Examples Of Negotiations With German Companies

Examples Of Negotiations With German Companies


I: Etiquette Basics
Ten blunders you...
- Who introduces whom?
- Hand shaking?
- Greetings
- "Du" or "Sie"?
- Gift Giving
- Sayings
- Small talk
- Business Attire
- Business Dinners
- Telephoning
- Presentations
- Video Chat Etiquette
- E-Mail Etiquette
- Salutations in e-mails
- Distance Zones
- What German mean
- Stereotypes
- Travel by railroad
- Emergency tips
II: Applying for a Job
- Job hunt
- How to read job ads
- Job application
- Speculative applications
- Tips for the cover letter I
- Tips for the cover letter II
- 5 tips to avoid rejections
- Checking my job application
- Job interview
- Questions and answers
- Job reference
- Many job chances in Germany?
- Critical points getting a job in Germany
III: On the Job
- First 100 days
- Unwritten rules
- Efficient meetings
- Negotiating Successfully
- Meeting the boss
- Being a good boss
- Dealing with Conflict
- Networking
- Celebrating at Work
- Women in the workplace
- Happy in the job
- Changing jobs
- Start ups
- Saying farewell
IV: Guides
- Living in Germany
- Career Impact of Social Networking
- Active listening abilities
- How to remember names
- Car accidents: what to do?
- Top German employers
- University = good salary?
- Phone alphabet
- Special characters with ALT
- Common idioms for correspondence
10 links to the German economy
Link reference
Airports in Germany
Direct order form
About the Authors
I. Verhaltens-Basics
Zehn Fehler, die Sie...
- Sich bekannt machen
- Rangfolgen
- Begrüßung
- Anrede
- Geschenke
- Redewendungen
- Small talk
- Kleidung
- Geschäftsessen
- Telefonieren
- Präsentationen
- Video Chat Etikette
- E-Mail Etikette
- E-Mail Grußformeln
- Distanzzonen
- Was der Deutsche meint...
- Vorurteile
- Bahnreisen
- Notfall-Tipps
II: Bewerbungspraxis
- Job-Strategien
- Stellenanzeigen
- Bewerbungsmappe
- Chance Initiativbewerbung
- Tipps zum Bewerbungsschreiben I
- Tipps zum Bewerbungsschreiben II
- 5 Tipps, um Absagen zu vermeiden
- Check Bewerbungsmappe
- Bewerbungsgespräch
- Fragen & Antworten
- Arbeitszeugnis
- Viele Jobchancen in Deutschland?
- Weg zum Arbeitsplatz: 5 Knackpunkte
III: Karrierepraxis
- Erste 100 Tage
- Ungeschriebene Regeln
- Effiziente Besprechungen
- Erfolgreich verhandeln
- Gespräch mit dem Chef
- Selbst ein guter Chef
- Konfliktgespräche
- Networking
- Feiern in der Firma
- Frauen am Arbeitsplatz
- Glücklich im Job
- Arbeitsplatzwechsel
- Start ups
- Abschied nehmen
IV: Kompakt-Ratgeber
- Leben in Deutschland
- Karrierefaktor Soziale Netze
- Aktives zuhören
- Tipps zum Namen merken
- Autounfall: Was tun?
- Denglisch Wortliste
- Top Arbeitgeber
- Studium und Gehalt
- Buchstabiertabelle
- Sonderzeichen mit ALT-Taste
- Tipps zur Geschäftskorrespondenz
10 Links zur deutschen Wirtschaft
Deutsche Flughäfen
Direktbestellung online
Über die Autoren
ISBN 978-3-940574-38-1,
third edition, 439 pages, paperback, €29,80
“More than manners” is certainly a good tool to learn in a few hours what we will only understand in a few years of practical experience.
Books like “More than manners” can be a useful guide in our path to international success."
Stefano C., industrial consultant, from Italy
"I read this book to help me land a job with a German company. ... This book is a good confidence builder. ... I recommend it."
Anthony P., software engineer, from San Diego, USA

"I wanted to enable people to have an idea how to avoid difficulties and not be frustrated."

tc world - magazine for International Information Management
"Your ...about Germans and how Germans are supposed to behave are probably the most accurate that I have found on the Web. A very honest picture of your people." Glenn from the U.K
- chapter excerpt - the entire article - 
In the German business world, you must negotiate constantly with clients, suppliers, colleagues, and even supervisors. Consider the following 12 points, and you will be able to successfully build freedom to negotiate in your discussions with business partners and come to sound business decisions.
In order to make the threshold of possible compromises clear, you can call on a higher authority. However, be very careful when making this move, otherwise you could leave the impression that you do not possess bargaining authority. If the other party chooses to bring a higher authority into the discussion, ask them exactly what their intention is.
Many negotiators reserve a higher authority for final ratification or the approval of the tentative agreement. This empowers the negotiator to engage in meaningful discussion until the end of the negotiating process. Every negotiator must know what his limits are PRIOR to negotiations or he runs the risk of his efforts not being approved.
Also, be sure that you do not just have your own goals in mind. In order to remain reputable, you also have to consider the needs of the other party, otherwise a compromise will not be possible. A successful negotiation results in both parties getting something they value.
For example: If you ask your boss for a raise, and you cannot justify your asking by listing a few of your major accomplishments for the company or your increasing responsibilities, you are destined to fail.
In addition, before going into negotiations, it is helpful to learn what you can about the other party's interests, needs, philosophy, style and level of knowledge. This will help you to better understand the other party's position and the arguments offered. In this way, you can prepare compromises that allow you to achieve the full extent of your goals.
When negotiating, use the question, "What would you suggest?" as often as possible. This will not only satisfy the other party, but will send the message that you are interested and listening. It also has the advantage of giving the other party the opportunity to express their opinion or make suggestions, which helps build a foundation of mutual respect.
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This learning software with extensive text excerpts from the successful business etiquette book.
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