry about it getting dirty!Silicone is also hypoallergenic: if you have sensitive skin or allergies, then you may want to avoid some kinds of vibrators made out of TPE/TPR (which can also harbor molds). With vagina vibrator for ladies, there are no worries about allergies or irritation—and they feel amazing on your skin!Another great thing about these toys: they're super easy to clean! Just wash them with warm water and soap before and after every use, or wipe down with rubbing alcohol if you'd rather not use soap (this will keep the toy safe from oils). You could even boil them in hot water for 5 minutes if needed—but most people won't need to go that far!Finally: silicone toys are really soft and comfortable against sensitive parts like nipples or clitorises; this makes using one alone pleasurable but also allows partners who aren't necessarily experienced at using vibrators together explore their limits without any fear of discomfort during penetration.

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