Everything you must be aware of about Instagram Stories Viewers

Everything you must be aware of about Instagram Stories Viewers

Jill Wilson

Learn the ways Instagram will prioritize the Stories section of your account and discover how you can increase your sales and reach using Instagram Stories.

Learn everything you must be aware of Instagram Story users on Inflact.

In this post we will show you how to get access to your Story viewers' list and how to comprehend it and how you can use it to boost your numbers and audience.

How do you think Instagram place Story users in the top spot?

We also cover that!

We also show how you can send more people to your Stories to increase your reach and increase sales.

Read on to find out everything regarding Instagram Stories viewers in 2021.

What are the Instagram Story Viewers?

Story viewers are an overview of those who have seen the story on Instagram. Instagram Story.

It also includes the total number of viewers who have watched your Story and the names of the users for each viewers.

The total number of views in the list is inclusive of replays, which means there could be more views than users.


How Can You Access Story Viewers?

To open Story viewers for an active published Story you need to open it on Instagram and swipe it up.

To gain access to Story viewers for 24 hours following the time it's not published:

Click the icon for profile, or

Your profile picture.

Click to open the menu for hamburgers.

Tap Archive.

Scroll through your story.

Touch the Story and and then swipe upwards.


How Long Will Story Viewers Be Are They Available?

The list of your viewers is accessible for 48 hours following the time you have published your Story.

Remember that Stories remain ephemeralthey are gone for within 24 hours of publishing them, which means your list of readers is accessible for another 24 hours following the time they stop publishing.


The Stories list of viewers isn't accessible to the public, therefore only your group members can view it.

You can help make Stories last for longer than 24 hours simply by adding them to your profile and marking them as Highlights.

Here's how you can convert the content of your Instagram Story to a Highlight:

Click on the "+" symbol in the section called Highlights on your profile, or in the absence of a "+" sign then tap Story Highlights

Choose the story you wish to include

Select a cover image and give a title for your Story

Tips: Keep your Highlights titles brief and concise Use images or icons to create the Highlights covers.

Find out more about how you can use Highlights to benefit your business by reading this Ultimate Guide to Instagram Stories Highlights.

To keep increasing your Story's engagement as well as reach and conversions To keep your Story's reach and engagement growing, you should make sure to publish Stories frequently. Since Stories are only available for all day, publishing new stories every week several times is a reasonable amount.

The scheduling of social media content is much easier when you use a content calendar for scheduling.

You can manage all of your social media content using Sharelov's calendar of content. It's completely free for Sharelov users and you can test it out today!


How To Find More Information about Your Story Viewers

The good news is that you are able to learn more about the Story viewers by analyzing Sharelov.

Sharelov subscirbers are able to quickly access the Story viewer's analytics right from the main screen. Simply go to Analytics > Stories.

In the Story Analytics, you'll find various views and filters, including the Highlights view that allows you to quickly view the views and reactions of every Story.

Are you looking to get more detailed on your Story Viewers' data?

Click the icon on any Story card to view detailed statistics which include:

Organic engagement rate How many people have liked or commented on your Story

People were able to reach: How many watched your Story

Impressions: How often your Story was seen

The Completion Ratio: The number of people have watched the whole Story

Forward How many people have were able to tap ahead to see the next thing in your Story

Backward: How many times have you have tapped backwards to watch an episode in your Story

Exits: What number of players played with your Story when playing it?

Replies: How many responses an image or video has received

Sharelov allows you to access Story and post analytics , and quickly share the data cards and other points to your entire team.


For more detailed analytics on your Stories You can also look up your account's overall insights on Instagram.

If you're unfamiliar with Instagram Insights (or in need of an update) make sure to go through the Ultimate Guide To Instagram Analytics for steps-by-step directions, tips, and examples.


The Truth about Viewers"List Order

The most common misconception about Instagram Story viewers' list is the idea that it ranks users based on how often they've visited your Stories.

It's not.

