Event 201: Was the corona pandemic planned? 

Event 201: Was the corona pandemic planned? 

translated by Corona Investigative

The situation is threatening: a novel corona virus is spreading all over the world. The news is full of it. The case numbers on the Johns Hopkins University corona world map are rising and rising. The immune-resistant pathogen paralyzes trade and travel and puts the global economy in free fall. It is October 18, 2019. Wait: Why October 18, 2019? 

According to the official narrative, didn't the corona epidemic break out in China earlier in January 2020? True - but what has just been described is not the real corona crisis in 2020, or the one that has been presented to us as real, but the scenario of an exercise that took place a few months earlier and which in many ways anticipated today's reality. On October 18, 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, together with Johns Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum, organized a pandemic simulation in which political decision-makers, business leaders, media representatives and epidemic experts reacted together to the simulated outbreak of a virus. The name of the simulation: Event 201.

A new corona virus 

"It began in healthy looking pigs, months, if not years ago: A new corona virus spread quietly in the herds. Gradually, the farmers began to get sick. Infected people got a respiratory disease with symptoms ranging from mild flu to severe lung disease. The sickest needed intensive care and many died. Experts agree: if not controlled quickly, it could lead to a severe pandemic. An outbreak that circles the globe and will affect people everywhere," is the introduction to the exercise. (1)

Correctly heard: Prophetically in the scenario among the numerous virus groups, which there are in such a way, a "Corona virus" was selected. What are the chances of catching this type of virus of all things? In the simulation, the corona virus was derived from pigs on South American farms - for the "COVID 19 pandemic", as is well known, the sale of wild animals at a market in Wuhan is traded as the place of origin. Animals as vectors also combine practice and "reality".

To contain the fictional virus, an emergency committee of very real and influential people met in New York on October 18, 2019, to discuss the joint approach to this emergency: people from South America, from where the virus had originated according to the exercise, were strangely not present. But a Chinese: George Gao, the Director General of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Preventiom (CDC), which was to play a central role in the "real corona outbreak" in 2020. The only representative of a non-Anglo-American or non-European organization besides Gao came from Singapore.

Coincidences exist...

So the laboratories of the Chinese CDC were under the control of the CDC director, who was already present at the Gates Foundation exercise. On December 31, 2019, the exercise started: The Chinese authorities reported a total of 27 cases of "unexplained pneumonia" to the World Health Organization (WHO). (2)

But why on earth is the alarm raised when there are so few sick people? That would be 0.000002 percent of the Chinese population! Simply ridiculous: In Germany alone, with its 82 million inhabitants, there are about half a million pneumonia cases per year, or 0.61 percent of the population. Extrapolated to China, with 1.3 billion inhabitants, that would be around 8 million cases, and extrapolated to the 58 million inhabitants of Hubei Province, where Wuhan is located, that would still be around 350,000. And on top of that, the urgent report to the WHO was atypical: China is a strictly sealed-off state with strict censorship. Every real problem is 'considered a state secret in order to save face and is only admitted if there is no other way. And now China voluntarily walks to the WHO with a statistical nothing of 27 sick or "infected" people in an area like Wuhan or Hubei province to report them to the WHO? And the WHO did not recommend the Chinese to calm down, but took the matter seriously? Strange. This process already contains two oddities:

  1. that China reported the infinitesimally small number of cases to the WHO at all and thus made it known globally.
  2. that the WHO took it seriously.
The new respiratory disease in the exercise is not called "COVID-19", but "CAPS" (Coronavirus associated Pulmonary Syndrome).

China and the WHO

 These circumstances indicate an arrangement. For it may be that one person sounds the alarm because of statistically irrelevant numbers - but two? Possible explanation: China and the WHO are in cahoots and play ball. After all, one Chinese woman had already greatly reduced the criteria for classifying a disease as a pandemic - Margaret Chan, then head of the WHO and Hong Kong Chinese. She had already decisively softened the criteria for classifying swine flu as a pandemic:

"Chan was heavily criticized in 2009 for her approval of the classification of swine flu (H1N1) as a pandemic, i.e. a disease that is widespread across countries and continents," said RP-Online. (3) 

Without the softening of the criteria, it would not have been possible to classify relatively harmless diseases (if one is to believe the narrative of a new viral disease) such as swine flu or COVlD-19 as a pandemic and impose measures. Only since Margaret Chan's change does it no longer matter how many people fall ill or die worldwide. All that is needed is the rapid spread of a "pathogen" in at least two of the six WHO regions, regardless of how dangerous it is:

"The World Health Organization on Wednesday again called on critics to end criticism of China's handling of the corona virus outbreak", according to the South China Morning Post in early February 2020. (4)

Representatives of the WHO parent organization UNO sat around a table with the Chinese CDC director George Gao during the exercise in October 2019. After Gao had participated in the prophetic exercise of October 2019, he presented himself in January 2020 as a co-discoverer of the new and "real corona virus". Thus, on January 24, 2020, he published a paper entitled: "A new outbreak of the corona virus of global significance". (5) On February 20, he published another paper entitled "A new corona virus in patients with pneumonia in China 2019". (6) What a thing! In October 2019 you sat in an exercise about an epidemic with a fictitious new corona virus, and three months later you fulfilled your own prophecy and published a paper about a new corona virus!

Michael Ryan, the director of the WHO emergency program could not be present, but was briefly called in. And UNO, WHO and George Gao, of all people, were now the focus of the realization of Event 201! Everything was right: The name "Corona virus" as well as the worldwide spread and the serious consequences for the global economy and traffic. Exactly as predicted by the exercise, the world went crazy in February 2020 because of the allegedly new "Corona virus".

This article is a translation from the print edition of the German newspaper ExpressZeitung Number 33.

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1. youtube.com, Event 201 Pandemie Exercise: Segment 1, Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion, 04.11.2019, 14:25 

2. Briefing of the Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Commission on the current situation of pneumonia in our city Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, 31.12.2019 

3. rp·online.de, Margaret Chan" hat das Mittel gegen Ebola (Margaret Chan has the remedy against Ebola), 01.08.2015 

4. South China Morning Post, online, 06.02.2020 

5. pubmed.ncbl.nlm.nlh.gov, A Novel Coronavirus Outbreak of Global Health Concern, 24.01.2020 

6. nejm.org, A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia In China, 2019, 20.02.2020

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