Eunuch Is Pregnant

Eunuch Is Pregnant


Eunuch Is Pregnant


Adam Levine Denies Affair With IG Model but Says He ‘Crossed the Line’
After Le Yao Yao died in the modern world, her soul ended up in another girl’s body from an ancient era. Oddly enough, the body of the girl was wearing a eunuch outfit! Before Le Yao Yao could figure out how to escape, she was found and dragged to serve the legendary Prince Rui aka Leng Jun Yu. Prince Rui was known to be ruthless and cruel. In addition, he hated women so much that none were allowed within five steps of his reach. Will Prince Rui do anything to Le Yao Yao? Will Le Yao Yao try to escape from the Palace?
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Your Majesty, Eunuch Lin Is Pregnant

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FL is really dumb. She knows that she was poisoned by his majesty's enemy... and she doesn't try to guess who it could be, while trying to escape from the palace, she also falls in love with a shady guy who the ML is wary of, steals a token from ML and runs straight to him despite her inner warning bells.

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Helian Chacha never expected that things could go even worse when she thought the worst had already happen…
She transmigrated, which was quite popular these days, but unfortunately she became a fake eunuch, who was actually a girl!
It seemed everyone in the royal palace wanted her dead.
She got poisoned and was forced to assassinate the Emperor. What should she do?
The emperor knew she wanted to kill him, but he just played dumb and watched her fail once and again, but she knew nothing about it and had to keep trying…
Oh my goodness, it was so hard for Helian Chacha to survive. Good luck with her…

Aug 30, 2016


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Jan 19, 2016


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The MC was drinking wine with a doctor whom she calls brother. Because she was drunk, she felt extremely hot and kept trying to strip. It got to the point where the doctor found out she was female! He was happy but at the same time startled because he was trying to prevent her from taking off her clothes cause it can harm her reputation. After the whole incident, the MC wakes up back at the palace but knows someone knows she's female. She was scared if the ML found out or if it was someone else, in the end, she confronts the doctor to which he promises not to tell anyone.

The ML finds out on his own without the MC knowing. The ML's brother is suppose to be engaged to a girl whom he considered ugly when he was young. The girl was adopted into royalty after her father had died who was a general. The girl was to be said to have been missing for 2 months and they gave the ML's brother a picture. He was too scared to look at it because he remembers how ugly and scary she was since young she was madly in love with him. The ML saw the picture and was in complete shock because it looks just like the MC. Afterwards, the ML started to treat the MC a bit differently (trying to get even more closer) and waits for her to tell him herself that she is female.

After everything is settled, everyone finds out the MC is female and has no issues with it since with her identity, she's able to marry the ML.
She has technically 3 identities.
1. The dead general's daughter whom served the summer kingdom(?)
2. The summer kingdoms adopted princess (the queen and king loves her more than their own son LMAO)
3. The doctor whom is in love with her finds out the MC is actually his missing younger sister (this is how she finds out the general adopted her and she isn't his flesh and blood)
Before the MC tells the ML she's a female, the doctor found out she was 2 months pregnant but the MC doesn't find out until her 3rd month when she kept throwing up and feeling sick. She went to ask the doctor what's wrong with her until he points out this is normal for pregnant women which exploded like a bomb to the MC since she was unaware at all. Then she got scared because she doesn't even know who the father is and goes crazy and runs off. She ends up by a lake and doesn't know what to do with the baby because the baby is innocent. She felt like she already was in love with it but fears how she's only 16 and pregnant since her modern day mentally doesn't feel this is appropriate. While sitting, she cries to herself, she see's a young woman holding her young child and realize that being 16 and pregnant during these time period was okay. She also thought the scene itself was beautiful. The child comes up to her and tries to coax her making her decide she'll keep the child. Staring at the lake, the doctor shows up thinking she was going to go suicide but she tells him she wasn't going to and is going to keep the baby which amazes him.
With no memory, the MC decides not to try to find out who the father is but is still scared what will happen once the ML will know because at this point their feelings with each other is mutual (after finding out her gender secretly, he gives her hints that he'll love her regardless if she was male or female). One night, the ML tries to sleep with the MC but she was scared. She felt unclean and not worthy of the ML. She ends up nearly falling and protected her stomach as a mother defense. The ML takes notices of this action and felt like thunder strike in his heart. This is where she tells him she's pregnant and he is enraged.

He wants to know who's the father but she says she doesn't know which causes a misunderstanding. While crying, the ML felt this scene was familiar. He then realized, he recalled one night when he was drunk 2 months ago, he slept with a woman. He realizes, that woman might of been the MC! The MC takes notice of the happiness in his eyes which disturbs her because she doesn't know why he isn't angry. He asks her how long has she been pregnant to which she says 2 months. With high hopes, he rips off her clothes and then carefully removes the binds on her chest. Why? Because that night, he recalls on the woman's breast, she had moles. After removing the binds, the MC had moles in the same exact spot. He then informs her that her child is his! She was elastic and they both were happy.

