Eunuch Archive Story

Eunuch Archive Story


Eunuch Archive Story
Submission Date: 2002-07-08
By: krister
[Gay] [Nullification] [Penectomy] [Slavery] [Testicles]

Kris visits the town auction and comes away with a couple of items that will change his life forever.
Originally by “Anonymous” Revisited by Krister
Revised and expanded to reflect a fantasy based on this story. Mild editing was done to the original story (part I) to make it consistent and flow into part II.
"Thanks for the lift" I exclaimed as I climbed into the cabin of the waiting hovercraft.
"Not a problem, glad to help out" replied Mike the driver. He waited while I belted myself into the couch, and then turned the vehicle towards town.
It was the beginning of a whole new way of life for me. I didn’t realize it at the time of course. Had I known ahead of time, I don’t know that I would have changed any of the events that followed that day. If I did, it would only be to make it better.
It was market day, but not the normal kind of market day that came around once a month. Today’s was a special market that occurred only once a year. An Asset Market. These markets had been held for more than a decade now, and first came about when the government decided that there were too many prisoners in the nation's jails, that they were costing too much to maintain, and were producing nothing of value for society. So the system was changed. Now, the prisons held mostly first offenders. With the exception of a few particularly uncontrollable recidivists, second and subsequent offenders were sold off to the highest bidder, to work off their sentences. It was a double bonus for the government, fewer prisoners meant lower running costs for the state, and the Department of Correction actually made a profit out of selling the unfortunate offenders off. There was some initial resistance to the new system, mainly from those who were concerned that criminals would be back out on the streets again, but once the pilot scheme established that the citizens would be safe, and the offenders would actually be worse off, it was difficult to find an objecting voice.
At first, the prisoners were auctioned in the cities, but a cry from the country, stressing the need for cheap farm labor, meant that they system was soon extended to the smaller settlements. Within a few years every town of any size received an allocation of criminals to disperse. In the larger towns, it was done quarterly, in the smaller ones, once a year.
I was only about thirty-one or two or so, at the time. I was trying my hand at what few small operators ever make a living at: farming. I had inherited a small farm from my uncle, who died an alcoholic death after letting the farm deteriorate almost into ruin. Now, I was a town boy at heart, but was attempting to make something out of the dilapidated mess that had been left to me as my inheritance. I worked a lot of long and hard hours at it, with little time for socializing or the finer joys of life. My friend and neighbor, Mike, advised me to get some assistance, particularly with an Asset Auction coming up soon.
Initially, I resisted the idea; somehow the idea of owning other people didn’t set well. There was not much profit coming from the farm, certainly not enough to pay out wages. So an Asset might not be a bad idea commercially, but still… I guess the notion that finally pushed me over was that I wasn’t buying a human being - just his labor. His labor was his penalty.
So, buying an Asset would mean dipping into the cash reserves I had from selling my house in town, but it meant a better shot at making a go of the farm, so I decided to go for it. So now we were on our way to the market, and I was rather anxious to be at my shopping. "There's the catalogue,” Mike told me. We were flying across some long and flat landscape. "Have a look and see what you think..."
"Thanks, Mike. I appreciate this.” Mike was a good friend. He was always quick to offer advice, or to lend him a hand. I knew the favors would need to be returned one day, but that was in the future. I needed the assistance now, and was grateful for it.
I started to flick through the pages. Each one showed a photograph of the asset (as the prisoners were euphemistically called), followed by a physical description and a summary of the criminal record and the length of the current sentence. That was the most important factor in determining how much they would sell for, for at the expiration of the sentence the asset had to be set free, with no residual value. I noted that Mike had made a few notes in the margins.
"So what am I looking for?" I asked.
"Well" said Mike; scratching his chin "I reckon that a man in your position should go for a reasonably young one. Good solid type, capable of plenty of hard work. Make sure he's healthy. Doesn't matter if he's not too bright, you can do the thinking for him. And you should also get one with as long a sentence as you can. It takes so long to train the bastards; you may as well get value out of them. You might also want to look for someone to clean and cook and keep the house garden, as well."
"But if I get long timers, what happens if he's a dud. No good...."
"Same as if he's a short timer. Get rid of him. Trade him on the second hand market. Of course you wont get all that much for him there, but it's better than nothing. But don't worry; I haven't had one yet that I haven't been able to whip into shape, one way or another. It's amazing how a bit of pain can show them who's boss."
I returned to looking at the catalogue. "So you're looking for one, too, Mike...."
"Yeah. The missus is in my ear about the housework again. The lazy bitch reckons she needs help. So I'll get her a houseboy, that'll shut her up. Pity they're only auctioning males this time. But even when they have women, they're always way more expensive. Supply and demand you see. All these farmers looking for a girl they can put to work all day and then screw all night. There just isn't all that many ones you'd let into your bed though...."
