Excel Password Protection - How To Password Protect A 2007/2010 Excel Document?

Excel Password Protection - How To Password Protect A 2007/2010 Excel Document?

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Want to boost your odds of becoming a victim with the cyber-crime? Make an easy password so hackers can guess it! Passwords like '123456' or 'ABCDEF' are the easiest to crack. Once you've created an easy password, be sure you use it for Your complete online accounts so you it's easier to remember!

First off, start having a short online investigation. There are online ratings with the worst passwords ever. Sometimes, it's very difficult to believe people use pass phrases, like 123456 or one hundred and eleven. Yes, drive snapshot crack and services require strong secret words, which means you cannot register unless you create a password that contains minimum 6 letter and a digits. Anyway, you should bear in mind that weak passwords put your details in risk. So, forget about access codes like 123456 or marry1987. Such passwords are broken inside a few seconds! So, be careful.

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