Everyday innovation. A Practical Guide to Establishing and Operating an Innovation Management System in your Business

Everyday innovation. A Practical Guide to Establishing and Operating an Innovation Management System in your Business

👓 Hubert Henry

Everyday innovation. A Practical Guide to Establishing and Operating an Innovation Management System in your Business

Everyday innovation. A Practical Guide to Establishing and Operating an Innovation Management System in your Business✅ Innovation is the harnessing of ideas for the commercial benefit of a business, to drive future growth and profitability. A formal innovation management system brings a discipline to the process of creating ideas, picking the best of these and proceeding to develop the chosen ideas into marketable products or services.EVERYDAY INNOVATION is a no-nonsense book that sets out 10 easy steps to establishing and operating an innovation management system in your business, with a comprehensive, but easy to follow, description of each step. Real-life comments show how companies close to home approach innovation. A Glossary explains all the buzzwords and terms used in innovation management, while the final chapter presents useful contacts to help you get started. It is essentially an innovation management DIY toolkit!EVERYDAY INNOVATION is a must read for all those who wish to embed a culture of innovation in their businesses. Prof. Brian MacCraith, President, DCUHugh captures the simplicity of the innovation management process yet succinctly details its importance in business today. A great read. Donal Tierney, CEO, Bimeda chairman, IRDG


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