Eva Shockey S Outdoor 101 Rar

Eva Shockey S Outdoor 101 Rar


Eva Shockey S Outdoor 101 Rar


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Text from Pages 1 - 344 of the 1976 volume: “ 1976 NORWESTER

Upper Arlington High School Columbus, Ohio Vol. 52

j2The iheme of the 76 Norwester-Facets reflects Upper Arlington High School's students, staff, and activities. Literally, facets are the cut angles of a gem stone, and therefore the theme represents the many angles of the school. As the years pass, it is our hope that this book will continue to reflect your own personal facet of high school. wContents



Seniors............-............................. 34

Juniors ...........................................114


Profiles...................... -...................166






Ending----------------------------------------326 23-19 victory

climaxed homecoming weekend

A spun of offensive power in the fourth quarter gave the Bears a sweet victory over the Lancaster Gales and highlighted a fine Homecoming weekend. The Thursday night pep rally commenced the activities with a parade where Seniors walked off with top honors in the float contest. After the fans showed their spirit by cheering for the team, the evening ended with the crowning of Queen Maria Fry.

The Queen and her court reigned over the game and the dance, which was cleverly decorated western to portray the theme "Lasso Lancaster." A general store and a saloon were two of the decorating ideas used by Student Council, who was reponsible for the entire weekend.

Coach Corey fires up the Bears.


HOMECOMING COURT: Lynn Cederquist. Susie Walton. Queen Maria Fry. Kathy Harrington, and Kyle Yoder.Junior Class Treasurer Keith DeVoe works hard for a second place finish.

Brad Solomon expresses his feelings for the Gales.

19work. or is

Youth-in-Govemmeni is serious

scon Hadley encourages students

lo vote.

it. Greg Wolske?Y1G co-chairman Jon Healey and Dick Franklin.




future leaders

Youth-ln-Govemment is a program sponsored by the Upper Arlington Civic Association which enables seniors to participate in municipal government. The program was organized by Robin Obetz and Jim Reese. With the help of Pat Ritter. City Administrative Assistant, Dick Franklin and Jon Healey helped coordinate the student activities.

City positions were appointed to seniors by a student -elected council. Seniors worked with their counterparts to learn the responsibilities and operations associated with their positions.

The program climaxed at the Municipal Service Building on Youth-ln-Govcrnment Day. The students held a mock council meeting and then attended a luncheon at the Arlington Arms. Speaking at the luncheon was Mayor Tom Moody of Columbus.

Bruce Triplehorn 3nd Director of Parks and Recreation Ken Thompson discuss recreation facilities.

Mayor Mary Boutselis warns of student apathy.


Mr. and Mrs. Gram search for presents.

Queens Pam Strine and Beth Reid.

22Rick Sunderman. Cathy Copeland, Chip Peters, and Carol Camp bell enjoy the Christmas formal.

White Christmas

Organized and funded by Junior and Senior Girls' Clubs, this year’s Christmas Formal was held on December sixth In the school lobby.

Pam Strine reigned as Senior Queen and her court included Susie Segmiller, Patti Hoffman, Cindy Tripp, and Cathy Mack. The Junior court of Katie Michael, Patti Hoffman, Susan Eschliman and Susan Popp attended Queen Beth Reid.


"Prophet" works hard to keep everyone dancing.Donkey Basketball has action

This year the Donkey Basketball game was held on April 12. Teachers as well as students were enthusiastic about riding and put forth a fantastic effort as the teachers emerged victorious, 34-22. The annual event is sponsored by the Student Council and provides an evening of fun and excitement for both those participating and observing.

Mrs. Ripley can't seem to get started.

Ride 'em cowboy! (Alice Burroughs)

Tom Atkins tries again for the students.

24World’s Fair; clubs earn money

Spanish Club's tacos are a popular item.

Entertainment is provided by the stage band Folk dancing club members take a rest.

Tacos, crcpcs, pizza, bagels, cookies, brownies, orange drink and Pepsi: supplemented by entertainment from the vocal and instrumental music departments and folk dancing club comprised the 1976 World’s Fair.

The World’s Fair, organized by Wendy Williams and other Leader's Club members included an exhibition of many special interest clubs at Upper Arlington High School. Language clubs, cynics club. Norwester and Arlingtonian took advantage of this day to earn some money and promote their club.

Debbie Trejo demonstrates an American craft.

Steve Gill. Carolyn Rainer, and Randy Jacobs enjoy eating tacos.Mack and Mabel

"Mack and Mabel." the story of Mack Sennett’s Hollywood, was presented by the Upper Arlington High School music departments February 17 through 21.

Mr. Jack Woodruff produced the show, with Jim Shewalter directing the acting and Mr. Robert Cinther directing the orchestra. Miss Diane Woodruff choreographed the show.

"Mack and Mabel" was a double-cast production, with leads Tim Kimes and Mary-Ruth Clarke appearing on Wednesday and Friday, and Doug Berg
Outdoor Surprise
Jung Frei Nudist
13 Nasty

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