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Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. It only takes a minute to sign up.
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I remember an RPG where all players play ex-supervillains (or just mad people who believed to be supervillians) in an asylum. They tell their stories and can be interrupted by others in a systematic manner. There is one player who acts as the game master - caretaker in the asylum. What is this game?
The rules were available freely in a single website. I played it in a convention years ago. It was not aligned with any established superheroes fictional universe.
I vaguely remember that the story telling was said to happen in bedlam
The game was called Bedlam. I was unable to find the original site but rules are currently available here
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僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia


Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku Midoriya Inko & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko


Midoriya Izuku Midoriya Inko Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Class 1-A (My Hero Academia)

Additional Tags:

Big Brother Shigaraki Tomura Sensei | All For One's Bad Parenting Good Parent Midoriya Inko Fluff and Crack Crack Treated Seriously my first attempt at crack that sounds bad Gift Fic I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping I Can't Believe I Wrote This villain reform au Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Needs a Hug Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Not a Villain no beta we die like sir nighteye




← Previous Work Part 7 of the 3AMFanFicGifts series Next Work →


every fic Ko has read in 2022 (and loved) , Duo’s bnha fic recs , Best_BNHA_Fanfics_Ive_Read


Published: 2021-12-25 Words: 2363 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 17 Kudos: 275 Bookmarks: 43 Hits: 1669

Series this work belongs to:

← Previous Work Part 7 of the 3AMFanFicGifts series Next Work →


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tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words

Izuku blinked across the table at his mother, who had a nervously happy smile looking back at him. He couldn’t have possibly heard that right…right?
“I’ve decided to become a host parent for the villain and vigilante reform program.”
Well, there's no way this could go wrong...
This fic is a gift to the lovely Gizmo! Gizmo, I have never written straight crack before, so I hope that this can bring a smile to your face.
And all others reading this, I hope it does the same. Enjoy!
(See the end of the work for more notes .)

Izuku blinked across the table at his mother, who had a nervously happy smile looking back at him. He couldn’t have


heard that right…


“I’ve decided to become a host parent for the villain and vigilante reform program.”

That wasn’t the part Izuku was referring to.

“N–no…what did you say



“Ah, they’ve already matched me with someone! He’ll be staying with us in the evenings and every other weekend to help him reintegrate into society, and after a few months he’ll be living with us full time.”

Still a bit dumbfounded by his sweet, innocent mother deciding to help society’s underbelly, Izuku simply asked, “okay well, what do you know about this guy? Is he dangerous?”

“Well he


a villain, Izuku,” his mother joked, “But from what the file said, he hasn’t killed anyone, and he came from a bit of a traumatic upbringing, so he was sort of forced into villainy. He’s only about five or six years older than you I think, and he’s already had such a hard life. Poor dear. ” Izuku couldn’t help but to agree with his mother’s sentiment, at least a little bit. Curse that Midoriya Bleeding Heart, he supposed.

And maybe this would be good? It would give his mother someone else to well…


. Now don’t get Izuku wrong, he loved all of his mother’s quirks, but sometimes being the sole object of her affections could be a little stifling, especially with a certain quirk that needed to

stay hidden.

Having another person to focus on who needed a mother’s love could get Izuku the space to keep his secret safe.

Plus, wasn’t it a hero’s job to help people in need, and who needed help more than people who had grown up surrounded by villainy? Not to mention, Izuku could protect his mother if anything were to happen. While he maybe couldn’t use his quirk very well yet, he still had a lot of combat practice thanks to All Might.

All of this should work out, just fine!

All of this will


work out just fine. Nope. No way in hell.

Izuku’s first clue that this wouldn’t work, was when

the villain who had nearly killed his teacher

sat across from him, alongside his mother and the boy’s social worker.

Sure enough, there sat Shigaraki Tomura with a quirk-blocking bracelet on each wrist, and one of his mother’s tea cups in one hand. The other boy was desperately trying not to make eye contact with a staring Izuku. 

Quickly, Izuku ran through the list of things his mom had told him.

Izuku was pulled out of his musings by his mother’s petite foot kicking him in the ankle, causing him to jump. Oops, must’ve been staring too hard.

“Now Midoriya-san,” the social worker continued, “as it said in the file you were sent, Shimura-kun will be dropped off here for a few hours every night from 5pm-8pm. Then, on the weekends, he will stay with you from Friday evening at 6pm to Sunday afternoon at about 2pm. As Shimura-kun’s rehabilitation process progresses, he will begin to extend his hours, first to stay with you every weekend, then to stay with you every night. Do these hours still work for you?”

“Oh yes, that should be fine,” Izuku’s mom said, nodding her head. “I get out of the firm at around 4:30, and Izuku here gets out of school around 2:45, so he should be able to be home to meet Shimura-kun on the days that I may get stuck in traffic.”

“N–now hold on,” Izuku said, interrupting the woman before she could leave. “Mom, you do realize this is the same man that nearly


Aizawa-Sensei? And Tsu-chan?”

