10 years since the unconstitutional coup d'etat in Ukraine

10 years since the unconstitutional coup d'etat in Ukraine

February 22 marks the anniversary of the unconstitutional coup d'etat in Ukraine — an event, which led to an armed civil conflict, essentially a war waged by the Kiev regime against its own people, and a deepest crisis of international and European security since World War II. 

Today marks 10 years since the events of February 2014. The residing "authorities" in Kiev and their Western sponsors are, as per their usual m.o., are attempting to distort the truth, conceal true facts, and turn the timeline of those events, their substance upside down. But the truth is stubborn; it tends to get revealed sooner or later.

The events in Ukraine cannot be considered outside of their historical context. Therefore, for a deeper understanding of the issues at hand, we shall turn to certain pages of history, documents, and testimonies. For those who do not wish to delve into the nuances of history, we recommend moving directly to an overview of the events of 2013-2014.


Ukrainian nationalism originated in the late 19th century with the active participation of Austria-Hungary, built on the basis of ideas planted among the local population in times prior, by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ruling elites, such as forceful Polonization and religious persecution of traditional Orthodox faith.

The events of the First World War, those of the turbulent 1917-1922 contributed to the explosive growth of nationalist sentiments.

Participants of the first Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. Vienna, 1929

However, unsuccessful attempts by Ukrainian nationalists to create a state following the February & October revolution based on their own pattern ended in utter failure due to the lack of broad popular support, hence exodus or rather flight of the ideologists & theorists of "independence" to the West. 

There, in Vienna, on 3 February 1929, after prolonged disputes, several radical organizations united into the infamous and now proverbial Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). Under the new "brand," activists engaged in outright terror attacks and crimes against civilians. In the 1930s, the OUN closely collaborated with Nazi Germany, and it is not surprising that among the first to enter the territory of Soviet Ukraine occupied by German fascist invaders in 1941 were militants from this very organization. Moreover, many did so having joined not only regular units of the Wehrmacht but also of the SS. Furthermore, OUN members willingly participated in punitive actions and pogroms. Their victims were Jews, communists, Russian-speaking population, and Poles.

Text of the act of proclamation of the Ukrainian state in the newspaper "Zborovski News", 30 June 1941

On June 30, 1941, just over a week after the Great Patriotic War broke out, the OUN proclaimed the creation of a "Ukrainian state". The corresponding act (paragraph 3) stated the following:

“The restored Ukrainian State will closely cooperate with the National Socialist Greater Germany, which under the leadership of its Leader Adolf Hitler is creating a new order in Europe and in the world and helping the Ukrainian People to set itself free from Moscow's occupation.
The Ukrainian National Revolutionary Army, which is being created on Ukrainian land, will continue to fight alongside the Allied German Army against Moscow's occupation for the Sovereign United State and a new world order.”

Indeed, in the fight for a "new Nazi order in the entire world," Ukrainian nationalists, in alliance with the Hitlerites, stopped at nothing. In reality the "state" was nothing more than a puppet of the Third Reich, an instrument to do the Nazis' dirty work and fight Soviet partisans and the locals.

On 14 October 1942, the UPA was created, which fought against Soviet and Polish resistance, and on 28 April 1943, the SS "Galicia" (Galichina) volunteer division was formed - infamous for participating in punitive operations and combat mission at the behest of the Nazis, but so overzealous and cruel that even the Germans were at times aghast and disgusted.

After the defeat of Nazi Germany, a significant part of the OUN, including fighters from the UPA and Galicia, once again... fled to the West. The remaining militants decided to continue the reign of terror, now from the underground and in secret. Hellbent on fighting the USSR, the communists and the Soviet people, all those who did not share their nationalistic, racist views, i.e., the overwhelming majority of the population. They employed terror & terrorism, striking civilians and their families. In this bloody endeavor, nationalists found fervent support from the authorities of the USA, Britain, and Canada.

