Eva Gold

Eva Gold


Eva Gold

150 Lake Drive, Rhinebeck, NY 12572

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Eva Gold, CNHP, is a full-time therapist, teacher, and Innersource faculty member with the Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Certification Program. She travels throughout Canada, the United States, and Europe, delivering workshops to share the extraordinary wisdom of EEM.
In 2000, after a successful career in design, Eva Gold began her journey into the world of healing through extensive study of nutrition, massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, and herbal science. But it wasn't until she started working with EEM that she began to see dramatic and permanent examples of healing.
For the last three years, she has been teaching the EEM FoundationsTraining in Toronto, and has presented EEM concepts to various institutions, including McGill University in Montreal and the Transformational Arts College in Toronto, Ontario. She actively shares EEM ideas and techniques in yoga centers, senior citizen organizations, churches, and many other community groups. Eva Gold is a member of The Friends of Alternative and Complementary Therapies Society (FACT) in Toronto.
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Exploring the World of Energy for Health
If you are still thinking of joining me in an extraordinary energy adventure in my Eden Method Fundamentals Class starting at the end of May, you still have a chance to sign up!
Does your mind keep you too busy at night, leaving you to toss and turn for hours on end? You’re not the only one!
Many people struggle with the results of a poor night’s sleep. Grogginess, irritability, low energy, not being able to concentrate, and poor performance at work are just a few of the results of not getting a solid, rejuvenating sleep. 
A good night’s sleep restores your whole body. Follow me in this short video if you have trouble falling asleep. 
Hi All! I recorded a few exercises for you as they are my BEST friends when life gets a little unpleasant. Stressful situations can linger for weeks and affect our well-being. You may have a hard time sleeping, performing simple tasks or even find yourself with indigestion! You can help your body process stress faster and release accumulated tension with four simple exercises. Memorize the exercises shown in the video below and practice right away. The next time you experience the unpleasantness of stress, find a quiet area and observe your body as it returns to harmony. It feels DELICIOUS!
Making a New Year’s resolution can be exciting. To help make your resolutions last, support them with energy practice! 
Refresh, rejuvenate, recalibrate and bring harmony between your desires, intentions, and goals by starting a simple morning energy routine. 
Seven Days Seven Ways is a group of short energy practices you can incorporate into your busy schedule as they are 10 minutes or less! It doesn’t matter what day you start, or even what order you follow. The important thing is you start today! 
Within the first 10 seconds of life outside of the womb, we take our first breath. Nobody actually teaches us how to breath and yet it is a complex system essential to life. The health of every cell in the body depends on this crucial exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. So even though we did just fine taking that first breath, stress, pain, emotions, blocked passages, unfriendly climate, sickness, and other circumstances may change our breathing pattern to one that is far from optimal.
If you recognize that stress or any one of those factors listed is affecting you, now is a good time to check-in on your breathing. Summertime delivers many opportunities to be with nature. You can even use these seasonal opportunities to train your body to have a deep and balanced breath. Whether you are in the woods, or walking along the ocean surf, use nature to train your body for wellness. From anxiety to pain you can ease down the magnitude of suffering, simply by conscious breathing.
Here’s a neat experiment you can try on yourself: Inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth. Don’t force it, just let it be natural. Notice how deep or shallow your inhalation is, and how quickly or slowly you exhale. Next, find a plant or flower with a gentle aroma. Assuming you are not allergic to it, repeat the test. Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Notice how deep you breathe in when the scent of the flower or even a summer berry touches your nose. Notice how your exhale slows, and how peaceful you become. You may even notice how hungry you become for the next delicious breath. Enjoy your discovery. Your olfactory bulb will remember the pleasure of deep and balanced breathing. The skill will be very useful when you find yourself in pain or other stressful situations. Find an aroma you enjoy, and slowly, deeply, breath it in…letting go slowly, evenly.
I personally cannot get enough of breathing in the fragrances of summer. The smell of the ocean, the scent of the rain and the fresh aroma of every tree on my hiking path calls me closer. Often I’ll stop to take a deep, luxurious inhale of a flower poking its head out from my garden. As I consciously breathe in, I imagine every cell in my body accepting the gift. I hope you will try it too! Remember though, some plants can be too strong for you to take in their aroma so start your conscious summer breathing experiment with plants you already know and enjoy.
Let us know how your breathing experiment goes, we’d all love to hear from you!
Bring to your mind a teacher that really inspired you. Learning from that teacher was pure bliss. Teachers like that are precious seeds that bloom through you by passing their knowledge and influencing your future. Maybe that extraordinary teacher was able to move you from being not very interested in a topic to it becoming your main passion in life. A good teacher shines like a diamond in the classroom. You know when their love for the topic bursts out of them in the most exquisite way and ignites a passion in you to learn more.
Dr. Melanie Smith is exactly one of those teachers! She was my teacher a few years back and she impressed me with her knowledge, generous heart and incredible kindness.
On Saturday, July 24 th , The Shift Network is hosting a FREE online event with Dr. Melanie and I truly believe it’s a topic important for you to explore as it may have a huge influence on your well-being! She will be discussing in detail, methods to tap into your vagus nerve, using techniques from TCM and energy medicine.
To have a taste of Dr. Melanie’s wonderful teaching style please register for the online event which is coming soon! I know I’ll be there!
For more information or to register for this FREE event, Click here! 
Follow along with me as I go through a short and simple way for you to give your immune system a little help! Do this daily and enjoy connecting to your inner world.
If you are considering joining my EM Fundamentals class in Toronto this year, please watch the video below. Space is limited so if you are hoping to join my class there is no time like the present to sign up.
Follow along with me as I introduce the 6 Healing Sounds taught in Taoist Qigong. This practice may help you with an emotional overcharge.  