He then tells her she will always be the kings woman. He then asks her why she didn't know it was him that was the father to which she finally tells him that she has amnesia. She was scared he wouldn't believe it but he does because he knows the 'original' her was in love with his brother but from the time he had been with her, she never showed such emotions to his brother. Not long after is when the ML and MC let people find out the MC's gender and identity because is qualified to marry him.
Since I skipped ahead, I might of missed a few. I thought the emperor was going to be one because he viewed the MC to be extremely beautiful but felt it was sad that the MC was only an eunuch. Regardless, he wanted the MC to be one of his people to which the MC publicly rejects him but he didn't get angry about it. During a festival, the MC notices he looked at her but the end of his screen time.

1. The Doctor. During the time the ML went MIA, he has been by the MC's side, hoping she'd fall in love with him. Although he found out the MC was his sister, he refuses to give up.. the queen notices his feelings for the MC and felt sorry for him because he cried and the MC thought it was tears of joy but the queen is well aware those tears weren't tears of joy.

2. The ML's brother. He starts to realize his feelings after seeing how the MC is towards his brother. He does confesses his feelings but the MC tells him she's a eunuch therefore they can't be together, he complains how she says that yet she's okay with his brother. He later does see the picture of who his fiance was suppose to be and is shocked how it looked like the MC. He tries to confront the MC about their gender (before it was exposed) so to trick him into believe she was a man, she told him he can strip her in public which made him believe she really is a man. He was hoping that once finding out she really is female, then she really is his fiance so then she couldn't say no to him.

3. Leader of a killer cult. The MC supposedly looks exactly like his dead wife who had died 3 months prior (which by then is the same time when the MC woke up in her new body). A woman who loves the ML went to find killers to get rid of the MC but instead, they kidnap her and bring her to the leader of the killer cult. To the MC he was extremely beautiful to the point where she felt like she really thought he could be a woman. Regardless of this, even though he looks gentle to her, she knows he is ruthless because he took innocent girls and removed their heart. He almost had his way with the MC until she told him she was pregnant but he believes that it's his baby! The MC explains that she is not his wife and how she it be his if his wife died 3 months ago and suddenly revives being pregnant, but he was too elastic to listen.
The Doctor
1. A 15(?) year old girl who had been living at his parents residence has a crush on him. He takes notice of her after she yells at him for peeping at her. The reason why he peeped was because she came out of his room which startled him because he didn't know who is was. She calls him uncle but it enrages him because he's only in his mid 20s but she still calls him old.. Overall, she enjoys teasing him. The MC see's her in a favorable light. Later, they have 3(?) daughters making the ML envious.

The brother of the ML
2. He drank a soup the ML was suppose to drink and ends up sleeping with a girl whom he saw as a sister (she's in love with him). While sleeping with her, he calls out the MC's name which startles and upsets her (she has good relations with the MC btw). After the incident was exposed, he tells her he'll take responsibility but she tells him she doesn't want it and later runs away. Later after the rescues of the MC after the kidnapping incident by the 3rd love rival, the MC finds out the brother fell in love with the girl and the girl is pregnant! They planned to get married which makes the MC extremely happy.

The MC met the girl previously when the girl dressed up as eunuch so the MC called her out as a girl which startled her. The girl wasn't able to tell that the MC was a girl though lmao.. they were able to bond a lot more after they were more into the months in their pregnancy. She gets twins! Don't know the gender though.

Killer cult leader
3. He dies. ML kills him with the MC crying for him and taking pity because regardless of him being a killer, he was extremely gentle towards her making her feel envious towards his dead wife but pitying him a lot for his loss. Even when he was dying, he confesses he knows the MC wasn't his wife, but he can't help but to love the MC to fill that void. He tells her that his wife is extremely gentle and didn't approve of him being a killer, she wanted them to live together happily as normal people. He felt like perhaps this was karma, for not giving up killing, his wife ends up dying so they. He never got the chance to tell her that he planned on really giving up killing and living in a village together with her while living normally.
I think there's two?
1. His cousin whom tries to drug him but someone else ends up drinking it.. (look at the previous spoiler to see who)
2. A girl who had rescued the ML when he fell into a river(?) and had lost his memories. She drugs him with love insanity.
1. The cousin gets killed(?). She was taken to the killer cult and looked dirty. The 3rd love rival tells the MC the reason she was here was because she ordered for the killing of the MC which enraged him. The MC begged to let her off to which the 3rd ML felt the MC was extremely gentle. Not long after, the cousin gets killed regardless by the 3rd ML's subordinate.

