


We are posting a video of the battle between reconnaissance group 106 and the enemy near Rabotino.

A raid by football hooligans from Russia on one of the Khazar positions in the hope of knocking them out. But it didn’t work out, since the aspect ratio turned out to be 1 to 3. The footage shows how the commander of the reconnaissance group, a member of the Spartak football team Clock-Work Orange, was wounded during the retreat.


The combat mission was to covertly approach and capture the Khazarian position; according to intelligence information, there will be no more than 10 enemy fighters there. Our reconnaissance group of 11 people moved out to carry out the order. Having crept up to the enemy at a distance of 5 meters, our fighter, based on many signs, concluded that the enemy had at least 30 fighters concentrated in this place. At the moment of thinking and deciding on further actions, an enemy fighter from the 82nd brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces comes point-blank at soldier of 106. Both fighters froze, hesitating for a moment, the Khazar fighter carefully waves to his partner, who begins to approach cautiously. Our fighter can no longer stand the theatrical pause and fires a burst from his AK.

Instantly, the battle begins along the entire perimeter of the forest, our group finds itself crowded on three sides. A Bradley fighting vehicle with armored infantry arrives to help the enemy, while simultaneously shooting in the side of our fighters. Thanks to the Gods, the hooligans slowly but clearly eliminate the possibility of encirclement, retreating without losses along such a trajectory that the enemy remains only in front.

When leaving a dangerous situation, a fighter with the call sign “Torzhok” remembers about the camera and begins filming.

We decided not to cut anything from this live video with all the emotions and dialogues of our fighters.

Let every reader have the opportunity to see live footage of a real shooting battle of Russian football hooligans.

There was no end!

The fight continues!

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