Excalibur: A Working Framework Intended For PC And Workstation

Excalibur: A Working Framework Intended For PC And Workstation


Excalibur Platform

A working framework intended for PC and workstation. It takes care of the issue of infection and information robbery with its own information security framework technique and further takes care of the second huge issue of the framework client which clients can encounter a few stage applications on Excalibur. Application documents from real OS, for example, OS, "Android, Windows, Mac, iOS, Linux" are upheld by the Excalibur working framework. 

Idea of the task called Excalibur Operating System. We tackle the issue of infection and information burglary with our own information security framework and take care of the second huge issue of framework client. Excalibur implies that the Excalibur working framework bolsters the primary OS application documents. 

Highlights Of The Platform 

The infection is unaffected - the security of the PC is up to that dimension and the infection can't influence the task of the Excalibur working framework. 

Applications bolstered on different stages - The second most intriguing piece of the framework is that Excalibur underpins application documents for Google Android, Apple iOS, Apple Mac, Ubuntu Linux, and Microsoft Windows. The framework effectively runs a wide range of records upheld by the above framework without issues. 

Mining and Trading Management System - This framework is structured with Mining and Trading Management System to help oversee different coins and tokens. It likewise has content altering devices, for example, for posting diverse coins for mining, with virtual cash transformation and access to the settlement framework. 

Issues Excalibur seeks to solve 

Influence the product and center of their PCs as an infection assault, unapproved access to data put in the client's framework and robbery of individual data or assaults. Programmers can be limited in new thoughts; . With that assistance, designers have diminished the likelihood of infection marks entering the framework, taking individual client information and data put away in any media, including the two information can be appended utilizing a novel methodology dependent on the most recent advancements in data security frameworks. 

In the meantime, different issues with framework clients are being settled, including the way that clients can try by checking different stages on Excalibur. 

Arrangements provided 

In another working condition 

The issue of electronic cash misuse is best settled. It has mining board procedure and framework. With this help, you can run the mining procedure, as well as play out a few activities to oversee client characterized scrambled PCs. Worked in usefulness for altering framework contents where clients can include new tokens that are propelled by including framework contents. 

Clients have the chance to remove cash 

With proficient enhancement by expanding profitability, adequately using framework limit in expanding volumes. Engineers in the Excalibur working framework center their inquiry around the best performing background, paying little heed to the procedure did on PC frameworks. 

PC figuring force can be utilized 

To discover any need, for individual use: including a webcam to associate with friends and family utilizing exercises, for example, watching recordings and tuning in. Sound substance, play your most loved toys. Situational situations can differ, yet with the Excalibur working framework you can generally guarantee conviction – PC frameworks work without trouble, lucidity, and just computerized substance handling. 

Advantage of The Project 

The market cost of the ICO will ascend soon, which will profit the token holder from an exchange perspective. 

The working framework beta variant will be first discharged for token holders in the primary quarter of 2019. 

Mining the executives is simple with Excalibur OS. 

Not any more costly expense for antivirus 

The token can be sold globally on the Internet 

The token has a liquidity premium (the opportunity to liquidity has enhanced in excess of multiple times) 

You can check how reserves are utilized after ICO by utilizing straightforwardness of assets use, escrow 

For beginning period organizations, the liquidity of early givers will be higher 

Early access to tokens with the potential for quick capital development 

Benefactors are typically the main clients of tokens. Consequently, not at all like holding a load of an organization that claims an item never utilized by givers, amusingly, our token can be more unmistakable than securities.


Name of Token: Token EXCALIBUR

Heart: XOS

Peron: Ethereum

Typing: Utilities

Total supply: 4 000 000 000 XOS

Softcap: 5 000 ETH

Hardcap: 45,000 ETH

Token Sales: 03.09 – 30.12.2018

Purchases accepted: ETH

Price: 1 X OS = 0.000025 ETH

Minimum investment: 0.25 ETH


For more information, please visit:

Website: https://excaliburos.com/

White paper: http://excaliburos.com/whitepaper/Excalibur-OS-whitepaperv1.1.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032767

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExcaliburOS/

Medium : https://medium.com/@officialexcaliburos

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OsExcalibur

Telegram: https://t.me/excaliburico

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuV1MbXV77tMQ2BB9ukA7Mw

Author: abeexy

Mу BitcoinTalk Prоfіlе:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2247475

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