Excess mortality in Russia: linear regression using least squares

Excess mortality in Russia: linear regression using least squares

The Truth about Vaccines

The Russian federal state statistics service (‘Rosstat’) published vital statistics for January 2022 [1]. Excess mortality for the given dates calculated (using least squares) to be 29464.

Despite the significant decline of excess mortality it can be found that the rates were so high as during the first wave of COVID-19. The main cause for that is a failed vaccination campaign. Only 49.3% have been fully vaccinated (and only a fifth of them revaccinated) [2], which is lower than the worldwide values.

There’s still no evidence that the epidemiological response can be relaxed.

  1. https://rosstat.gov.ru/storage/mediabank/edn_01-2022(1).htm
  2. https://gogov.ru/articles/covid-v-stats

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