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По оперативным данным объем внешней торговли товарами государств — членов Таможенного союза за январь-июнь г. Стоимостной объем экспорта по сравнению с январем-июнем г. The relevant draft disposition of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council was approved. They are granted tariff preferences in the form of exemption from import customs duties when importing to the Eurasian Economic Union States from April 1 to June 30 of this year inclusive. The EEC Council has approved the annual report of the Eurasian Economic Commission on the state of competition in transboundary market s and measures taken in the Union to prevent violations of the general competition rules. These measures will be recommended to the EAEU Member States after their approval during the next session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council at the level of Government Heads scheduled to be held in a videoconference format on April They include onions, garlic, turnips, rye, rice, buckwheat, millet, cereals, wholemeal flour and cereal grain granules, hulled buckwheat, prepared buckwheat foods, crushed and uncrushed soybeans, and sunflower seeds. Their export is prohibited until June The introduction of the ban will ensure that the population has a sufficient amount of these goods amidst aggravating sanitary and epidemiological situation. The document refers to the format of interaction between the Union States in new conditions. The Eurasian Economic Commission regularly monitors national measures taken by the Eurasian Economic Union countries to overcome the consequences of spreading coronavirus infection. Amid the rapid spreading of coronavirus across the world, governments and national central banks of the EAEU States are elaborating administrative, tax, customs and tariff, monetary and financial measures to support people and business. In order to stabilize the situation related to the spreading of COVID virus coronavirus and the lack of personal protective equipment, the EEC Board decided on March 24, to introduce a temporary ban on exporting personal protective equipment, protective agents and disinfectants, products for medical use and materials from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union EAEU. This page location is:. Sign In. By date: from Date to Date. Об итогах внешней и взаимной торговли товарами Таможенного союза в январе-июне г. EEC Council: Union law will introduce this year additional tools for 'soft regulation' of transboundary markets 03 April The EEC Council has approved the annual report of the Eurasian Economic Commission on the state of competition in transboundary market s and measures taken in the Union to prevent violations of the general competition rules. Useful Links of the EEU. Legal portal of the Eurasian Economic Union. Портал о цифровой повестке ЕАЭС.

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This website uses cookies. Read RT Privacy policy to find out more. Applications RSS. RT Shop. RT Question more. Home World News. Get short URL. Follow RT on. Three former Soviet republics have launched a new regional integration project, with at least two others on track to join in. The name may be new, but the future entity behind it is quite old. Nursultan Nazarbayev, the current leader of Kazakhstan, suggested it as long ago as the early s, saying a Union of the three countries plus Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan is necessary for them all. At the time, the notion of reconnecting the newly-separated parts of the former Soviet Union was questionable at best, but a decade-and-a-half later it is high on the agenda. It is no surprise that many commentators, both in the west and on home ground are cautious about the project. Critics say that Putin wants to dedicate his almost-assured presidential term — or two — to reviving the socialist empire. A closer look, however, shows that this is unlikely. The creation of the Soviet Union in the s had two key features that are absolutely absent today. First, it was about gluing back together the shattered Russian empire. What became members of the new country were parts of the old one, and less than a decade of independence was far from long enough to allow that memory to fade. The collapse of the Soviet Union happened two decades ago, and in former Soviet republics a new generation has grown. The number of people in power with nostalgic notions of the old empire is shrinking, while the majority of the new active youth in the region has little reason to rebuild it. Secondly, the Bolsheviks had a ready ideology, which resonated with the desires of the population. The dream of a fair nation of the common people by the common people was a strong one, while little suggested that it could not be made true. Today, neither actual nor potential members of the Eurasian Union have that to offer. They cling together for the sake of economics first and foremost. It is a union created to defend their markets, businesses and labor from foreign competition. But at a political level, the participants are not eager to step away from their sovereignty. The EU implemented a single currency without a political body to enforce a single monetary policy. This worked in the times of prosperity, but failed miserably in the time of economic struggles. A single currency for the Eurasian Union is stated as one of the goals. Hopefully, Russia and Co. Economically speaking, the Eurasian Union has obvious benefits for its members coming regardless of how it will pay off in the long-term. Tajikistan is likely to follow which will be hailed by its people working in Russia as guest workers, who would no longer be bound by labor quotas. Together, the five nations will have a stronger position negotiating with their trade partners — both in Europe and in South Asia. The new union also has a strong point in old Soviet ties. Good knowledge of the Russian language in the region and the many family and friendship ties alone will make stitching the EAU together easier. Reviving those will also hopefully boost the morale of the older generation, who suffered both in terms of standards of living and psychologically from the USSR collapse. Their national mentalities are just as far from the Western-brand welfare democracy as they are from Asian all-national mobilization-style drive. The EAU may need to erect a bridge in ideology as it intends to do with transportation between Europe and Asia. Media News. Union of Several post- Soviet Republics. Chips off the old bloc: Eurasian Union. Where to watch. Eurasian Union: Stage 1. RT News App. All rights reserved. Accept cookies.

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