They flew on in silence for a moment. I studied one particular page, over the others. "What do you reckon about this one?" I held the catalogue out so Mike could see it as we flew.
"Yeah. I reckon that's the sort of worker your after...." I made a note of the sale number and turned to the next page. By the time we had landed behind the town square I had found three others who seemed suitable. Mike and I ran through his list as we sat in the car.
Time was slipping away. We joined the stream of buyers and lookers heading for the large vaulted market hall. At the door we had to put our thumbprints to the security panel to identify themselves as taxpayers; that allowed us entry.
Once inside, I was momentarily stunned by all the activity. It was my first time to an Asset Market. Normally, when I came to this hall, it was full of fruit or meat. Today it was full of a different sort of meat. Human meat.
Along one side of the elongated building were a couple rows of cages. Each held a naked male. In the remaining area the bidders milled, mostly farmers, and they were busy chatting with friends about the weather and prices and trends. Farmer talk. At the far end of the building was a stage. There were several men standing on it preparing for the impending auction.
I knew I would have to be quick if I wanted to get a look at all my prospects before the bidding started. Leaving Mike for the moment I quickly walked over to the row of cages. I stopped, fascinated, in front of the first cage that I came to. Asset M12816 was cowering with fear in the back corner. He looked younger than his stated nineteen years. He was a good-looking young man, almost pretty, smooth skinned and fresh faced. That is, if you ignored the look of abject terror in his eyes and on his face.
"Hard to imagine he held up a jewelers shop, ain't it". I turned to see Mike at my side.
"Yeah. Why do you reckon he did it?"
"Drugs probably. That's why he's a bit on the scrawny side. Interesting looking asset. Might be good for a houseboy”
"Yeah. Maybe I might try to get one like him for the missus, if he ain't too clumsy." He called out to the guy "Hey boy, lets see you turn a somersault!” I was surprised when the young man quickly moved forward to comply. "They always do" Mike told me. They want to put on a good show. The more you pay for them the better they get treated".
They watched the youth turn his somersault. "Its an old trick I learned" Mike commented. "Shows a lot about coordination and agility. Something had caught the younger farmer's eye. “What’s he got that ring in the end of his cock for?"
"Oh" commented Mike. "They all have them. Standard procedure for prisoners. The first day they're in jail they pull their foreskin up and push a loop through it. Can't get it hard then, you see. Stops them fucking each other." Mike had a quick look at the catalogue. "See, this guy has been in custody since June. That's over four months, and I'll bet he hasn’t seen his knob in all that time. I'll bet he's right horny too, young fella like that. Well, serves him right, if he wants to go around robbing people, he must expect to suffer for it.
"So do you take the ring out once you buy them?" asked Kris.
"It's up to you. Depends how you use them. For houseboys used around women folks and kids, it’s best not too. Some think it makes no difference, otherwise. Not that you've got that problem at the moment, but you can't trust these fucks, they're worse than animals. Remember that. Besides, why give them more pleasure than you have to. Unless, of course, you enjoy playing with it, or something." As he spoke he gave me a strange, sidelong sort of look, both suggestive and vague, as if he were somehow looking for a reaction. I just made out not to notice. I guess Mike still hadn’t figured out yet that I was gay. "Must get awful smelly under there. I mean…" (I was from the old school: my mother had me cut, and never smelly since.)
"Oh, I reckon he'd be clean. The Correction Department's pretty good about keeping them clean. I once saw a guy whose whole cock was covered in blood 'cause he didn't keep himself clean. The jailers got to him with a wire brush. Took all the skin off it. Every last bit. I bet he washed himself very careful after that, once he could stand to touch it again..."
A thick metal bracelet around the youth’s ankle caught my attention, too. I pointed it out to Mike, asking what it was.
"Oh that's his Control,” Mike explained. "They all have that, too. He pointed to a small remote control wand that hung over the door of the cage, well out of reach of the occupant. "That's how you make him do what you want. If he gets a bit slow or lazy, give him a bit of a tickle. If he comes at you threatening like, give him full strength; it'll stop him in his tracks. They say it feels like his leg just got cut off. Never seen one yet who could keep moving when he was zapped at top power."
"But what if he grabs the wand from me?"
"No problem. It only works on your thumbprint. It wont do anything for him at all".
We moved on, and as predicted, each of the naked assets had a ring through his foreskin. The idea of an Asset was both a little bit frightening, and a little bit arousing. I was still a bit apprehensive about the idea of purchasing an asset or two, but now that I was here, and could see them in the flesh, I found myself starting to feel the power of domination and success over the horizon. It was almost bordering on a lust. Whichever I purchased, I could do with them whatever I wanted.
