Exgirlfriend Revenge Sites

Exgirlfriend Revenge Sites


Exgirlfriend Revenge Sites

So a friend of mine recently broke up with her boyfriend and he went batshit crazy on her. He's saying he's going to post naked pictures of her on the internet. I told her I'd keep an eye out for them, but I really don't know the exgirlfriend revenge sites. I figured some of yous guys would know. Anyone have suggestions?

what an asshole the most obvious one is gfrevenge.com

i wonder why she broke up with him he seems like a nice guy

-------------------- smack a hoe out this dimension
continue my ascension
-bhad bhabie r i p . t o d c a s i l , a c i d s l o t h , s t 1 l l n o x , z a p p a i s g o d , b i g w o r m ( s k e t c h ) , t i m b

sounds like you have to go on a never ending porn safari.

a fast google look.. this is the first one to pop up when typing girlfriend revenge. http://www.gfrevenge.com/main.ht m dunno if it's an actual "legit" gf revenge type thing or just made to look like pics ppl sent in.

-------------------- Oh, no, man, I feel weird
I'm trying to get the motherfucking fuck out of here
Before there's flowers here
And sour tears

Quote: DannyT said: a fast google look.. this is the first one to pop up when typing girlfriend revenge. http://www.gfrevenge.com/main.ht m dunno if it's an actual "legit" gf revenge type thing or just made to look like pics ppl sent in. It's legit the women are getting together and filing a lawsuit. Was just reading this today.

-------------------- Yes I watch a lot of movies.
Pick it, pack it, fire it up, come along and take a hit from the bong. I've heard money doesn't buy happiness, well it sure pays the sadness debt!

What case do they have? don't be a whore in front of a camera if you don't want it on the internet...?

oh... insane. didn't know that. i figured some pictures might have been legit.. and some that are just some people took just to put up. I bet that site is going to get raped in court.

-------------------- Oh, no, man, I feel weird
I'm trying to get the motherfucking fuck out of here
Before there's flowers here
And sour tears

how? confused: it's obviously incredibly dirty and no self-respecting person would post their ex on it but is it illegal?

slutty + unfaithful = internet fame

-------------------- Enantiodromia - The process by which something is transformed into or revealed as being the same as its opposite.

Quote: NWlight said: how? confused: it's obviously incredibly dirty and no self-respecting person would post their ex on it but is it illegal? Not sure but it will probably depend on if pictures were stolen or sent to boyfriend. If they were sent I would think not illegal, but if boyfriend lifted them from her than that's going to be illegal I would think.

-------------------- Yes I watch a lot of movies.
Pick it, pack it, fire it up, come along and take a hit from the bong. I've heard money doesn't buy happiness, well it sure pays the sadness debt!

I would venture to say definitely illegal

even if the pics were giving to the boyfriend.. him posting them on a website without her saying it was okay probably has some sort of illegality of some sort.

-------------------- Oh, no, man, I feel weird
I'm trying to get the motherfucking fuck out of here
Before there's flowers here
And sour tears

the chances of someone that knows her finding her pictures is one a million, maybe billion. i wouldn't worry too much about it. lesson learned; don't let people take naked pictures of you unless you are perfectly fine with the fact that others might see them too.

-------------------- Yes I watch a lot of movies.
Pick it, pack it, fire it up, come along and take a hit from the bong. I've heard money doesn't buy happiness, well it sure pays the sadness debt!

Quote: Boomin907 said: Exgirlfriend law suit [/url] Damn posting up these girls name/address(es)? If someone told me they did that to someone I would drop lsd in their drink at some very inopportune moment

if feel like if this site gets sued then facebook should as well for the same reason. people post pictures without consent on facebook everyday, and that is arguably one of the purposes for the existence of facebook. i bet the lawsuit does not win...

-------------------- ProDOPEFiend Diary: (my public diary)

Thats a pretty big distortion, if you post a nude picture of someone on FB they can have it removed. From what I understand there have been similar cases which ruled against the poster, would not be suprised if criminal charges are brought up (well earned)

why do you have to be nude? if some asshole takes a picture with me clearly in it and posts it on their facebook page, i don't care if i'm nude or not it's still extremely disrespectful. (ethical) photographers never publish pictures of people and put them in the newspaper or magazine without talking to the people about it first, i'm pretty sure that is even law but idk. its the same thing publishing pictures on a site like facebook. as far as nudity and facebook, well i'm pretty sure thats just the rules on facebook. you can't put pictures of yourself nude on there i'm pretty sure, they just don't allow nudity it has nothing to do with ppls identity.

-------------------- ProDOPEFiend Diary: (my public diary)

Quote: Gumby said: So a friend of mine recently broke up with her boyfriend and he went batshit crazy on her. He's saying he's going to post naked pictures of her on the internet. I told her I'd keep an eye out for them, but I really don't know the exgirlfriend revenge sites. I figured some of yous guys would know. Anyone have suggestions? I suggest your friend does not carry out such an assholish move.

-------------------- You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. What one person receives without working for another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for that my dear friend is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. ~ Adrian Rogers

Im going to suggest the exact opposite and say your friend should carry out such a move, and when he does you gotta post the pictures here.

