Exercises That Suit Your Dog

Exercises That Suit Your Dog

Danny Wilde

We all know how important exercise is for our bodies, not only can it help us stay in shape but recent years have proven that it can have a positive impact on our mental health too. Although exercise alone isn’t enough to be healthy, it must be combined with a diet that is relevant to you. The same goes for our four-legged friends, even the top-rated dog food brands can only go so far without exercise.


Recent years have seen premium dog food become much more accessible than ever, and most dog owners are aware of the many benefits of feeding their dogs raw food rather than kibble. Although modern life, especially in big cities, tends to be quite busy and many dog owners struggle to exercise their dogs adequately. Not only can this affect the physical health of your dog, but also their general quality of life, as they haven’t evolved to simply spend all day inside.


Here is an overview of different exercises which may be more suitable for your dog.

Larger Breeds

Larger breeds of dog will generally require a lot more exercise than medium and smaller breeds, as they have more energy to burn through. If they don’t get enough exercise they will often begin acting up or may even become neurotic, anxious or depressed. One should also be mindful of their dog’s breed and the potential for them to suffer from hip or joint problems. The top-rated dog food for all larger breeds is high in protein and low in calories, as this suits their metabolism.


Dogs of all sizes and shapes appreciate a walk, although larger dogs may need just a little bit more than a wander around the local park or down the street. Instead take your dog on larger walks, especially out in nature where their paws are more accustomed to the ground. If there are no longer walks around or you have limited time try power walking with your dog to burn more energy faster. Be sure to take plenty of water for both you and your dog on every walk.


Larger dogs are often big fans of any kind of game their owners want to play with them. Whether it’s ‘fetch’ or ‘dog tag’, they will benefit from running around in your backyard or local park and you’ll often get a workout out of it too.

Medium-Sized Breeds

Medium-sized dog breeds can benefit from the same exercise as larger dog breeds, scaled down to suit their size. Again, it is important to be mindful of any potential health problems which are common to their breed, as things like playing may put unnecessary strain on their knees or joints. Also ensuring you feed them premium dog food which suits their diet will guarantee a better quality of life for them.


Larger breeds may be a bit big, and smaller breeds may not be big enough, but medium-sized dog breeds can be perfect for playing sports-like games with. Kicking a ball around with them can be a lot of fun and can make for an excellent workout for you too.

Smaller Breeds

Unlike medium and larger breeds, smaller breeds may not benefit so much from walkies or playing. Their energy often comes in bursts and they’re easily distracted, which can make walking them a chore. Playing may be a little too rough on many smaller breeds too, and fetch can wear down joints and knees. Smaller dog breeds also need a balanced diet high in calories as their metabolism is much faster, so be sure to get the top-rated dog food specifically for your breed.


While all dogs will be hesitant to get in the water at first, most dogs love splashing around in the waves at the beach or having a dip in the river at the local park. Swimming is a much more suitable form of exercise for smaller breeds as it allows them to use a lot of energy fast, and also provides plenty of stimulation.

Doga (Dog Yoga)

As previously mentioned, smaller dog breeds are prone to joint and knee problems, so helping them preserve the function of their little legs is imperative. One way that many dog owners are doing that is through Doga, which one can do with their dog to help them stretch their little muscles. This can be very relieving for them, although they don’t need to do it every day, be sure to only practice a few times a week at max.

The Right Diet for the Job

Remember to adjust your dog’s diet if you start incorporating more exercise in their life, as they will require more fuel. Regularly feeding them top-rated dog food can help ensure they are getting the variety of nutrients they need, especially on a mostly raw food diet.

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