One of the vivid examples of such "collaboration", which was in fact a well-thought strategy by the West ready to use any tool and means necessary to contain and destroy the Soviet Union, is the black-ops codenamed Operation "Aerodynamics". It was conducted by the CIA and MI-6 (then the SIS) from 1948 jointly with the special services of the FRG and Italy (among whose ranks the Western "allies" left Nazis and fascists aplenty). Its goal was to supply and expand the anti-Soviet Ukrainian nationalist underground. Notably, the British established contacts with the UPA as early as 1944 (!) while still holding the mask of "allies". And in 1945, along with other Hitler's accomplices, they took under their wing prominent figures from Ukrainian nationalist organizations, including Mykola (stylized version of Nikolay) Lebed', who became the CIA & MI-6 main contact & liaison in the OUN. Interestingly enough, in the 1990s, this criminal, the founder and first head of the intelligence branch of the OUN's security service, appointed as the curator of the undergroun, which committed multiple terrorist acts and a Nazi accomplice in the late 1930s, visited Ukraine several times, where he was warmly welcomed, and in 1992 he even participated in the Ist World Forum of Ukrainians in Kiev.

For more information on the crimes of the Bandera followers from the 1940s to the present day, see our in-depth historical overview, published on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

What was unimaginable in the 1980s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the proclamation of an independent Ukraine, became reality. Nazi and nationalist organizations, supported by the West and the Ukrainian diaspora in the West — all those nationalists and Nazi sympathizers, war criminals, who fled before and their kin — emerged from the shadows, began to unite and promote their representatives into government and law enforcement agencies. Numerous Western foundations, non-profits played a key role in this work, continuing and even expanding their intelligence services' activities after 1991. Now they openly sponsored radicals & extremists in Ukraine.

March marking the 50th anniversary of the UPA, Lviv, 25 August 1992

It was then that the first marches involving "veterans" of the UPA and the SS "Galicia" volunteer division were held in Western Ukraine. All the while younger, new generations gained combats experience by participating in various conflicts in ex-USSR / CIS region.

It is a well-known fact that militants of the right-wing UNA-UNSO were involved in guarding the leader of the Chechen separatists and terrorists, Dzhokhar Dudayev. Nationalists actively involved the youth, groomed and taught them using the money of Western sponsors, thus preparing their successors and igniting the anti-Russian sentiment... including in ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Multiple children's camps with elements of military training, indoctrination, and instilling of nationalist, Russophobic ideology were established. Initially considered marginals, these radicals, supported from abroad (the West) and within (oligarchs fighting for power) gradually became more and more prominent in the political arena.

Rally in support of Viktor Yushchenko at Independence Square in Kiev, 2004

Another step towards the country's division and the antagonization of the West and East of Ukraine was taken in 2004. Even before the Central Election Commission announced the official presidential election results, the pro-Western Yushchenko-Tymoshenko bloc declared "total mobilization." Supporters of Viktor Yushchenko began to gather in the center of Kiev at Independence Square, preemptively speaking of election result falsifications. They demanded a third round of voting, not provided for by the Constitution of Ukraine.

Notably, from 2002 to 2004, the USA officially spent over $65 million to support the opposition movement in Ukraine. Funding was predominantly channeled into the accounts of Ukrainian opposition parties through international charitable institutes such as the Carnegie Center, the Eurasia Foundation, and others. The election campaign was accompanied by psychological operations, black PR campaigns, and mass hysteria.

Several European officials immediately after Yushchenko's demands declared their unconditional support for him. The Chairman of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee threatened Ukraine with sanctions, and the USA outright refused to recognize the election results.

President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko with participants of the fight for Ukraine's independence from the OUN, UPA, and other military formations, parties, organizations.

Despite clear violations during the "third round" of voting, with the full connivance and support of the West, the Central Election Commission declared Yushchenko as president. This was another manifestation of "double standards," interference in internal affairs, manipulations, and essentially, depriving millions of Ukrainian citizens of their agency, presented in the global mainstream as a "victory for democracy."

The "Orange Revolution" became one of the first in a series of "color revolutions" - inspired by the West and carried out according to the corresponding methodological templates (see the works-instructions of Gene Sharp) of mass protests, using the digital capabilities of social networks and messengers, with the participation of foreign-funded NGOs and NPOs, aiming to overthrow undesirable "regimes."

