Evgene Loza

Evgene Loza

Dmytro Krupych

1. Who are you? How did you come to crypto world?

Good afternoon! My name is Yevgeny Loza. I am an independent analyst in the financial markets. But in the circles of traders better known as EXCAVO. TOP-1 scorer on the TradingView platform. I enter the top-10 of the most popular traders in 2018 according to bitcoin.com.

I came to the crypto world from classical financial markets, learned about a new financial instrument - Bitcoin, I wondered how it worked and decided to figure out.

2. How did you manage to become number one on the version of the site tradingview.com and hold this position for several years?

I got acquainted with Tradingview more than five years ago. Their functionality immediately pleased me. At that moment I was trading on gold, oil, some stocks. And of course I analyzed the tools in which I understand.

Already in 2015, I decided to create a page and seriously deal with it. The question became how to name the page. After literally a week, the name EXCAVO came. And I started doing analytics and providing free content. At the end of 2016 I was already known on the site. I am one of the first who start doing analytics for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. And already in December 2017, I became the most popular author on the platform. I can say I shot together with bitcoin. I don't relax and to this day it is exactly for this reason that I remain on the first line of the rating.

3. How did the year 2017 pass for you, when there was a crypto boom? How did you survive the fall of the market in 2018? What do you expect by the end of 2019?

We will start with 2017, there were crazy results. I didn't expect that we will reach such heights. Euphoria, hype, you can talk a lot about this condition. One was accurately in my head, wasn't all for nothing.

2018 tested me for stability and all other qualities. I say this, when Bitcoin was 16k, I understood that we are going about 4-6. Shorts market, but the shutter speed was not enough to wait for the very bottom. Shorts and altcoins as a result. But there were such cases in our company, when they didn't act rationally and lost money. I don't want to tell anyone a fairy tale. The exchanges also to put a spoke in wheels.

In general, 2018 taught me a lot. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSD/TZ2X7GzS-BTC-Hello-correction/

2019 pleases not only me, but the whole cryptocommunity, and I see that trend is broken not only on the price of Bitcoin, but also new people come to the market. If we talk about the price of Bitcoin until the end of the year, I don't expect it above 20k. In general, the 4-year-old stubborn growth cycle of Bitcoin has already begun, and by the end of 2021 I expect a price in the region of 86k.


4. How can you see the development of the main cryptocurrency and is there a serious competitor?

As I have already said that we began 4 summer cycle of Bitcoin. I expect 86k up to the end of 2021. The place on which Bitcoin stands is unshakable now. But there are some players, who can complement the cryptocurrency ecosystem. For example, the tone is the currency of the Telegram.

5. What do you think what will be with many ICO projects, tokens in the next 2 years?

ICO has already grown smoothly in IEO, as a rule, coins are cheaper in price due to the fact that there are a lot of sellers. Some ICO projects stop any product development activities, and people use this product is even more difficult. At this stage, I look at all these histories as speculative tools. Specifically, I don't use other coin besides btc, ltc, eth. Most likely projects will live, to one extent or degree, but most go bankrut and will be as cargo hover on stock exchanges.

6. Do you agree with the fact that 95% of traders earn nothing and fail?

Yes, I agree with this conviction if there is another conviction that 90% of traders lose 90% of their capital in 90 days. Bitter truth.

7. Is the traders need special education to get started?

Under the word education, I would not like to mean an institution or university. Of course, any novice trader should learn, due to the fact that the market is not a casino and you can’t hit the jackpot by simply guessing. And even if he guessed right, he will still lose in the end, because he will ascribe to himself these merits. Fooled by randomness.

8. You have already achieved a lot in your profession. Did popularity changed you? 

I continue to lead the same way of life. If you ask whether I will change, most likely yes. (I think while we change, we live, when we stop changing, we die???.) Does trade change a person? I think, yes. It makes him stronger, only a few people achieve results.

If we talk about popularity, then almost nobody know me. In my instagram there are 30 times less people than I have for trading view :) They know the EXCAVO brand, but who is the driver of this excavator is a small, but secret :)

9. Why do you still haven't your own crypto fund with such a great experience?

The fund in development since 2017, but still it is in the mode of testing strategies. Legal issues are too. We try to do everything qualitatively, as they say, if you do something, do it well.

10. What main advice can you give blockchain to entrepreneurs, investors, traders?

I want to wish patience by all and do everything in pleasure and according conscience.

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