Exploring OLPORTAL’s Potential in the Banking Industry

Exploring OLPORTAL’s Potential in the Banking Industry

harum93 : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2692041

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your OLPORTAL should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission

Have you ever wished that you had someone who would guide you through your shopping list, or give you an informed suggestion on what to buy for any particular purpose? In today’s day and age given we have so many options and advertisements cluttering our minds with unnecessary trivia about various products which we may or may not need, it is important to think beyond this.

Product plug-ins are becoming increasingly common for various platforms like YouTube and Instagram to name a few. While they are able to target the audience much better than the more conventional modes of advertisement like television or newspapers, they still lack that personal touch.

Now imagine an AI-based system that will be able to address this problem by establishing a personalized database. This can change how we think about shopping in general. E-commerce especially can be benefitted significantly and the profit does not only have to be limited to physical goods, but services can also gain greatly by this.

Commercial banks may not only be able to use chatbots developed on the OLPORTAL platform to market new features to the users but also will be able to increase the accessibility of their services to a great extent. They can market the product on the marketplace that is built within the eco-system.

Advantages of Using OLPORTAL

As already mentioned, OLPORTAL is a decentralized platform and therefore, offers a greater degree of flexibility. The price of developing the product is also considerably low. The product can be integrated with other products and features on the ecosystem.

The neurobots are pre-trained, and therefore they do not require any kind of assistance, or any kind of message analysis, especially online data processing. In fact, the neurobots work on a topic identification model. It only identifies the last phrases for selecting a topical response. Such a model can be perfect for dealing with confidential financial data.

Banks can not only reduce their development cost by using the platform, but they can also reduce the operational costs in terms of hosting and maintenance. And this, in turn, reduces the costs for customers. Apart from the reduction in costs, the customers can get a much more personalized experience in terms of using the services which are provided by the bank, or any other financial service provider that has developed their neuro-bots on this platform.

Integration with OLCF

The OLPORTAL platform runs on the OLCF token. So if financial service providers want they can allow their customers to transact with the use of utility tokens. They can also allow facilities of directly exchanging tokens for fiat through their bots.

In this way, through the bots, the financial institutions can integrate their existing services with the OLCF tokens and get into the crypto sector. They can, therefore, gain a new user base which is associated with cryptocurrency. This user base is global and will be involved in transactions across the world. Thus, through the development of bots on the OLPORTAL AI marketplace, there will be immense benefits for both the financial service providers and their customers.

Made publicly available, our AI system is trained by people from across the world to carry out their specific needs. Users don’t have to be educationally qualified to train the bots. To improve the quality of the bot-enabled conversations, data can be uploaded from their social media and messengers. The open-air AI system put forth by OLPORTAL will be key to the popularization of Artificial intelligence and it’s eventual growth.

Who wouldn’t like to earn some passive income while sitting in the comfort of their homes! Come be a part of the AI revolution, download the neurobots and monetize your communications.

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Author : harum93

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2692041

ETH : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

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