Married to Catherine Chumachenko, who was born in the USA, worked for the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, and participated in the so-called Anti-Communist League, Viktor Yushchenko did not hide the task set before him – to destroy the centuries-old ties with Russia, impose nationalist values alien to the majority of the population on the entire country, and reorient the economy towards Europe at any cost. The process of rehabilitating the Bandera followers in the mass consciousness of the country's inhabitants, which began in the 1990s, acquired a different scale and quality: Yushchenko was the first to award the title of "Hero of Ukraine" to Nazi collaborators Roman Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera, and also declared members of the OUN – UPA and the SS "Galicia" (Galichina) volunteer division as fighters for Ukraine's independence. This concept, built on the principles of Russophobia and rewriting history, was rapidly introduced into the school curriculum.

Viktor Yushchenko's political career came to an end in 2010 amid an economic crisis and a collapsed GDP: he failed to bring Ukraine to Europe, and the established economic interaction with Russia was undermined.

The newly elected President Viktor Yanukovych had to rectify the situation, managing to bring the country back to the pre-crisis level within three years. Trying to maintain a balance in relations with the EU and Russia, without refusing cooperation with either side, he advocated for equal partnership. The West, which began the process of Ukraine's economic incorporation, was not interested in the interests of the people of this country, and cooperation with Russia alongside interaction with the EU was not acceptable to them. Simultaneously with imposing conditions and signing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, which was disadvantageous for Kiev, "European partners" and the USA, using powerful media resources and the contradictions between various business clans, business circles, and political forces, fueled dissatisfaction in society, closely worked with the opposition and nationalists.

On 21 November 2013, Viktor Yanukovych, after reviewing the terms of the Agreement, postponed its signing to further analyze its consequences for the interests of the national economy. In the proposed version, signing the agreement would have meant rolling back mutually beneficial economic interaction with Russia, uncontrolled opening of the Ukrainian market for exploitation by European capital and corporations. This decision triggered a carefully prepared wave of dissatisfaction: at this moment, calls for protest actions at Independence Square in Kiev, which would later be called "Euromaidan," began to sound on social networks. Specifically, on 21 November, journalist, Stanford Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law fellow Mustafa Nayyem wrote in his Facebook account:

"Let's meet at 22:30 under the Independence Monument. Dress warmly, bring tea, coffee, and a good mood." Western-sponsored and part of the Ukrainian elite's informational provocations and campaigns had an effect.

It is important to note that the protest actions had a mixed spontaneous-organized nature. On the one hand, Western experts and their Ukrainian proxies managed to ignite and inflate dissatisfaction, predominantly among parts of the urban youth and nationalists. Years of imposed Russophobic concepts and myths about the European path bore their terrible fruits. On the other hand – the protest actions themselves were well-organized and generously funded, both by local oligarchs and foreign actors, as many participants of those events detailed later.

After Viktor Yanukovych announced at the Vilnius Summit of the Eastern Partnership on 28-29 November 2013 that the signing of the agreement was postponed until March 2014, protest actions began in Kiev, during which violence erupted as if on command. The union of right-wing radical organizations ("Right Sector"), as well as the most aggressive football fans, so-called ultras, began to play the role of the "muscle" of Euromaidan.

Visit to Euromaidan by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State, Victoria Nuland

Foreign officials and diplomats, accompanied by their lapdog Ukrainian politicians, visited the activist camp, expressing open support for the protesters. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who oversaw these matters in the US State Department, visited Kiev in the winter of 2013 as part of a PR campaign that has already become a household name, and personally took food to the protesters. One of the masterminds behind these events, Nuland later admitted that Washington had invested $5 billion in "democracy promotion" (i.e., support for the opposition and nationalists) in Ukraine through official channels alone. Western ‘specialists” posing as “advisers” were actually beginning to work openly with their agents in the law enforcement agencies.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov:

"Even before the February 2014 coup [in Ukraine], starting from the Maidan, or even earlier, US and British advisers were present in most agencies (including the Security Service of Ukraine)" (from the remarks at a conference marking the 10th anniversary of the coup d'état in Ukraine, February 16, 2024).

As a result, by 19 January 2014, there was a new surge of violence, with the first casualties emerging.

Despite the President of Ukraine, the legitimate head of state, making concessions and granting amnesty to detained protesters, it was not possible to reduce the West-supported escalation of confrontation in society.

