Euro Amateur

Euro Amateur


Euro Amateur
the open global radio amateurs community
Meeting point of radio amateurs' associations from around the world where introduce and share their activities and experiences. Google+
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: " ad libitum ". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.
In English , Spanish , Italian and Portuguese you can find on Facebook EURAO groups where to share activities, technical experiences, doubts and comments about amateur radio.
Just click on your preferred language above to access the group of your choice.
The scheduled date for this year's EURAO General Assembly is: Saturday, July 2, 2022, at 17:00 CEST (15:00 UTC).
All members are invited to participate. Remember that only associations have the right to vote according to the Statutes.
As in the last editions, it will be held virtually using the Google Meet platform. If you are interested in participating, ask for the link.
AOT , IQ0OT , founded in 2010, aims to contribute to the dissemination, knowledge, study and use of radio communications and telematic systems used for the purposes of mutual aid and public utility, mainly in the solidarity field of civil protection.
773RG , IQ0XV , founded in 2016, is an Italian association of radio amateurs, born out for fun, friendship, the desire to learn, to experiment, to joke, to build... It has two associative branches: one for HF and another for repeaters, digital systems, networking, APRS, etc. It manages also a permanent award for II0MPO.
Volunteer members of the European Radio Amateurs' Organization are helping Ukrainian residents from their respective countries, starting with the transfer from the Romanian border and continuing through the passage or reception in other European countries such as Italy or Spain.
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: " World Radio Day ". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

Выбрать язык русский азербайджанский аймара албанский амхарский арабский армянский ассамский африкаанс бамбара баскский белорусский бенгальский бирманский болгарский боснийский бходжпури валлийский венгерский вьетнамский гавайский галисийский греческий грузинский гуарани гуджарати датский догри зулу иврит игбо идиш илоканский индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский кечуа киргизский китайский (традиционный) китайский (упрощенный) конкани корейский корсиканский коса креольский (гаити) крио курдский (курманджи) курдский (сорани) кхмерский лаосский латинский латышский лингала литовский луганда люксембургский майтхили македонский малагасийский малайский малаялам мальдивский мальтийский маори маратхи мейтейлон (манипури) мизо монгольский немецкий непальский нидерландский норвежский ория оромо панджаби персидский польский португальский пушту руанда румынский самоанский санскрит себуанский сепеди сербский сесото сингальский синдхи словацкий словенский сомалийский суахили сунданский таджикский тайский тамильский татарский телугу тигринья тсонга турецкий туркменский узбекский уйгурский украинский урду филиппинский финский французский фризский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чви чева чешский шведский шона шотландский (гэльский) эве эсперанто эстонский яванский японский
European amateur chess championship - Zagreb 2022
Zagreb - Croatia, August 13 th – 21 th 2022
Zagreb - Croatia, August 13 th – 21 th 2022
Zagreb - Croatia, August 13 th – 21 th 2022
There will be separate championships for categories Under-2300, Under-2000 and Under1700...
The registration fee is 65 EUR (The ECU entry fee of 15 EUR is included in the registration fee)...
The prize fund is 4.000EUR as outline below in euros...

The Organizer offers accommodation in the Family Hotel Aristos****
The Championship will be held from August 13 th (day of arrival) until August 21 th (day of departure) 2022 in Hotel Aristos**** Zagreb, Cebini 33, Croatia.
The completed application forms should be sent by official email to:
The complete registration form must include surname/s, first name/s, FIDE ID number, FIDE rating and title of each player.
Not later than 20th of June 2022 each participant shall register for the tournament.

chess-results 1. Vrban Mladen CRO 2. Starčević Ante...

As part of the European Amateur Championship, a FIDE Trainers Seminar will be held in Zagreb, where the main lecturer will be...

President of the ECU Education Commission, Jasper Bergmark Hall, will hold two lectures as part of the European Amateur...

The Championships are open tournaments for players registered or approved by their federation. ECU member federations shall have...
European amateur chess championship - Zagreb 2022

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Men's 2022 European Amateur Boxing Championships were held in the Yerevan , Armenia from 23 to 30 May 2022. [1] It is the 44th edition of this biennial competition organised by the European governing body for amateur boxing, the EUBC .

219 boxers from 39 countries registered to compete at the 2022 European championships. [2]

Belarusian and Russian boxers are not allowed to compete at the event after a ban as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine .

Due ongoing tension between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Azerbaijan decided not to send any boxers to 2022 European championships. [3]

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