Ev Karısı Zerrin Am Got

Ev Karısı Zerrin Am Got
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Given the prevalence of rimfire and centerfire rifle usage in both suicidal and homicidal cases, there is a paucity of articles in the literature that focus specifically on rifle wounds. Gunshot wounds, in general, have been extensively studied with articles focusing on the types of injuries, weapons used, wound locations and weapon range. We designed a study to examine the characteristics of rifle wounds, including both centerfire and rimfire rifles, especially pertaining to location and range of the wound. All deaths due to rifles examined at the Bexar County Medical Examiner's Office between 1988 and 2004 were reviewed. A total of 509 cases were identified, with 233 suicides and 266 homicides. We found that the average age of suicide victims (41.6 years) tended to be older than that of homicide victims (32.6 years). Suicides tended to be contact wounds to the head whereas homicides most often had multiple wound locations sustained from a distant range. The most common location to the head of suicidal wounds was intraoral whereas homicidal head wounds were more often to the temporoparietal region. We developed odds ratios for assessing the manner of death given a wound location or range; however, we caution that every case should be analyzed based upon it's unique circumstances and not solely its statistical probability.
... 21 It was reported that the head was the most common location, followed by chest, then abdomen in shotgun suicides. 15, 22, 23 Karlsson 12 and Karger et al 24 both showed that head wounds were the most common, followed by chest wounds. Abdomen with 9 cases (15.8%) and chest region with 7 cases (12.3%) followed head wounds in this study. ...
... However, some authors found that the most common location on the head to be intraoral. 12, 22, 23 Cina et al 25 found that wounds to the side of head were more common than intraoral wounds. ...
... The same is true for wounds to the face (88.5 times more likely a homicide) and a wound to the back of the head (25 times more likely a homicide). 22 A contact/near-contact shot is generally assessed as a finding that increases the possibility of suicide. It is interesting to note that, although uncommon, multiple shots do occur in suicides. ...
The number of the suicides is increasing all around the world. In this study, the cases autopsied between 2000 and 2007 in The Konya Branch of Forensic Medicine Council were retrospectively investigated. Fifty-seven shotgun suicides were determined. The cases were evaluated in terms of their demographic characters, site of entrance wound, the type of the cartridge used, shooting distance, the place of incident, the place of death, motive for suicide, and the presence of previous suicide attempts. The most preferred site of entrance wound was the head with 34 cases (59.7%). Of 34 cases in which the entrance wound was on the head, there was indirect mandibular fracture in 16 cases (47.1%). In 11 cases (19.3%), there observed small ecchymosed abrasions on the fin-ger surfaces, which are thought to have resulted from the trigger kicking back during triggering or the finger having been stuck between the trigger and the trigger guard. It is concluded that there is a need for a legal regulation that makes obtaining of shotguns more difficult and the people who have them are to be educated not to keep them in easily accessible places.
... All patients were scored using Glasgow coma scoring: 5 patients (8.9%) got scores between 3 and 5 points, 45 (80.4%) between 6 and 8, 4 (7.1%) between 9 and 12, and 2 (3.6%) between 13 ...
... The wounding effect of a projectile is not only correlated with its weight, velocity, shape, and structure but closely correlated with the structural characteristics of the injured tissue (21). Craniocerebral injury caused by a highvelocity projectile is markedly more severe than that caused by a low-velocity one (13) . ...
... Timely discovering intracranial hematoma and performing debridement and hematoma evacuation can noticeably reduce the mortality and disability rates of patients with craniocerebral injury (19). For patients with serious brain damage accompanied by the residence of cranioaural fragments, bullet fragments, or pellets, complete debridement is necessary; the procedure should be performed under direct vision as far as possible (8)(9)(10) 13, 16,18). Also, surgery can be performed under the guide of operating microscope or nerve endoscope (14). ...
The current study aims to explore the clinical characteristics of craniocerebral firearm injury and to improve the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
Material and methods:
Data from 56 patients with craniocerebral firearm injury were analyzed retrospectively for projectile types, traumatic conditions, and treatment approaches.