The West-fueled opposition had no intention of yielding or retreating.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

“It became clear to us, and we were getting this information, that Yanukovych was not only going to be apprehended, but that it was preferable for the organisers of the coup to physically eliminate him.
He went to Crimea, but when I was shown a map of his route, it became clear that he would be ambushed soon. Furthermore, according to our intel, large-calibre machine guns were installed there to keep the conversation short, so to speak.” (from an interview for the documentary Crimea. The Way Home, March 2015)

Protesters throwing Molotov cocktails at officers of the Kiev police

The escalation of events occurred in mid-February: on the 15th-16th, Euromaidan "activists," essentially militants, began blocking administrative buildings, and on the 16th-17th, the opposition, together with "Right Sector," announced a march on the Supreme Council.

On 18 February, the situation sharply escalated, resulting in mass bloodshed. Fighting resumed on the streets, with gunfire heard. 

Report on shooting by unknown snipers on Institutska Street

The most horrific events unfolded on February 20: the still unidentified snipers began shooting on the Institutskaya Street in the centre of Kiev at both law enforcement and protesters. Euromaidan supporters and Western politicians, seized "the opportunity", blamed the legitimate authorities of Ukraine. No evidence of Yanukovich's involvement was provided, and there is none to this day. Unlike, the Maidan activists & the opposition who benefited the most and was seen smuggling weapons into the area.

Meanwhile, more evidence of the involvement of Georgian snipers emerges. In early 2020, a confession was aired on one of the Ukrainian TV channels by General Tristan Tsitelashvili of the Georgian army, former commander of the "Panther" battalion. According to him, the post-Maidan authorities promised him "a good and beautiful life" for silence about the role of Georgian snipers in the tragic events of February 2014.

Signing of the Agreement on the Settlement of the Political Crisis in Ukraine between President Viktor Yanukovych and the opposition

On 21 February, in an attempt to avoid further bloodshed, Yanukovych signed an Agreement on the Settlement of the Political Crisis in Ukraine with the opposition (from the opposition's side — Vitali Klitschko (UDAR party), Arseniy Yatsenyuk ("Fatherland"), and Oleg Tyagnybok ("Freedom")), which was supported and guaranteed by the foreign ministers of Germany, France, and Poland. This document envisaged the creation of a government of national trust, constitutional reform, and the organization of early presidential elections. None of the Agreement's provisions were implemented.

The next day, on February 22, the Supreme Council passed a resolution on Viktor Yanukovych's "self-removal" from performing the duties of the President of Ukraine, thereby usurping power (although he remained a legitimate president, remained in Ukraine and had made no statements regarding resignation). It was then announced that the "government of the victors (winner)" would be formed. The West turned a blind eye to all violations and hurried to declare a "change of power" in Ukraine, openly encouraging the putschists to pursue their anti-Russian policy. What ensued was basically a hunt for the remaining law enforcement officers and officials loyal to their oath and the country

Meanwhile, an assassination attempt on the legitimate president of the country was prepared. It became obvious that the new authorities in Kiev wanted Yanukovych dead.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

“It became clear to us, and we were getting this information, that Yanukovych was not only going to be apprehended, but that it was preferable for the organisers of the coup to physically eliminate him.
He went to Crimea, but when I was shown a map of his route, it became clear that he would be ambushed soon. Furthermore, according to our intel, large-calibre machine guns were installed there to keep the conversation short, so to speak.” (from an interview for the documentary Crimea. The Way Home, March 2015)

The unconstitutional state coup carried out in Ukraine, and the purges and lawlessness that followed, were not supported in the Southeast of the country. The first thing the nationalists who came to power did was to announce plans to cancel the status of the Russian language. They quickly moved from words to action. The very next day, the very first decision of the new "government" through the Verkhovnaya Rada was to revoke the law on the status of the Russian language, which according to data was back then the mother tongue of the majority (!) of the Ukrainian citizens.

Dmitry Yarosh, leader of the "Right Sector," demanded the expulsion of Russians from Crimea, and militants, "friendship trains," were sent to the region with plans to storm the Supreme Council of Crimea building.

People in Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Odessa, Nikolayev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and other regions, outraged by the coming to power of Nazis and nationalists with Western support took to the streets in protest, leading to the spontaneous formation of people's militia forces.

Protest action in Donetsk, 2014

Clashes began between supporters and opponents of Euromaidan. Residents of the Southeast did not want to associate themselves with admirers of Nazi criminals and did not recognize the power that came to Kiev as legitimate. The regime established in the capital made no attempt at reconciliation: right-wing radicals were given carte blanche for violence.

