Ex-Civil Servant of Xinjiang Revealed Young Girl Imprenated After Being Raped in "Re-Education Camp" [2/2]

Ex-Civil Servant of Xinjiang Revealed Young Girl Imprenated After Being Raped in "Re-Education Camp" [2/2]

Aisha disclosed that she witnessed a horrific scene personally.

A young girl she knew was released from the "concentration camp" and carried a new-born baby with her. This baby was a result of being raped in the "concentration camp". The young girl claimed the so called "Vocational Education and Training Centre" was the concentration camp intended for genocide purpose. Aisha got her passport from her office and tried to cross the border at the city of Khorgas. But she was stopped by an immigration officer because she could not show the "approval for departure" from her local government. Driven by desperation, Aisha decided her only way out was smuggling to Kazakhstan and sought political asylum.

After graduating from a university in Xinjiang, Aisha was arranged to work in the state finance department of the Gongliu county organisation committee. However, she was forced to resign because of her ethnicity. She then worked in a hotel and finally started her own business. She said the Xinjiang government spread rumours accusing her of committing financial crime once they realised she fled to Kazakhstan. They were trying to extradite her back to China. "Some of my relatives said I was a financial criminal and related to a large sum of financial transaction."

High pressure policy from Chinese government triggered dissatisfaction of Kazakhs

Kazakhs in Kazakhstan took on the street to protest against the prosecution they faced in Xinjiang. Last Saturday, a new wave of anti-Sino protests broke out in the capital of Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan and another city Almaty. The protests were organised by the organisation of opposition outlawed by the Kazakh government. Video clips on social media showed a few hundreds had joined the protests and shouted slogans like "End the Chinese Expansion" or "Say No to Chinese Businesses". 

In Almaty some citizens were captured onto police vehicles by multiple police officers. Some of the arrests included families with elderlies and children whilst some were young women. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan disclosed that 57 were arrested and they might face charges. In addition, China is one of the largest trade partners and foreign investors of Kazakhstan. Businesses like Petrol China currently has factories in Kazakhstan. Because of land conflicts and environmental issues, local citizens had organised multiple protests against these businesses. 



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