Experience the best from the HiveNet platform today.

Experience the best from the HiveNet platform today.

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Greetings all, I just want you to use a moment of your time to educate yourself about this wonderful project I found out recently, I have been following up and I get to understand that it’s trust worthy of being connected with or possibly one invest, no doubt about it. Get in touched with us today and enjoyed ever connecting with the project.

HiveNet is a Distributed Cloud Computing Network, which associates PCs all around the globe to perform significant processing assignments.

Would you be able to envision your PC winning cash while you rest?

HiveNet transforms your PC’s inactive occasions into a salary! During these occasions your PC’s capacity is safely leased to paying clients who play out their estimations (for example logical research, climate gauge, enormous information investigation).

Advantages of HiveNet

PC Owners

How long every day would you say you are really utilizing your PC?

Simply envision your PC gaining you some benefit during the remainder of the day. HiveNet makes it conceivable by safely conveying significant figuring assignments of paying clients to your computer.All you need is a PC with a web association.


HiveNet is a lot less expensive than customary distributed computing. How? Since numerous significant cost switches that apply to conventional suppliers (for example Amazon Web Services) don’t make a difference for HiveNet, in light of the fact that it uses inactive occasions of effectively accessible PCs. Along these lines, there is no compelling reason to put into new PCs, lodging and numerous other operational expenses.

Crypto Traders

HiveNet has its own inborn digital money: the HiveCoin. HiveCoins are utilized to pay for processing power inside the HiveNet. Therefore a progressing interest for HiveCoins is guaranteed and will make one of only a handful couple of digital forms of money with a genuine, key worth, which gives superb short-and long haul open doors for dealers.


HiveNet is a lot less expensive than conventional distributed computing. How? Since numerous significant cost switches that apply to customary suppliers (for example Amazon Web Services) don’t make a difference for HiveNet, in light of the fact that it uses inert occasions of effectively accessible PCs. In this way, there is no compelling reason to put into new PCs, lodging and numerous other operational expenses.


HiveNet expands the use of accessible PCs. In this way less assets are devoured to fabricate new PCs and less electronic trash is made. Likewise, the HiveNet Blockchain is utilizing an exceptionally monetary Proof-of-Stake agreement system, which is substantially more asset sparing than most accessible blockchains.

How it’s configured

HiveNet Client

The HiveNet User Client is the client’s across the board instrument and incorporates the processing, blockchain and wallet programming modules. It empowers a simple and easy to use taking care of without the requirement for significant innovative skill.

HiveNet Blockchain

The HiveNet Blockchain is verified by an exceptionally effective Proof-of-Stake accord component. It is explicitly improved for the HiveNet and joins high security with quick exchanges.

HiveNet Task Management System (HTMS)

The HTMS is the center innovation of the HiveNet’s decentralized distributed computing system. It guarantees the ideal organization of client assignments, the safe approval of figuring results and the reasonable installment of PC proprietors.

What more??

Our token sale is live https://www.hivenet.cloud/token-sale , the steps and guideline is being narrated on the link earlier.

There are many things to benefited from this platform as long as HiveNet is here for us today, make reference to this link https://medium.com/official-hivenet-blog to keep you update about the platform and it’s processes.

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