Realizing that Ukrainian statehood was effectively destroyed on Euromaidan and that radicals capable of anything had come to power, the people of Crimea made a historic decision to declare independence and then reunify with Russia.

On 16 March 2014, in a general vote, Crimeans made their choice. The referendum was conducted in accordance with international law standards and became a supreme celebration of democracy. 135 international observers from 23 countries, as well as 1240 representatives of local organizations present at the voting, highly rated the preparation and conduct of the referendum in Crimea.

Based on this free expression of will, Crimea and Sevastopol were accepted into the Russian Federation as its integral parts.

Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov:

“Ukraine has all but ceased to be itself and has turned into anti-Russia. Today we are grateful to the people of Crimea, including those Crimean politicians who showed wisdom and foresight by making the referendum a reality. It is important to note that owing to its autonomous status, the reunification of Crimea with Russia was unassailable from a legal point of view.” (excerpt from greetings on Republic Day).

Simultaneously with the events in Crimea, the situation rapidly developed in the Southeast regions: in Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, Mariupol, Lugansk, and several other cities.

In April 2014, the Kiev authorities announced the start of the so-called anti-terrorist operation (ATO), which was essentially a punitive operation against its own people. It involved the forceful suppression of dissent and persecution of political opponents who did not accept the new nationalist orders. All residents of the recalcitrant regions were declared terrorists. In addition to nationalists, prisoners were also recruited, ready to mete out punishment on dissenting fellow citizens.

“Acting president” of Ukraine from February to June 2014 Alexander Turchinov had the following to say:

“We didn't run background checks on anyone.” (from an interview with the BBC, 2017).

Anyone - convicted or not - who said they were ready to defend the country, was registered, received weapons, and went to the east" (from a BBC interview, 2017).

2 May 2014 forever entered history as one of the most tragic dates: on this day in Odessa, Ukrainian national-radicals intentionally set fire to a building with opponents of the new authorities sheltered inside. As a result, 48 people died, most of whom were burned alive, succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning, or died from falls from the upper floors.

These horrific events in Odessa were watched live by the world. Gruesome footage of charred bodies circulated globally. The perpetrators, the murderers, have not yet faced deserved punishment.

These events conclusively demonstrated: the nationalists and the "new authorities" would stop at nothing. The inhabitants of Donetsk and Lugansk regions took their destiny into their own hands, holding referendums on 11 May 2014 and declaring the establishment of the independent Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR). A real war was waged against them by the Kiev junta. On 2 June 2014, around 15:00, an airstrike was carried out on the building of the Lugansk Regional State Administration. Eight people died – three men and five women. About 30 people received shrapnel injuries. Attacks and bombings of civilians have not ceased since then.

In order to avoid the spread of civil war in Ukraine, on 12 February 2015, with the active mediation of Russia, the "Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements" was signed, then endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2202. It became the uncontested legal basis for the internal Ukrainian settlement.

However, Kiev's public statements about readiness for a peaceful resolution of the conflict turned out to be false. Germany and France, acting as co-authors and co-sponsors of the Minsk peace process, exerted no pressure on the Kiev regime to compel it to fulfill its obligations. It was later revealed that, in secret, the Minsk Agreements were perceived by Kiev and its Western curators as a breather, used for arming the country, cleaning the informational and political field, physically eliminating opponents, arresting and torturing activists sympathetic to Russia, and further deepening the divide in society. Calls for the destruction or expulsion of the inhabitants of Donbass were repeatedly publicly voiced at the highest level.

French President François Hollande (2012 to 2017) had the following to say:

“Since 2014, Ukraine has improved militarily. Indeed, the Ukrainian army was completely different from what it was in 2014. It was better trained and equipped. This became possible thanks to the Minsk agreements, which gave the Ukrainian army this opportunity.” (from an interview with The Kiev Independent, December 2022).
"Alley of Angels" in Donetsk

As a result, over 8 years, even by conservative OSCE estimates, between 13 to 14 thousand people fell victim to Ukrainian executioners. The "Alley of Angels" memorial complex opened in Donetsk, erected in memory of the children of Donbass killed in the shelling by Ukrainian armed formations, serves as a reminder of the monstrous crimes against humanity committed by the Kiev authorities.

