Euphoria Hentai

Euphoria Hentai


Euphoria Hentai

Euphoria Hentai

Average 4.2 / 5 out of 5

BDSM , Harem , Rape , Romance , Teen Hentai , Tsundere , Young Hentai

Episode 6
6 abril, 2019

Episode 5
6 abril, 2019

Episode 4
6 abril, 2019

Episode 3
6 abril, 2019

Episode 2
6 abril, 2019

Episode 1
27 marzo, 2019

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Six people find themselves trapped in a mysterious futuristic complex, forced to dance to the tune of a sadistic computer game, where failure to follow the game rules results in death.
Characters include our protanist, Takato Keisuke, his childhood friend Hokari Kanae, classmate Ando Miyako, underclassmate Mikaba Rika, English teacher Aoi Natsuki, same year Byakuya Rinne, and classmate Manaka Nemu.
While still confused about their unusual situation, a mysterious voice suddenly speaks to them: “A game has now started.”
In order to escape the room, Keisuke is the “unlocker” and one heroine the “keyhole”. With an assigned act, he must “use the key”.
After hearing the unreasonable and immoral requirements to win, Miyako gets pissed and snaps on the mysterious voice. Suddenly the lights go out, the girls scream, then lights return reilluminating the room to show Miyako bound to a grotesque torture device. “Anyone who quits the game will die.”
Her screaming begins in tandem with the electrical current. With eyes wide open in fear, she pisses and shits herself. Everyone else starts freaking out.
However, Keisuke seemed to be getting aroused by Miyako’s appearance. That was his secret, his urge to assault and humiliate girls. However, Nemu could see right through him and knew. Nemu takes advantage, forcing the protagonist to submit to her as she brings her lips up to his ear: “This is a contract kiss.”
Keisuke was surprised by Nemu’s behavior but he wants to protect Kanae and decides for the sake of escaping, he will violate the others. Can Keisuke escape the white rooms and return to his normal life? Or will he hold back his own dark urges? «BDSM SCAT School Rape young hentai»

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"Per angusta ad augusta, per aspera ad paradisum" (through difficulties to honor, through hardship to paradise )

A 2011 H-game , with an Hentai anime adapting it with several liberties released on the same year.

Takato Keisuke wakes up in a white room in the middle of nowhere, wearing his school clothes. He remembers going to bed yesterday, but seems to have been kidnapped during his sleep. Investigating what happened to him, he soon exits the room and discovers that along with him, six females he knows were seemingly also kidnapped: his childhood friend Hokari Kanae, the class president Andou Miyako, his under classmate Makiba Rika, his English teacher Aoi Natsuki, same year Byakuya Rinne, and classmate Manaka Nemu, that weirdly seems amused by the situation unlike everyone else.

Soon a robotic voice talks to them through a loudspeaker, and explain they will have to play a game. A game that will put, at best, one of the girls through hell. Keisuke, however....

Developed by ClockUp. Anime produced by Majin.

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Episode 5


Episode 6

2018-12-28 - Watch hentai online for free in english - Anime Porn Videos
They wake up in a white room remembering nothing The protagonist Takato Keisuke and 6 others are locked up in these hidden white rooms. His childhood friend Hokari Kanae, classmate Ando Miyako, underclassmate Mikaba Rika, English teacher Aoi Natsuki, same year Byakuya Rinne, and classmate Manaka Nemu. While still confused about their unusual situation, a “mystery voice” suddenly speaks to them: “A game has now started. In order to escape the room, Keisuke is the “unlocker” and one heroine the “keyhole”. With an assigned act, he must “use the key”.

Takato Keisuke and six females are locked up in a dungeon underground. According to the rules, the only way to escape from this place is to rape all six of them. One by one. Can they escape from here and go back to being normal? Or is this going to change them for the worse?

Takato Keisuke and six females are locked up in a dungeon underground. According to the rules, the only way to escape from this place is to rape all six of them. One by one. Can they escape from here a
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