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By Amanda Glenn, CLC . Last Updated May 3, 2022 . Originally Posted May 3, 2022 .
Are you experiencing sore nipples from pumping? Here is what can cause nipple pain, and how to make pumping less painful.
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Below are some common causes of nipple pain while pumping breastmilk.
Many breast pumps are sold with standard 24oz flanges, but you might need bigger or smaller ones to be comfortable.
Here are a couple of guidelines to help you figure out whether your flanges may not be sized correctly:
One important thing that was not obvious to me is that you can have large breasts and still need a small size breast shield, because breast shield size is reflective of your nipple, and not your breast.
Legendairy Milk sells a ruler for flange sizing that you can use to measure your breast shield size – use EPUMP for 15% off .
If you’ve tried a few different breast shield sizes and are still having discomfort, you might do better with breast shields that are a different shape and/or material.
You can use the code EPUMP223 for 10% off LacTeck BabyMotion flanges .
Nipple damage – like a cracked nipple – is often caused by pumping with breast shields that aren’t centered correctly on the nipple.
If you’re able to see the positioning of your breast shields (with some pumps you can’t), check each time you start pumping to make sure your nipples are centered.
Another potential issue may be setting the suction strength too strong.
If you think this might be your issue, start your pump on the lowest setting and gradually increase it, until you start to feel a bit of discomfort. Then dial it back a notch until you’re comfortable.
(My first pump had numbered speeds from 1 to 9. When I started pumping with it for the first time when my baby was two days old, I wasn’t sure what number to set it at. I figured a higher number would mean more milk, so I put it on 9 to start out with. That was a bad idea.)
Some people find pumping is more comfortable with some kind of lubrication. Coconut oil is a popular choice.
To use it, just dip your finger in the oil and apply it to the flanges and the tunnel.
Other options are pumping sprays (like CoBoo spray ) – they can be less messy and easier to use.
There are a few other breast issues that can cause nipple and breast pain – clogged ducts, mastitis, thrush, milk blisters, vasospasms, and galactoceles.
How do you know if you have one of these? Here are the major symptoms:
These will usually only affect one breast at a time, and you might be able to feel a hard, painful lump (this is where the milk flow is obstructed, or “clogged”).
The area around the lump will be tender and sometimes red and warm if you touch it. The pain is at its worst before pumping/feeding, with some relief afterwards.
Clogged ducts can usually be treated at home – more on how to do that here . If you get recurrent clogged ducts , you may want to consider taking lecithin .
(Legendairy Milk reached out and gave me a discount code for their sunflower lecithin. Take 15% off with the code EPUMP! )
Mastitis has the same symptoms as a clogged duct plus a whole slew more – fever, chills, general malaise, and flu-like aching.
If your boob hurts and you also feel like you have the flu, you probably have mastitis.
The main symptoms of thrush are itchy, burning and/or cracked nipples, shooting pains in the breast during feedings, “intense nipple pain,” and skin changes such as shiny or flaky nipples. You may also see white patches in your baby’s mouth.
If you think you have thrush, it’s a good idea to call your OB or primary care doctor for a diagnosis and medication.
These are also called blebs or nipple blisters, and they are similar to a clogged duct but occur on the tip of your nipple. Milk blisters occur when nipple skin closes over a milk duct opening.
Vasospasms are a sudden narrowing of the blood vessels in the nipple and can be very painful.
They often occur after pumping, in response to cold, and you may notice part of your nipple turning white.
A galactocele is a cyst filled with breast milk. It may or may not be painful, and is often mistaken for a clogged duct or for possible breast cancer.
See your doctor if you have a persistent lump that doesn’t go away within a few days.
There are a few other possible culprits:
Keep in mind that once you’ve addressed the underlying cause of the nipple pain (such as getting a different size flange), it may take a week or two for the damage that was already done to heal.
While you wait for your nipples to heal or recover from mastitis or thrush, there are a few things that you can do to make yourself more comfortable.
Not sure what’s causing your breast pain related to pumping? Here are six questions that can help you figure out the issue.

Hi! I’m Amanda. I'm a Certified Lactation Counselor® and an experienced exclusive pumper. My goal is to help make exclusively pumping as easy as possible for you, so that you can enjoy your baby! This website is for educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. Read More

Copyright © 2022 Exclusive Pumping LLC. All rights reserved. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Home » Breastfeeding and Health » Nipple Vasospasms and Exclusively Pumping

Bonyata, Kelly, IBCLC. “Nipple blanching and vasospasm.” https://kellymom.com/bf/concerns/mother/nipple-blanching/
Newman, Jack, MD. “Vasospasm and Raynaud’s Phenomenon.” https://ibconline.ca/information-sheets/vasospasm/
Pearson-Glaze, Philippa. “Nipple Vasospasm and Breastfeeding” https://breastfeeding.support/nipple-vasospasm-breastfeeding/

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By Amanda Glenn, CLC . Last Updated May 29, 2022 . Originally Posted March 18, 2020 .
If you’re experiencing burning nipple pain or sore nipples after pumping, nipple vasospasms may be the culprit. Here is everything you need to know about nipple vasospasms when exclusively pumping, including symptoms, how to treat them, and prevention.
This post may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click through and make a purchase, I’ll be compensated at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I love! More info here .
Nipple vasospasms (which are also called mammary constriction syndrome) are a sudden narrowing of the blood vessels in the nipple. These spasms can prevent blood from getting to certain areas of the nipple, and they often happen in response to cold.
They are associated with Raynaud’s Phenomenon , and can be quite painful.
Below are six common vasospasm symptoms:
In exclusive pumping mothers, vasospasms frequently occur after pumping sessions, when the air hits the nipple after the flanges are removed. It’s common to feel a burning pain, followed by a color change in the nipple.
The two symptoms that are most likely to indicate vasospasms (as opposed to other issues like thrush ) are the nipple color change and extreme sensitivity to cold. If you have either of these, vasospasms are likely an issue for you.
The first thing that you need to do is treat the underlying issue that is causing them, which is usually one of two things:
Note that if there’s no pain associated with your vasospasms – only color changes (known as nipple blanching) – then there is no need to treat it, though it’s worth confirming that you do not have thrush and your breast shields fit correctly.
Then, you’ll need to treat the pain associated with it while your nipples heal. Some options include:
If none of these work, you can see your doctor. She may prescribe nifedipine for about two weeks, which can help with the pain.
The most important thing that you can do if you’re exclusively pumping is have the right size breast shields and make sure you position them correctly. (If you are nursing, you will want to make sure that your baby is latching well.)
Legendairy Milk sells a ruler for flange sizing that you can use to measure your breast shield size – use EPUMP for 15% off .
You’ll also want to do what you can to prevent thrush. Some ways to do this are to add a probotic (such as yogurt) to your diet, change your breast pads and nursing bras frequently, and wash your hands regularly.
Have you dealt with nipple vasospasms while exclusively pumping? Tell us your story in the comments!

Hi! I’m Amanda. I'm a Certified Lactation Counselor® and an experienced exclusive pumper. My goal is to help make exclusively pumping as easy as possible for you, so that you can enjoy your baby! This website is for educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. Read More

Copyright © 2022 Exclusive Pumping LLC. All rights reserved. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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