2. The girl notices the ML looks at the MC gently while compared to when she poisoned him with love insanity, he never looked at her in such a way. The ML leaves the girl once the MC shows up calling him by his name and saying she is his fiance. The girl who has a crush on the doctor was with the MC and tells the other girl to please back off because the MC and ML has a 5 yr old son together. They then take the ML back to the MC's home. The girl is not allowed to marry the ML now because in her culture, the men are only allowed to be a monogamy relationship. The only way she can marry the ML is unless the MC was dead but since she isn't, her being with him is impossible.

Later, they go back to the girl for her help to remove the insanity (which requires the ML to drink her blood). She asks if he can ever return just to visit to which he says yes-- with the MC with him.
She has a baby boy! And we get a time skip of when he turns 5. He has the ML's facial features but the MC's beautiful eyes. Unlike his ruthless father, to people, he was like a lovable angel. After giving birth, the MC gets trained by the ML's teacher(?) to learn martial arts specifically to protect her son.

Towards the MC, he's well behaved. In front of the ML, he's possessive over the MC. ML tells him the MC is his princess but he doesn't understand and says the MC is his mom. During their bridal night, he ruined the whole atmosphere and ends up sleeping with them. He takes up so much of the MC's time, the only way for the ML to have time to spend with his is when his son is finally asleep so he has to sneak into the MC's room. The ML calls him a little devil.

5 more yrs later into the future, she gives birth-- to 3 more children! 3 being boys so now he has 4 little devils trying to steal his woman. The doctor ML wants to know the ML secret because unlike the ML, he wants a son! When giving birth to her 5th child, 3 of her youngest sons were chanting for a little sister. Finally, she gives birth to a princess.

Jsclie , Lazyhazy , -NEAR- and 29 others like this.

Aug 30, 2016


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The MC was drinking wine with a doctor whom she calls brother. Because she was drunk, she felt extremely hot and kept trying to strip. It got to the point where the doctor found out she was female! He was happy but at the same time startled because he was trying to prevent her from taking off her clothes cause it can harm her reputation. After the whole incident, the MC wakes up back at the palace but knows someone knows she's female. She was scared if the ML found out or if it was someone else, in the end, she confronts the doctor to which he promises not to tell anyone.

The ML finds out on his own without the MC knowing. The ML's brother is suppose to be engaged to a girl whom he considered ugly when he was young. The girl was adopted into royalty after her father had died who was a general. The girl was to be sad to have been missing for 2 months and they gave the ML's brother a picture. He was too scared to look at it because he remembers how ugly and scary she was since young she was madly in love with him. The ML saw the picture and was in complete shock because it looks just like the MC. Afterwards, the ML started to treat the MC a bit differently (trying to get even more closer) and waits for her to tell him herself that she is female.

After everything is settled, everyone finds out the MC is female and has no issues with it since she's going to marry the ML and her idenity.
She has technically 3 identities.
1. The dead general's daughter whom served the summer kingdom(?)
2. The summer kingdoms adopted princess (the queen and king loves her more than their own son LMAO)
3. The doctor whom is in love with her finds out the MC is actually his missing younger sister (this is how she finds out the general adopted her and she isn't his flesh and blood)
Before the MC tells the ML she's a female, the doctor found out she was 2 months pregnant but the MC doesn't find out until her 3rd month when she kept throwing up and feeling sick. She went to ask the doctor what's wrong with her until he points out this is normal for pregnant women which exploded like a bomb to the MC since she was unaware at all. Then she got scared because she doesn't even know who the father is and goes crazy and runs off. She ends up by a lake and doesn't know what to do with the baby because the baby is innocent. She felt like she already was in love with it but fears how she's only 16 and pregnant since her modern day mentally doesn't feel this is appropriate. While sitting, she cries to herself, she see's a young woman holding her young child and realize that being 16 and pregnant during these time period was okay. She also thought the scene itself was beautiful. The child comes up to her and tries to coax her making her decide she'll keep the child. Staring at the lake, the doctor shows up thinking she was going to go suicide but she tells him she wasn't going to and is going to keep the baby which amazes him.
With no memory, the MC decides not to try to find out who the father is but is still scared what will happen once the ML will know because at this point their feelings with each other is mutual (after finding out her gender secretly, he gives her hints that he'll love her regardless if she was male or female). One night, the ML tries to sleep with the MC but she was scared. She felt unclean and not worthy of the ML. She ends up nearly falling and protected her stomach as a mother defense. The ML takes notices of this action and felt like thunder strike in his heart. This is where she tells him she's pregnant and he is enraged.

He wants to know who's the father but she says she doesn't know which causes a misunderstanding. While crying, the ML felt this scene was familiar. He then realized, he recalled one night when he was drunk 2 months ago, he slept with a woman. He realizes, that woman might of been the MC! The MC takes notice of the happiness in his eyes which disturbs her because she doesn't know wh
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