43 patients exhibited intracranial foreign body residence. Of them, 40 were subjected to complete foreign body removal and 2 to partial removal, leaving 1 without receiving removal treatment. 54 patients (96.4%) survived and 2 (3.6%) died. Of the survivors, 36 (64.3%) recovered well, 15 (26.8%) were moderately disabled, 2 (3.6%) were severely disabled, and 1 (1.8%) lapsed into vegetative state. Patients receiving debridement within 8 h after injury had a significantly higher recovery rate than those receiving such treatment after 8 h (82.1% vs. 26.7%; P < 0.001).
Craniocerebral firearm injury is characterized by rapid traumatic condition development as well as serious trauma and contamination. Accurately judging the traumatic condition and the ballistic tract, performing complete debridement as early as possible, reasonably deciding on the operative mode and approach for intracranial residing foreign body removal, and increasing vigilance regarding concomitant injuries are the keys to the improvement of the overall treatment of craniocerebral firearm injury.
... Numerous studies have demonstrated a male predominance for shotgun wound suicides and have shown the head to be the most common location (3,4,7), corresponding with our findings of 97% male predominance and 70.9% of wounds involving the (8) . Interestingly, one study showed the chest to be the most common region for shotgun suicides (9). ...
... Interestingly, one study showed the chest to be the most common region for shotgun suicides (9). Suicidal shotgun wounds of other regions including the abdomen and neck are both notably less common, a finding seen in another study (8) . In this study, 48.2% of entrance wounds of the head were intraoral, which is similar to other shotgun wound suicide studies showing 62% (5) and 50% (8). ...
... Suicidal shotgun wounds of other regions including the abdomen and neck are both notably less common, a finding seen in another study (8). In this study, 48.2% of entrance wounds of the head were intraoral, which is similar to other shotgun wound suicide studies showing 62% (5) and 50% (8) . This is in contrast to handgun suicides where the temporal location predominates (10). ...
Suicide by shotgun is a common method of suicide with high regional variation. We sought to describe their distinct, challenging features and provide demographic and risk characteristics. We reviewed 228 gunshot wounds autopsied at Mayo Clinic from 1994 to 2014; of these, 75 (32.9%) were shotgun wounds. All were suicides and contact range. Ages ranged from 14 to 92 years old; of these, 97% were men. The majority involved the head (70.9%), were intraoral (48.2%), and had upward (73.2%) and backward (73.2%) directionality. Next most common was the chest (21.5%), with backward (94.1%) and downward (64.7%) directionality. Four involved multiple wounds. Wadding was recovered in 16 (21.3%) cases. Six (8.0%) had a survival period. Most (66.7%) took place at home. Seventy-one percent had a known psychiatric history; 32.4% had positive toxicology. Although contact range shotgun wounds cause severe destruction, entrance wound and other characteristic are identifiable with thorough scene, autopsy, and radiographic documentation.
... These are considered common locations for a suicide gunshot wound secondary to a gunshot wound to the head, as explained by Molina et al. in a previous study, in which they arranged the sites of infliction in the following order: the chest, followed by the abdomen, and rarely in the back. 13 Molina et al. affirmed that, when it comes to a shotgun wound to the head, it is 7.6 times more likely that the wound is a result of suicide rather than homicide. However, for several other types of wounds, the reverse is true. ...
... In cases of multiple wound locations, it is 85.6 times more likely that the wounds are a result of homicide rather than suicide. The same is true for wounds to the back of the head and back of the trunk 13 (which are 25 times more likely to be homicidal). ...
Firearms are often used to commit suicide, especially in countries where firearms are easily available. Suicides with multiple gunshot wounds are uncommon, but not rare. The death of a 30-year-old male is presented in the current work, in which the question of suicide was raised. The most remark-able point was the multiplicity of firearm injuries in different body regions. This case highlights the importance of criminal investigations for the confirmation of the manner of death in such cases. ª 2011 Forensic Medicine Authority. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
... The authors of this article have contributed several studies to the literature on forensic findings in deaths by gunshot (Molina et al., 2013a(Molina et al., , b, 2007 Molina and DiMaio, 2008) . The aim of those studies was to provide data that can help the pathologist in determining, when it is unclear, the probable manner of death of someone who has died from a gunshot-i.e. ...