The order of the list is determined by a secret algorithm that hasn't yet been released to the public.

At one time, viewers were categorized in accordance with how often you, as a brand, was in contact with them. Or, by chronological order. Or an amalgam of both --

based on the person who was the one doing the theorizing.

As per Julian Gutman in 2019, Product Lead for Instagram Home "...The people who appear on the list aren't necessarily the ones who follow you with the greatest frequency."

Redditor user infinitesimalFawn claims that the algorithm was changed in March 2021. however, other users believe that it has changed in the past. There's no way to determine the reason behind its list of orders.

In the absence of a formal statement from Instagram or a clear prioritization the list of Viewers, it's safe to say that the order in which users appear in your Viewers list is an unanswered question.

What we know is that the list of Viewers does not reflect the number of times someone has seen the Story and/or visited your profile. It does not show who is "stalking" your account.

The positive side is that there's plenty of information to learn regarding your Story Viewers by using Stories Insights.


What are the benefits of Stories on Instagram? Stories?

In 2021 there will be more than one billion users will use Instagram at least once per month. More than 500 million people sign up daily and almost all (90 percent) are following a business.

40 percent of U.S. adults say they've utilized Instagram.

500 million+ Instagram accounts make use of Stories every day. 50% of those surveyed said they went to a website to purchase a product or service after seeing it on Stories.

About 80percent of marketers utilize Instagram, and 64% are planning to increase their organic Instagram activities over the next year.


According to the report on 2021 Marketing published by Social Media Examiner, Instagram usage grew by 46% between 2020 and 2021 and its stories-based videos were utilized by 59% of marketers, more than Facebook or Tiktok.

With the growth of short-form videos, Instagram is coming out ahead of the crowd.

A majority of brands are investing into Instagram Stories and are betting on the fact that Instagram and its Stories format will remain the best platform to expand the reach of brands, engagement and sales.

With all the different marketers trying to get attention on Instagram and trying to find ways to stand out isan absolute challenge!

The positive side is there's a variety of methods to stay ahead of the competitors. First, having a well-documented social media strategy can increase your chances of success significantly.

Monitoring your competition and their advertisements, industry's influencers, as well as specific hashtags can greatly improve your ability to develop an effective strategy for your business and a content strategy.

There's a lot to keep track of however, and

Your time is precious.

Sharelov allows you to keep track of the performance of your competitors, advertisements, influencers, hashtags and moreeven if you have a few minutes per day.

There are plenty of suggestions for monitoring your competitors' strategies in the Sharelov's book How to Monitor Your Competitors" Strategies on Social Media Strategy.

If you'd like to test the monitoring tool which makes your work faster and easier efficient, sign up for a no-cost Sharelov trial right here.


Who uses Instagram?

According to a study by Pew Research, here's who's using Instagram in 2021:


44% of those aged between the ages of 18 and 29.

48% of those aged 30 to 49

29% of those aged 50-64

13% of those aged 65 and over


45percent of the population lives who live in urban cities

41% of the population lives in suburbs

25% of the population lives in rural regions.


47% of those who earn more than $75,000 or more.

39% of those who make $50,000-$74,999

45percent of those who make between $30,000 and $49,000.

35% of those who make less than $30,000

Users of Instagram come from every walk of life and have a wide range of geographical as well as economic background.

Whatever your product, brand or business, Instagram has an audience for you. The question is how can you reach them?

One of the most effective methods to increase your return using the social networks is to post original, high-quality regular content.


Your audience and brand are different, which is why you must create an individual posting schedule that is targeted to your followers' behavior on the internet. Sharelov's best Time to Tool automatically calculates and recommends the most effective timings to post for your Instagram followers.

You can test this Best Time To Post tool for free by signing up for the Sharelov Free trial subscription.


In the next part in the next section, we will give you strategies to increase the number of people who view your stories.


9 Strategies to Increase Your Reach with Instagram Story Viewers

Get the most out of your stories by using the below features. They'll allow you to increase your reach and keep your followers engaged.