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Magenta (H14) flowers, I–IV; gold-bronze foliage throughout the year; height 30cm; spread 50cm.
A sport from ‘ Kramers Rote ‘, found at Pépinières Roue-Cadiou (Plouigneau, France).

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Exploring the World of Energy for Health
Eva Gold (CNHP, EEM-AP) is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioner and one of the Faculty Members of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program in the U.S. She teaches in all four levels of the program and sets up multiple circles of training in Canada. She is also a licensed Natural Health and Medical Qigong Practitioner, a Reflexologist and a Clinical Aromatherapist. Eva is also trained in Bach Flowers, herbs and nutrition.
In 2000, Eva began her journey into the world of healing through the extensive study of nutrition, massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, and herbal science. It wasn’t until she started working with EEM that she began to see dramatic and permanent examples of healing. In addition to her full time Eden Energy Medicine practice in Toronto, ON, Eva has been traveling throughout Canada, Europe and the United States for the last ten years, delivering wellness workshops and sharing EEM techniques to give people agency in their own health and well-being.
Eva has been teaching the first year of the Fundamentals Program in Toronto, ON, Kamloops and Vancouver BC, Saint John NB, Omega Rhinebeck, NY and Bandera, TX, leading many students to discover their own powerful skills necessary to maintain good health, overcome illnesses, and achieve fluency in understanding how the body communicates energetic imbalances. Students engage in hands-on activities to develop strong therapeutic skills and practice EEM techniques in a creative environment. With a solid understanding of energy principles and strategies in tracking different energetic systems, students are able to conduct successful sessions with long-lasting results.
I simply LOVE travelling and sharing energy medicine techniques with independent interest groups. Over the last few years, many people and organizations have approached me to teach energetic healing skills and concepts.
Every group has its own specific needs, therefore I design classes, workshops and presentations based on the themes they want to practice and explore. Whether you would like a short evening presentation, or a weekend-long workshop, I can provide your group with a comprehensive yet fun event.
For example; classes addressing issues particular to female bodies, weight control, immune system health, stress and emotional issues, boosting vitality and joy of life, techniques to support recovery from illness and others.
If you have a group that would like to learn energy medicine, contact me using the form below for more information.

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