EverID: maximizing opportunity with identity

EverID: maximizing opportunity with identity

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Hello friends, I welcome you all to this edition of my article reviews. I do my personal research and write about projects I find lucrative and full of potentials. Today, I will be giving out a brief overview of a project known as Everest.

Just with a quick glance, one would easily pinpoint our generation has far gone past the days of analogy to this new era of digital innovation ever recorded in the human race. Need for individual identification cannot be overemphasized, an individual with low identification is restricted from vast social benefits.

EverID is simply a decentralised platform for a brand new economy, incorporating a massively ascendible payment resolution with a multi-currency wallet and digital + biometric identity. Through the utilization of digital identities, digital wallets, document management, and biometric identity, users would be able to digitally verify their identity for public services which will give them the channel to claim their social and economic rights.

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Device-free identity verification: Peer-to-peer registration utilizing biometric data permits anyone, anyplace to register within the platform, without the requirement for a device. Seamless worth transfer: By confirmatory identity with 100 per cent accuracy EverID automatically reduces leakage, fraud, friction, verification, and data access charges.

EverID overview

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EverID has engineered a decentralised digital identity system to store and ensure user identity data, documentation, and biometrics. everyone no matter country location would be able to access the platform. It doesn't need a mobile device to affix, is encrypted to safeguard users’ privacy, and is practical with different systems. institutions, companies, and government organizations will effectively, cheaply and quickly validate user identity, at scale. the value will then be transferred firmly to the right recipient with low transaction charges, lower losses from leakage, and innovations in commission and value transfer. The essence of this revolutionary project is artificial intelligence. Special programs carry out a thorough analysis of customer data, find other intelligent contracts in the database that the customer previously followed, and check all user actions: investment, billing, etc.

EverID use cases

Economic growth: Deviceless biometric authentication can empower over four billion individuals and build a $40 trillion economic opportunity.

Institutional potency: Reduced transfer and data storage fees will give rise to institutional growth in rising nations.

Individual empowerment: EverID modify users and give them the authority to be in total management of their data and provides access to formal economic systems.

Total financial inclusion: establishing world access to existing monetary services unlocks the $20 trillion-dollar economy of rising markets.

Micro-finance: a Full resolution to lend cash to billions of individuals and SMEs

Cash Transfer: 100 per cent validation of cash sent to biometrically verified users

Remittance: simple, efficient approach for banks to supply cash transfer services

ID verification: Verify users through biometrics, government IDs and third-party attestations

Medical records: Manage documents hosted within the cloud or device, track healthcare for all

Land: compress titles, GPS coordinates, and identities to bank and secure land

Micro-insurance: Collect documents, biometrically sign contracts to serve billions of users without any need for a device.

Economic and social role of EverID

As of the time of writing this, EverID still remains the first worlds device-free, globally accessible, digital identity platform. Through the utilization of digital identities, digital wallets, document management, and biometrics, users are able to digitally verify their identity for public services and claim their social and economic rights.

Device-free biometric authentication: Peer-to-peer registration utilizing biometric data permits anyone, anyplace to register within the platform.

Seamless value transfer By confirmatory identity with 100 per cent accuracy EverID reduces leakages, fraud, friction, verification, and data access charges.


important links

★ Web ★ Whitepaper ★ Twitter ★ Medium ★ Telegram ★ Reddit ★ 


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