#1 # 1: Include Hashtags to your stories to Be Featured In More Feeds

Utilize relevant hashtags to put your Stories in search feeds, so that more people will see your posts. They work best if you don't overuse them rather, research them and select them with care.


There isn't a need for a large number of hashtags to attract more viewers. Find a specific audience by choosing hashtags that prospective buyers or viewers will be searching for in search engines.


#2: Use Location Stickers And Geotagging To Get More Viewers And Boost Your In-person Traffic.

Geotagging and location stickers are effective ways to grow your followers and draw people to your place of business.

Amazing Vacations from Source

If you own an brick and mortar business or event, or pop-ups make sure you add the location's stickers to your Stories!


#3: Use Questions and Polls to Get Your Audience To Participate.

Polls and questions help you engage and engage your audience.

Source: Boxycharm

Use the question and poll stickers to stimulate conversation with your the audience and keep them looking through your Stories to find more.


#4: Make Use of Instagram Influencers to dramatically increase Your Viewers and Engagement.

Are you seeking an enormous amount in new customers? Engage an influencer to help promote your business!

Whatever the size of your company is there are influencers that will meet your needs and budget, as well as help to increase your audience.

Influencers can help promote your brand's image through images of products as well as takeovers and recommendations.


Micro-influencers can be particularly beneficial for small-sized companies. Although their audience is smaller, their engagement rates tend to be higher than those of big-name influencers. Additionally, their costs are usually affordable for businesses of any size.


#5: Design A Great Instagram Profile and Bio with A plethora of Stories Highlights.

The profile of your Instagram profile is the first place that people visit to learn more about you and decide if they would like to follow your account.

Source: Lowes

Complete your profile and include your most memorable Stories as highlights, so that they stay in your account for the time you want.


#6: Utilize Instagram Live to Help Your Business Stand Out in the Newsfeed.

Instagram Live, a feature of Stories can help you gain the attention of your users' feeds. Keep your live streams active to ensure your brand is in the forefront of users their minds.

Create captivating live videos that invite users to engage and meet the people who run your business.


#7: Share Your Stories Through Paid Adverts

Are you ready to increase your reach? Find people looking for brands that are similar to yours by advertising your Instagram Stories and posts.

Instagram offers a variety of features, stickers, and improvements that allow your business to grow the number of followers, interact with them, and ultimately convert your followers.

#8 8: Convert Your Stories to Highlights

If new users come across your stories and posts They naturally go to your bio page to learn more about your business.

Welcome your followers to your profile with an impressive bio and captivating Stories Highlights that present your brand to potential customers. This will help you gain an audience that is larger and increase you reach with the Instagram Stories.

#9 9: Auto-Share Your Instagram Stories to Facebook.

Increase your reach in a matter of seconds by enabling Instagram to automatically post your stories to Facebook!

Here's how you can automatically post all your upcoming Instagram Stories to Facebook:

Make sure you have your Facebook as well as Instagram accounts are connected. If you're not linking your accounts Here are the steps to follow:

How to Link Your Facebook and Instagram Accounts for Sharing:

Click on the profile picture in the lower left corner on your profile.

Click the hamburger menu on the top of the page that displays your personal information.

Click the Settings icon.

Click "Sharing with other Apps."

Tap Facebook and then enter your Facebook login details.

Tap Continue, Yes, and Finish Setup

How to enable autoshare on Instagram Stories to Facebook:

Click on the profile picture in the lower left corner on your profile.

Click the hamburger menu on the top of the page that displays your personal information.

Tap Settings>Privacy>Story

Click on "Sharing" and then turn on the toggle switch on the right side of "Share Your Story to Facebook."

Automating the sharing of the content of your Instagram Stories to Facebook can increase your reach to another platform of importance, with any effort.

Did you know that you can make and publish Instagram Stories in Sharelov? You'll be amazed at how simple it allows teams to collaborate, making Stories that can increase the reach of your business and increase sales!