... The previous articles (Molina et al., 2013a(Molina et al., , b, 2007 Molina and DiMaio, 2008) had all been based on data from a single medical examiners' office. For developing LRs for features of gunshot deaths to determine probable manner of death, we considered that relying on data from a single source would weaken our analysis. ...
A study by the authors of determining manner of death used a method novel to forensic pathology. This article details the
method used. Drawing on the methodology of evidence-based medicine, data was systematically identified and pooled to provide
a robust and substantial dataset of probabilities for forensic evidential features of gunshot wounds. This provided source
data for a Bayesian analysis to determine the probable manner of death. We suggest the same method can be applied to a wide
variety of evidence, meeting the need for strong and reliable data highlighted by R v. T and subsequent debate.
... For instance, if the deceased was wounded with a knife, the directionality and axes of the wounds have been found to be a discerning factor in determining homicides versus suicides, and superficial stab wounds and clothing lacerations are also considered in suicide and homicide determinations (De-Giorgio et al., 2015;Terranova et al., 2020). Similarly, in the case of homicide by gunshot, the type of gun used, the location and number of the injuries to the body, the direction of the gunshot, and if it was a contact shot, are all utilized in the determination of suicide or homicide (Cave et al., 2014; Molina & DiMaio, 2008; Molina et al., 2007Molina et al., , 2013aMolina et al., , 2013b. Observable characteristics of both injury to the body and conditions present in the context in which the victim was found are inherently vital to determining cause of death. ...
Anecdotal reports of deceased celebrities being found nude abound, yet research is lacking regarding the frequency of nudity at death. Moreover, it is unknown if nudity at the time of death is a useful investigative clue or a distracting non-factor in equivocal death cases. This study used data from 119,145 homicides and suicides reported to the Centers for Disease Control to explore victim nudity, prior life stressors, and demographics on the likelihood of a death being a homicide or a suicide. Logistic regression results indicate that a female victim being found nude is a strong indicator of homicide.
... Most handgun suicidal cases involve the right temple as the site of the entrance of the gunshot wound, but the mouth is also a common choice [9]. The most common locations of suicidal rifle and shotgun entrance wounds on the head are the intraoral and submental regions, probably because in such cases the person needs to use both hands [10, 11] . In the presented case, the barrel length of the home-made firearm required the use of both hands, and so the entrance gunshot wound was located in the mouth. ...
Case report A 75-year-old man was found in his backyard, having committed suicide using a home manufactured firearm. The body of the deceased was found in the sitting position (Fig. 1), holding the firearm in his left hand. A suicide note was found in the living room. An autopsy was performed the following day.Fig. 1The photograph taken during the police investigation. The body of the deceased is in sitting position holding the firearm in his left handThe deceased was about 170 cm tall and weighed approximately 70 kg. The skull was shattered and there was evisceration of the frontal parts of the brain. Longitudinal tears of the skin on the forehead, and along the creases on either side of the mouth and nose, were present (Fig. 2a). The upper jaw and palate bones were fractured, as were the bones of the base of the skull. Gunpowder soot deposits could be seen on the oral mucous membranes (Fig. 2b). The autopsy revealed blood aspiration, as well as lung cancer with metastatic disseminati ...
... 18 A common belief is that gunshot wounds to the back of the head represent homicide, but it could not be taken for granted: in some of suicidal head gunshot cases, the site of the entrance wound is the back of the head. 16 The most common locations of the suicidal rifle and shotgun entrance wound on the head are the intraoral and submental regions 16, 23 Vthis is probably because in such cases the person needs to use both hands. ...
... The ballistics investigation showed that the abdominal wound was a contact-shot with a slightly left and backward direction. Molina and DiMaio [5] demonstrated that the head is the most common location for a suicidal rifle wound (79.4%). However, Hiss et al. [6] introduced a self-inflicted case similar to ours in which the left chest received a contact-shot using a zip gun. ...