Quote: NWlight said: What case do they have? don't be a whore in front of a camera if you don't want it on the internet...? hahaha truth

Quote: luvdemshrooms said: Quote: Gumby said: So a friend of mine recently broke up with her boyfriend and he went batshit crazy on her. He's saying he's going to post naked pictures of her on the internet. I told her I'd keep an eye out for them, but I really don't know the exgirlfriend revenge sites. I figured some of yous guys would know. Anyone have suggestions? I suggest your friend does not carry out such an assholish move. I agree. I also don't get it that one would try to actually help someone out in pulling shit like this.

I'm kind of confused right now, but I don't think Gumby is trying to help the guy post pics of his ex (Gumby's friend) on a revenge site. I think Gumby wants to keep an eye out in order to let his friend know if he comes across any of her pics on the internet. Or he's just looking for new fap material.

Fuck, yeah, I misread the op Things didn't add up to begin with. Sorry for that, Gumby!

4chan and motherless are where I'd dump them

Quote: NWlight said: how? confused: it's obviously incredibly dirty and no self-respecting person would post their ex on it but is it illegal? Nope, at least I dont think so. I knew this guy who would scour the web for porn (photos) that didn't have watermarks/weren't copyrighted. He'd acquire a big collection, put his own watermark on all the photos and sell the bundle on ebay for a few bucks. I believe he'd email them the file or send a cd or something.

Quote: Mush 4 Brains said: Quote: NWlight said: how? confused: it's obviously incredibly dirty and no self-respecting person would post their ex on it but is it illegal? Nope, at least I dont think so. Of course it's illegal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per sonality_rights It's what model releases are for: to enable photographers to prove that they have the right to publish someone's picture because the model signed the release. Obviously, an (angry) ex gf won't sign a model release and send it over to her ex bf so he can post their amateur porn on the net

Quote: koraks said: Quote: Mush 4 Brains said: Quote: NWlight said: how? confused: it's obviously incredibly dirty and no self-respecting person would post their ex on it but is it illegal? Nope, at least I dont think so. Of course it's illegal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per sonality_rights It's what model releases are for: to enable photographers to prove that they have the right to publish someone's picture because the model signed the release. Obviously, an (angry) ex gf won't sign a model release and send it over to her ex bf so he can post their amateur porn on the net I have two words that will dispel what you said "paparazzi magazine" I'm sure pretty sure most stars probably won't/don't sign a release for those sneaky shots of their cellulite ass. If you put a picture online and don't watermark it, it can be used by whoever copyrights it. Again I'm no an expert, just what I've heard.

Ill have to keep this website in mind for the future if some bitch tries to cheat. Clever shit

Adult content can't be published without the the producer maintaining an 18 U.S.C. § 2257 form and a record keeper filing the records. An ADA would probably drum up those charges if nothing else, since it's doubtful the ex-bf maintains the proper forms to distribute adult content.

Quote: Mush 4 Brains said: I have two words that will dispel what you said "paparazzi magazine" I'm sure pretty sure most stars probably won't/don't sign a release for those sneaky shots of their cellulite ass. It doesn't quite work that way. There are a few reasons why most paparazzi publications don't involve legal issues (although many do - celebs asking media to withdraw images through legal channels are quite common): firstly, journalists are to some extent exempt from portrait rights because of their function in society. The interest of the public as a whole sometimes overrules the interest of the individual when it comes to celebrities. Secondly, for pictures shot in (some) public places (e.g. out in the street or on a public beach), specific legislation applies, i.e. they can be published without express consent of the people in them, unless the pics are used for a commercial purpose (not for personal or journalism purposes) such as in a commercial. So posting porn pics of people on a website that uses them to generate cash from advertising does require express consent from the people that are pictured. Quote: If you put a picture online and don't watermark it, it can be used by whoever copyrights it. Again I'm no an expert, just what I've heard. Well, you heard wrong: a picture (or a book, or a sculpture) is automatically copyrighted at the moment it is made (at least in most of the Western world). Copyright law does not require watermarking or any specific action. As an artist, you automatically hold the copyright to your work. Enforcing those rights, of course, is a different matter.

Quote: Mush 4 Brains said: If you put a picture online and don't watermark it, it can be used by whoever copyrights it. Again I'm no an expert, just what I've heard. False. If you, as a producer, maintain the original unmanipulated image without having distributed it then you can claim copyright infringement. Most images posted online have been manipulated in some way, if nothing else re-sizing them. A watermark pasted onto an image isn't the sole proof of ownership.

Resizing an image does nothing to change the copyright that lies on the image. There's a grey area in copyright laws when it comes to so-called derivative works, but merely resizing won't entitle the party who did it to the copyright of the resulting image.

That's what I'm saying. Maybe I wasn't very clear. My point was that keeping the original .tiff and distributing a .jpg that's been manipulated (even if just re-sized) is good protection for the original owner to claim copyright violation since they're the only one that possesses the original .tiff right out of the camera.

There is so much porn on the Internet. I could post my dick on a porn site and 2 minutes later it would be on page 3485...