5 Strategies to Increase Sales Using Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are an effective way to increase your sales. Here are some tips to increase your sales using Instagram Stories.

#1. Promote Your Instagram account outside of the Instagram

Increase traffic towards your Instagram account and your shopping catalog by promoting it on other channels, such as:

Other social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

From your site with Instagram icons

Included in your email list with Stories teasers and images


#2. Create user-generated content campaigns

According to a study from Turn To Networks, over 70 percent of U.S. consumers make at the very least one purchase online each month, while 25% make online purchases weekly.

If you are looking to convert your viewers into buyers using user-generated content, it is essential:

Nearly all buyers (90 percent) have said that content created by users is the most influential component of their purchasing decisions.

Over half (63 percent) think that user-generated content can make an experience of shopping more genuine.

Over half (61 percent) believe that user-generated content increases brand engagement

The majority of shoppers (65 percent) believe that content created by users is more engaging than content created by brands.

What is the definition of user-generated content?

Users-generated material (UGC) is the non-paid content others create for your company. This includes videos and images that feature or reference the products you sell, your reviews or suggestions.

One method for brands to encourage their followers to make UGC is to use Instagram Stories to advertise

prizes or sweepstakes for users who share photos of their products with hashtags.


Other offer the chance to be included. For instance, Airbnb asks users to tag their photos to be displayed in their Instagram profile page.



Because Instagram does not have an simple "share" button You must follow a series of steps manually to share content in the absence of the Instagram share tool.

The Sharelov Instagram sharing tool allows the reposting of UGC content much more simple.


You can test this Instagram reposting tool for free by signing up for the purchase of a Sharelov trial account.


#3. Engage with Your Followers

In responding to each Instagram comments, you earn respect and trust with your followers, making them more likely to be loyal customers.

Responding to each comment can be difficult without the right software. It's easy to get lost and forget about comments. However, the most important thing is not to be frustrated when you reply to your followers!

Sharelov has you covered. It is possible to manage every one of of your Instagram comments through your Sharelov dashboard and increase your brand's engagement rate as well as its reputation and sales as well.


For more information on how to respond on Instagram comments, read our guide to Instagram Comment Engagement here.

#4. Get The Most Value From Instagram's Shopping Stories for Stories

Instagram offers a variety of ways to assist your business in selling directly through its platform, and Stories is a great way to promote your products and services.

To maximize potential sales , use Stories format: Stories format:

Create Checkout on Instagram to allow you to sell directly through Instagram. Instagram app.

Make an Instagram Shop If you don't have one already.

Create "Collections" within the shop on Instagram shop to increase sales.

Add Instagram shop stickers with the product images on the Stories you share on Instagram. Instagram Stories.

Our guide, The Ultimate Checklist to Get approved, Set-up, and Getting Started Shopping on Instagram gives you step-by-step steps to get set up for Instagram Shopping. Take a look today and begin increasing your sales right away!


#5. Make use of Instagram Posts to drive viewers to Your Stories

Stories can be a great shopping tool. You can make use of the content of your Instagram posts to attract customers to your sales Stories:

Include an article CTA that encourages users to come back to the (specific) Story for a special discount.

Post Story teasers on your posts and invite viewers to visit the complete Story for more details.

Convert promotional stories into Highlights of your profile, and then include CTA's in your post inviting people to visit your profile.

If you're interested in these suggestions to increase sales using Instagram Stories, you'll love this article:

The 118 ideas for Outstanding Social Media Content

Our outstanding Social Media Content guide shares an abundance of Instagram-related content ideas as well as examples and suggestions to increase your reach, engagement, and sales.


Utilize Instagram Story Viewers to Increase Your Sales, Reach and Followers

Instagram Stories are a great method to increase your brand's reach and increase sales. To maximize the value of the potential of your Story Viewers, make use of Story insights to learn the details about your followers.

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