Exercising the self-trust muscles

Exercising the self-trust muscles


Facing your fears = Getting confidence.

Make a plan on how you're goign to do this.

Here are a few things you can do that will really stretch your comfort zone:

  • Hold eye contact.
  • Maintain a nice confident voice tone with no hesitations.
  • Open conversations with people.
  • Stop your unconscious nervous ticks (such as nervous laughs, touching your face, looking away in conversation, etc).
  • Talk to members of the opposite sex.

The last one is really important. Especially if you want to get competent at it, it will greatly help you out. You could be someone confident and maybe only lacking in one of those areas mentioned above.

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We all know what makes us nervous, so try expanding your comfort zone and let go of the things that hold you back: stand or sink in your own feet.

This is a road guys and girls. Cut yourself a ton of slack and have fun with it but choose to GROW. Building self confidence is a matter of commitment and making the choices that might be “scary” but that in the long term will help you a lot.

Learning how to build self confidence is just getting the knowledge building it is a road you take, with commitment and knowledge you can get where you want to go. Just remember the motto; Go out and get social!

  • Check out these very good practical tips on how to build Self confidence

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