That's because it would get 0 views.

Ahh, I misunderstood your post. Yes, original camera files are often a good way to prove your ownership of the image, especially if the camera's serial number is embedded in the image (which most DSLR's do for that reason). Also, there are authenticity kits available for many DSLR's that embed information in images that is altered whenever the image is edited, so that the original, unedited images can be proven to be authentic e.g. in court cases. Any forensic organization will use camera's with this functionality.

Quote: abltsandwich said: That's because it would get 0 views. Thank you, I feel so much more confident now lol.

Quote: koraks said: Quote: Mush 4 Brains said: I have two words that will dispel what you said "paparazzi magazine" I'm sure pretty sure most stars probably won't/don't sign a release for those sneaky shots of their cellulite ass. It doesn't quite work that way. There are a few reasons why most paparazzi publications don't involve legal issues (although many do - celebs asking media to withdraw images through legal channels are quite common): firstly, journalists are to some extent exempt from portrait rights because of their function in society. The interest of the public as a whole sometimes overrules the interest of the individual when it comes to celebrities. Secondly, for pictures shot in (some) public places (e.g. out in the street or on a public beach), specific legislation applies, i.e. they can be published without express consent of the people in them, unless the pics are used for a commercial purpose (not for personal or journalism purposes) such as in a commercial. So posting porn pics of people on a website that uses them to generate cash from advertising does require express consent from the people that are pictured. Quote: If you put a picture online and don't watermark it, it can be used by whoever copyrights it. Again I'm no an expert, just what I've heard. Well, you heard wrong: a picture (or a book, or a sculpture) is automatically copyrighted at the moment it is made (at least in most of the Western world). Copyright law does not require watermarking or any specific action. As an artist, you automatically hold the copyright to your work. Enforcing those rights, of course, is a different matter. I see I see

Quote: Repertoire89 said: Quote: Boomin907 said: Exgirlfriend law suit [/url] Damn posting up these girls name/address(es)? If someone told me they did that to someone I would drop lsd in their drink at some very inopportune moment there is no such thing as an inopportune moment for L

Despite my ex being an absolutely HORRIBLE human being and a dirty, manipulative drug addict. I still wouldnt post pictures of her on the internet... Also I deleted the pictures and videos after we stopped dating

-------------------- "Psychedelics should be used not to escape reality, but to embrace it"

Quote: MorphinTime said: I'm kind of confused right now, but I don't think Gumby is trying to help the guy post pics of his ex (Gumby's friend) on a revenge site. I think Gumby wants to keep an eye out in order to let his friend know if he comes across any of her pics on the internet. Or he's just looking for new fap material. reading comprehension, something that luvd takes very cereal has failed him. How sad

Yours sure did. Try reading it again. Repeat as needed.

-------------------- You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. What one person receives without working for another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for that my dear friend is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. ~ Adrian Rogers

Quote: luvdemshrooms said: Yours sure did. Try reading it again. Repeat as needed. k guy.

Quote: danlennon3 said: Despite my ex being an absolutely HORRIBLE human being and a dirty, manipulative drug addict. I still wouldnt post pictures of her on the internet... Also I deleted the pictures and videos after we stopped dating Posting photos of someone online without their permission is sketchy as fuck. I can't even tell you how many picture messages I've received from people trying to spread nude pictures of their ex-girlfriends with the intention of humiliation. I don't find it funny at all. I think it's deplorable. I would have to really, really trust someone to send naked or really risqué pictures and even then, I would be hesitant.

-------------------- "Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story."

Quote: luvdemshrooms said: Quote: Gumby said: So a friend of mine recently broke up with her boyfriend and he went batshit crazy on her. He's saying he's going to post naked pictures of her on the internet. I told her I'd keep an eye out for them, but I really don't know the exgirlfriend revenge sites. I figured some of yous guys would know. Anyone have suggestions? I suggest your friend does not carry out such an assholish move. Errr wut? I think you're confused. You suggest that she doesn't break up with her boyfriend? She already did. Now he said he's going to post naked pictures of her on the net. I told her I will help keep an eye out for pictures and let her know if I see any of her.

Quote: Envix said: i wonder why she broke up with him he seems like a nice guy Haha word

-------------------- Dipping Swords in Metaphors

Quote: keyohnah said: Quote: danlennon3 said: Despite my ex being an absolutely HORRIBLE human being and a dirty, manipulative drug addict. I still wouldnt post pictures of her on the internet... Also I deleted the pictures and videos after we stopped dating Posting photos of someone online without their permission is sketchy as fuck. I can't even tell you how many picture messages I've received from people trying to spread nude pictures of their ex-girlfriends with the intention of humiliation. I don't find it funny at all. I think it's deplorable. I would have to really, really trust someone to send naked or really risqué pictures and even then, I would be hesitant. Ladies, your naked pictures are completely safe with me

-------------------- "Psychedelics should be used not to escape reality, but to embrace it"

Quote: Gumby said: Quote: luvdemshrooms said: Quote: Gumby said:
Mega Foot Fetish
Dick Inside Nipple
Large Black Nipples

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