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Axis Communications (0103-024-01) Axis Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Kit
Whether you need a complete video conferencing application or an additional area of coverage on your professional surveillance system, the Axis EVI-D30 Color Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera Kit provides a convenient and an economical solution. This kit comes with the Axis EVI-D30, a PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) device with a built-in camera, and an Axis 2401 Video Server, which provides your camera with a connection to an Ethernet network and a monitor. Easy to install and use, together these units provide a comprehensive, single-box solution that enables you to have a high-performance surveillance application up and running in minutes.
The Axis EVI-D30 has a small conference-type camera with an auto-focus and up to 12x zoom. This unit features a pan range of 200-degrees (from -100 to 100 degrees), a tilt range of 50-degrees (from -25 to 25 degrees), and a horizontal viewing angle ranging from 4.4 to 48.8 degrees. Powered by a 12-volt DC power supply, these PTZ devices can be daisy-chained together for multiple people or viewpoints.
The Axis 2401 Video Server has one analog video input and one video loop-through port, and can stream up to 30 frames-per-second (frames per second) in Motion JPEG format as well as single images at user-controlled compression levels. This server unit has four alarm inputs and one output signal, and features event handling including email notification and image upload. The Axis 2401 can be connected to a network or the Internet via modem or Ethernet, allowing remote configuration and control of PTZ device via Web-based tools. The Axis 2401 has 32 MB of SDRAM, 12 MB of which are available for pre/post alarm image storage equivalent to 16 minutes of video at one-frames per second, and four megabytes of internal flash memory that allows for simple firmware upgrades. Using the unit's security settings, which includes support for username and password protection, an administrator can assign whether individuals, groups, a whole company or the whole world can access your camera. The Axis 2401 also has built-in support for the Axis 2191 Audio Module (sold separately), which allows a live audio feed with your camera. In order to ensure maximum reliability and ease of use, the Axis 2401 is based on the Linux operating system giving users access to free, open-source functionality.
About Surveillance Camera Technical Features Lux rating is the measurement used to indicate how sensitive a camera is to light. The lower the Lux level, the better the camera's ability to work in low-light conditions. The camera's resolution should be greater than, or equal to, the resolution supported by the system's recorder or monitor. The S/N , or signal to noise ratio , is an important measure of a camera's quality. A poor camera, low-light conditions or poor wiring causes "noise" which consumes processing power and disk space. A camera with a wide dynamic range is ideal, especially for recording areas in which both indoor and outdoor light are present. CCD (charge-coupled device) sensors provide high-quality images that are less susceptible to noise. CMOS (complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor) sensors offer less image quality, but are usually more cost-effective and energy efficient.
About Pan/Tilt Cameras A Pan/Tilt Camera has the ability to pan ("move" horizontally), or tilt ("move" vertically). IP cameras often have pan/tilt capability. A pan/tilt camera is ideal for monitoring of situations that need a continual real-time adjustment of the views.

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This is a used remote control that is in good working condition. This remote comes with a 30 Day Warranty. FAST SHIPPING - IN STOCK! Fast Shipping!

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This is a used remote control that is in good condition. This remote comes with a 30 Day Warranty.

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EVI-D30 specifications
- in pdf format

The Sony
EVI-D30 camera is no longer in
production - but we sell a very popular
refurbished item with a 90
day replacement warranty. This camera is
less costly than it's newer cousins, the EVI-D100 and the
EVI-D70. Catalog Category: Accessories
: Cameras
: Sony. Manufacturer: Sony.
Availability: Now.
Basic installation requires electrical power,
s-video cable for video and a VISCA control cable. Control
can be via the remote control or a PC or a dedicated control solution (a Sony RM-BRC300 or a Telemetrics
CP-ITV). Single cable installation systems are
available from Vaddio
and Sound Control
(combining power, video and control over a
single cat-5 cable).
Camera Mounts are also required for most installations.
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