A case of suicide, a male shot in the abdomen using a homemade weapon, is described herein. Postmortem examination revealed bleeding into the thoracic and abdominal cavities, a collapsed liver and other organs with numerous pellets. The contact-shot wound was not noticed during the initial investigation at the scene, but it was elucidated during autopsy. A simple launcher had been assembled from pipes of a clothes rack frame made for home use. The deceased had once owned a shotgun, but his firearm license had been relinquished five years prior. A shotgun shell that he had kept was used. Presumably, the injuries from the homemade weapon were not noticed initially because of strict gun control rules in Japan.
... The majority of gunshot wounds are related to homicides and suicides and the rate of unintentional firearm deaths in most industrialized countries has been declining steadily over the last few decades [3]. The rates of accidental gunshot deaths were 4.7% between 1984 and 1997 in Edirne, Turkey [4] and 1% between 1999 and 2003 in Bursa and Kocaeli, Turkey [5], 1.6% between 1988 and 2004 in Bexar County, USA [6] , and 0.13% between 1988 and 2003 in Bari, Italy [7]. ...
ABSTRACT: Installation of devices involving shotguns is rarely encountered in forensic medicine practice. In this case report, authors aimed to present an unusual and rare case of shotgun injury due to a home security alarm system and its legal assessment. An electrical technician was invited to a summer house to check a home security alarm system installed by another firm which he worked for previously. It was an unconventional home security alarm system attached to a shotgun. The technician was injured with 18 buckshot pellets (no: 4) while checking the system. The host was convicted of a possible intent to cause a life-threatening injury to the technician. We think that this verdict will set a precedent for similar cases. **************************************************************************************************************************************************** ÖZET: Adli tıp pratiğinde av tüfeği içeren cihazların kurulumuna nadiren rastlanmaktadır. Bu olgu sunumunda yazarlar, ev güvenlik alarm sistemi ve yasal değerlendirmesinden kaynaklanan olağandışı ve nadir bir av tüfeği yaralanması vakasını sunmayı amaçlamıştır. Bir elektrik teknisyeni, daha önce çalıştığı başka bir firma tarafından kurulan bir ev güvenlik alarm sistemini kontrol etmek için bir yazlığa davet edildi. Bir av tüfeğine bağlı alışılmadık bir ev güvenlik alarm sistemiydi. Teknisyen, sistemi kontrol ederken 18 buckshot pelet (no: 4) ile yaralandı. Ev sahibi, teknisyenin hayatını tehdit eden bir yaralanmaya neden olma ihtimalinden suçlu bulundu. Bu kararın benzer davalar için emsal teşkil edeceğini düşünüyoruz.
... Contact wounds were found in 97.9%, intermediate in 2.0%, and a combination of these or an unknown range in the remainder (Kohlmeier et al., 2001). In a study of rifle wounds, it was found that 96% were contact in nature with suicides, while only 5% were contact with homicides (Molina, 2008) . Shotgun wound suicides were found contact range in 96% of cases, while shotgun wound homicides were contact range in 8% and distant range in 59% (Molina et al., 2007). ...
Firearm injuries are well known for their atypical findings and appearances in routine autopsies as well as medicolegal examinations of living person. Usually the range of firearm is given on the basis of findings of effects of remnants of gunpowder discharge on the body and the same is substantiated by the ballistic expert who examines the alleged weapon of offence and performs various tests on it to confirm about the use of particular weapon. But here a single finding of firearm injuries was so typical and peculiar that not only the range in itself became evident at autopsy but also confirmed the theory of alleged suicide as per inquest report. In the present case the firearm wound was situated over the right temple, a common site for suicide in a right handed person, and the blackening was found around the hole of skull that made the whole picture clear particularly in respect to the range and manner of firearm injury.
A manner of death may be ruled undetermined by the forensic pathologist when there is insufficient information about the circumstances surrounding the death to make a ruling. The aim of our study was to retrospectively analyze a series of autopsy cases that were classified as undetermined manner of death after complete investigations. In all, 48 cases were examined. In 23 cases (48%), the cause of death was determined. The most frequent cause of death was toxic death (n = 11). More than one manner of death was deemed conceivable for most cases (n = 39). The most frequent and the most probable manner of death was accident (n = 37). Homicide was not exclude
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