Excerpts from Nobilitas - Nietzsche

Excerpts from Nobilitas - Nietzsche

Aristogenesis - Excerpts

Excerpts from Nobilitas - Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
  • Nietzsche insisted that the primary role of the state was to foster the best even at the expense of the rest.
  • The Will to Power, as the only reality of life, must be cultivated in all its contradictions.
  • He insists on the general obedience of the unthinking masses to the rule of a spiritual aristocracy that is distinguished by its higher psychic constitution whereby they may order the rest of society to their higher ends.
  • This may seem not very different from Plato's philosopher statesmen, but Nietzsche‘s philosopher is not marked, as is Plato's, by an intuition of a higher world of Ideas, but by a more vigorous control of worldly affairs.
  • Nietzsche declared his admiration of the Laws of Manu as...
"an incomparably intellectual and superior work, which it would be a sin against the spirit even to name in the same breath with the Bible. It has an actual philosophy behind it, in it, not a mere bad-smelling Jewish acid of Rabbinism and superstition.”

  • The first caste will be constituted of "the most spiritual human beings" who are devoted to "self-conquest" so that "asceticism becomes in them nature, need, and instinct". It is the prerogative of this disciplined caste to represent "happiness, beauty, goodness on earth".
  • The second caste will be marked by physical force, and will be the "guardians of the law, those who are to see to order and security".
  • The third and lowest caste will be made up of the majority of the people, for whom "to be mediocre is their happiness". It is these people who will provide the so-called professional activity, whether it be economic or social.

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