Exchange Server Backup Tool

Exchange Server Backup Tool

To take a backup of the Exchange server, users opt for a professional tool called Shoviv Exchange Server Backup and Restore tool. It is designed professionally so does not have risks or limitations; in the process of Backup. Therefore, it is the ideal Exchange server backup tool because it provides multiple user-centric features.

Some Highlighted Features of the software are as follows-:

 1.      Users can take backups in PST, MBOX, EML, MSG, EML, and MHT formats.

2.      It is built with a user-friendly GUI, which means that non-technical users can perform the task smoothly along with technical users.

3.      With the Shoviv Exchange server backup tool, you can schedule backup jobs periodically by selecting from the options daily, weekly, and monthly. The software will automatically take a backup of mailboxes.

4.      The software does not alter the integrity of data, and the hierarchy of folders remains the same.

5.      With an option like the Incremental feature, you can resume the task from the last ended point and can prevent data from duplicity.

6.      You can filter out your data with the Filter option by excluding the undesired items and including the desired ones.

7.      For Downloading large-size files, you can set a timer between 2 to 30 minutes. It will consume a lot of time for users by eliminating long stuck in a single file.

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