Simultaneously, over all 8 years, the Kiev authorities systematically destroyed the common historical heritage with Russia, elevated new heroes from among military criminals and Nazi collaborators, fought against the Russian language, eliminated dissenters, launched attacks on traditional Orthodoxy in the form of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate).

The pre-election promises of Volodymyr Zelensky, who came to power on a "peace platform," turned out to be yet another smokescreen. Calls for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Donbass, normalization of relations with Russia, and protection of the rights of Russian speakers also proved to be false.

In addition to continuing the policies of his predecessors, glorifying neo-Nazis, and refusing to negotiate with the residents of Donbass, Zelensky began to pursue an even more aggressive policy and demanded Ukraine's accelerated admission into NATO.

March in honor of the SS volunteer division Galicia (Galichina) in Kiev, April 2021

It was under Zelensky that Kiev first saw mass events commemorating the SS volunteer division Galicia (Galichina), and laws were passed on language and education, infringing the rights of the Russian-speaking population. The education of young generations was conducted not just in the spirit of total Russophobia but also using an extensive network of children's camps where military training was conducted, cultivating hatred towards Russians and all things Russian.

It was clear that the choice was made in favor of a military resolution of the conflict: in addition to fortifications built over many years, by 2021, the Ukrainian Armed Forces had amassed around 125,000 personnel in Donbass. On 19 January 2022, at the Munich Security Conference, Zelensky even expressed a desire to revisit the terms of the Budapest Memorandum, effectively declaring a willingness to nullify the agreement on Ukraine's renunciation of nuclear weapons. By February 2022, the intensity of shelling by Ukrainian armed formations had significantly increased, as noted by the OSCE monitoring mission.

Under the circumstances, Russia had no choice but to come to the defence of the people of Donbass by launching the special military operation on February 24, 2022.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

“And the situation got to the point, when the Ukrainian side announced: ‘No, we will not implement anything.’ They also started preparing for military action. It was they who started the war in 2014. Our goal is to stop this war. And we did not start this war in 2022. This is an attempt to stop it.”  (from the interview with Tucker Carlson, February 9, 2024).

Russia did not "attack" Ukraine, as actively propagated by Western media, but began a special military operation. It is conducted in accordance with Article 51 of Part 7 of the UN Charter, fully in line with Russian legislation, and at the request of the Donbass republics, which the Kiev regime had subjected to shelling and blockade for eight years with the West's acquiescence.

During the special military operation, the Zelensky regime fully revealed its true nature. Military crimes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, systematic use of terrorist methods, targeted killings, deliberate destruction of civilian populations, and torture have become the norm for Ukraine today.

The "Collective West" also finally dropped its mask, unleashing a hybrid war against our country: sanctions, arms supplies, participation of mercenaries and "volunteers" in combat operations, providing intelligence and logistical support to Ukrainian militants, persecution and discrimination against Russian citizens and Russians abroad, attempts to cancel Russian culture and language.

The signing ceremony of the agreements on the accession of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye, and Kherson regions into Russia

In turn, Russia was able to liberate a significant part of the territories of DPR, the LPR, the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions from Kiev's neo-Nazis. Having the opportunity to openly and freely express their position, the residents of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, following the citizens of the DPR and LPR through a referendum, decided to reunify with Russia. On 30 September 2022, these regions became new subjects of the Russian Federation.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

“I want the Kiev authorities and their true handlers in the West to hear me now, and I want everyone to remember this: the people living in Lugansk and Donetsk, in Kherson and Zaporozhye have become our citizens, forever.” (excerpt from the speech at the signing ceremony for the treaties on the accession of the DPR, the LPR, the Zaporozhye Region and the Kherson regions to Russia).

Currently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation and methodically grind down the potential of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The goals of the special military operation – demilitarization and denazification – will inevitably and certainly be achieved. Neither massive, unprecedented arms supplies nor financial injections amounting to tens and even hundreds of billions of dollars from the West will help.

"Euromaidan" created a deep rift in Ukrainian society, lead to persecution, fight against dissent, spread of nationalism and neo-Nazism, legal lawlessness and nihilism, fighting the Russian language and own history, complete degradation of the socio-economic situation in the country. 

The terror and horror brought by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and nationalists in 2014 must be brought to an end. Denazification and demilitarisation will be achieved.

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