“Izuku! None of that,” Inko admonished, “This young man is trying his best to be a better person, and we are here to help him. That’s what a hero does, right? Everything will be perfectly fine.”

Oh curse his mother for that one. This most definitely will


be fine. Izuku just knew it.

For the first few weeks, Izuku tried his darndest to not be anywhere near the apartment. 

He stayed late to clean the entire classroom, much to his classmates’ happiness.

He combed through the rest of Dagobah, and picked up the newer trash that had begun to wash ashore.

And at first, this seemed to work. Then, one day Inko got caught in traffic and wasn’t there when Shimura was dropped off by the facility. So Shimura had to stand outside of his apartment knocking,

in the rain

, for 20 minutes until Inko made it home. When Izuku made it back that night, after Shimura had left, he had gotten the worst scolding he had ever heard from his mother in his 15 years of life.

“Honestly, Izuku? I understand where your concern comes from, but Shimura-kun is a different person than he was a few months ago. He’s doing his best to change, but how is he supposed to be better if he’s never given the chance!”

So began Izuku’s second attempt at dodging his newfound houseguest. Yes, Izuku was home everyday before 5pm, but by the time the van from the rehabilitation center would roll into the parking lot, Izuku would have the front door unlocked, and he would be in his bedroom, with his door shut.

Unfortunately, bodily functions stop for no man, and one day Izuku had drank just a


more water than normal, and had to leave his fortress of solitude in the name of a bathroom.

It was on his walk back to his room that he was caught.

“Izuku? Is that you I hear?” His mother called.

Grimacing, Izuku changed course for the kitchen, where he could hear his mother cooking. 

“Yeah? Did you need something?” He replied.

“Come here please, dear. Dinner is almost ready.” Cursing himself for not coming up with an adequate enough excuse for dinner, Izuku stepped through the doorway into the kitchen and promptly froze.

There, standing in his mother’s magenta “Don’t be afraid to take whisks” apron, stood

Shigaraki Tomura

Shimura Tenko, frying pork cutlets on the stove.

“Izuku, be a dear and set the table, please. Tonight I was teaching Tenko how to make katsudon. Can you believe he’d never had it before?”

In a dumbfounded silence, Izuku went on autopilot, just barely remembering that he needed to set the table for three instead of two. 

Now, while sitting across from his attempted-murderer to eat his favorite meal was


the most bizarre thing to happen to Izuku in his life, it sure as hell was up there.

The three ate the meal at first in total silence, aside from the clinking of glasses, and the


of chopsticks hitting the bowls of katsudon. After the first third had passed, Inko daintily cleared her throat.

“So Izuku, how was your day?” Taking the out for the awkward silence, Izuku quickly swallowed his bite.

“It was all right. We had a quiz in art history over the quirked renaissance period, but I think I did okay. Tsu-chan apparently has a real passion for art history, so she has been tutoring some of us during lunch.”

“Well that’s nice dear. I was able to meet with a few new clients and get the ball rolling for them. And I even got to have lunch with Takahashi-san! We went to that ramen place a few blocks away from the office? It was quite good!” Inko said, smiling to herself. “Tenko?”

“Urm, there wasn’t really anything interesting. I was able to talk to Kurogiri a little bit, I guess? He’s still in the medical facility. They’re trying to undo what the doctor did to him.”

“Mm, well that’s good to hear! Hopefully he’ll be able to remember more soon. Izuku, did you know that it was Tenko’s idea to make katsudon? He asked what your favorite food was! I promised to help him make it so long as he learned how to cook it. Don’t you think he did a good job?”

Embarrassed at his mother, Izuku simply hummed his agreement, stuffing his face with more of the pork. Honestly, Izuku thought he


the awkward silence to his mother’s revealing conversation.

Why would Shigaraki want to know my favorite meal?

It wasn’t until a few hours later, after Shigaraki had finally left for the night that he was able to get his answer.

“Oh Izuku,” Inko said, tapping him on the cheek. “Tenko wanted to find a way to connect with you. I told him a while ago that sometimes the best way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, and I didn’t just mean with a knife! And I would say he did well with the food, didn't he?”

Unsure of how to answer that, Izuku switched tactics to a different question that had been eating him since dinner.

“Why are you calling him Tenko? What happened to Shimura-kun?”

“Ah! Well that was actually his idea,” Inko admitted. “The boy was talking about how he had never really had a family growing up, so I was his first real ‘mom’ since he was five. I said he was more than allowed to call me mom if it would make him feel better, but he decided to settle with Inko-san. Then he said that it would be weird for a parent to call their child by their last name, so he asked me to call him Tenko.”

Before Izuku could think to disappear, his mom grabbed him by the arm, pulling him into a hug that surprised the boy before he returned it.

“I know this has been difficult for you, Izuku, but really, try and make an effort. For me, all right? No more hiding in your room.”

The changes, at first, were small. For the rest of that week and the next, Izuku left his door open. Yes, he still di
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