A call over the loudspeaker told us that the auction was about to start. The two of us made our way to the front of the hall. The prices that the first few assets brought caused me some concern. They were rather expensive. "Don't worry" whispered Mike. "They always put the fancies on first. The price will drop once they get into the ordinaries". The price had dropped a bit when Mike was the successful bidder for M12822, one of the earlier assets we had viewed.
"He'll do okay" commented the older man "With ten years to run he'll want to behave, and I reckon the missus will be happy enough with him". The auctioneer moved on.
I made several bids, but each time the bidding moved out of my desired price range. A few times Mike whispered to me to stop, that the asset was over-valued. Despite the growing fear that I would miss out, I took his advice. But then I was suddenly the successful bidder on a thick, heavy-set young fella, Asset number M12848, doing fifteen years for assault, who looked as though he might pull his weight on a farm.
There were only seven assets left to be disposed of when I made a successful bid on an asset I could use as a houseboy. Might as well have someone to keep the place up, along with a produce garden. It was the one we’d looked at first. I managed to get in a fairly low bid; most of the farmers remaining didn’t want skinny little kids, feeling they wouldn’t produce much work or value. Only two bids were made past mine, and I topped them slightly. As the gavel fell, I now owned two assets.
We left the last few assets to be sold behind, leaving the last few farmers to pick them over. I pushed my way through the crowd for a closer inspection of what I had purchased. Asset M12848 was a stocky young man in his early twenties. He was thick set, but it appeared to be mostly muscle. The prefect farm worker. At first glance, I could see that the guy had a definite attitude problem. He literally sneered at me through the bars of the cage. I could see the anger smoldering through the brown eyes, and I was wondering if I was experienced enough to handle such a strong-willed asset.
"Yeah. I hope so...." there was some hesitation in my voice…
"Don't worry. You'll soon belt him into shape. I'll help. Come on, we've got to go and pay for them". He indicated with his hand where a small queue had formed beside the stage.
"You want him cut?" asked the clerk, once the computer beeped acceptance of Mike's thumbprint.
"Yeah, I reckon so. He's going to be hanging about the missus all day, may as well keep both of them out of temptation, especially if she takes a liking for that little sausage between his legs". I had been only half listening to the conversation, so I was caught a bit unawares when Mike turned to me and asked "How about you Kris, you want your two cut?"
"Yeah, you know, castrated. Gelded. Nuts cut out..."
"Uh, I don't know. What do you reckon...."
"Well, it's up to you. Only costs fifty, and they do it on the spot. The advantage is that it'll make your big one a bit less aggressive, but it'll slow him down too, so you wont get quite as much work out of him". I thought for a moment remembering the look of hate in my big asset's eyes. The idea of castrating another human being was a little bit disquieting somewhere in the depths of my soul; it made me feel uneasy, but I also knew that I would need all the help I could muster to control the man. If cutting off his balls would mean less worries, then I guess I was all for it. On the other hand, my houseboy asset posed no such problem. I quickly offered my thumb in authorization of the purchase prices, and the extra cost of gelding for M12848
"Come on. It's always fun to go and watch". Mike steered us toward the rear of the market hall.
A new concern occurred to me, just then. "But what happens after his fifteen years are up. I mean, once he's free he can hardly get his balls sewn back on again, can he...."
"That's his problem,” replied Mike. "But if you want my opinion, that type of scum shouldn't be allowed to produce kids anyway. Goodness only knows we've got enough on the planet already. As I see it, we're probably doing society a favor. And anyway, even if he kept his balls his fucking days are probably over."
"The ring in his cock. After a lot of years with it paining them to get erect, most of the guys suffer from a sort of aversion reaction and can’t get it up once the ring is taken out".
The activity in the market hall was tapering off. Most of the assets had already been removed, and the crowd had dispersed, many to the local hotel to continue their socializing. At the rear of the hall we found out assets. Their wrists and ankles had now been chained, each one securely, with their backs to the strong bars that made up the wall of the small cages. Mike's houseboy was looking absolutely petrified, his light blue eyes wide and rolling about in their sockets, a tell-tale trail of snot from his nose indicating that tears had been shed recently.
Nearby, was my newfound laborer. He still looked defiant, but there was something else in his countenance as well, now. Fear. He was a smart cookie, and even if he didn't know exactly what was about to happen, he had the general drift.
The duty doctor came around the corner, and came up to the first cage, my laborer asset.
“Is this the one you want castrated?”
I looked at the young man and asked, “What about it fuck-face? You up for a little bit of castration play? With you playing, of course...”
Dead silence and a look of hateful defiance met with the question.
"Okay, can you give me a hand? We'll need to get rid of the hair down there before we start, so if you could hold his cock up and out of the way, it would be a big help".
I hesitated for just a moment, summoning up a little courage, before reaching out and putting my hand on the asset's appendage. The cock was like its owner, short and thick. The foreskin was thick also, the outline of the glans beneath not discernible. The organ tapered to a blunt point. There were a few chunky wrinkles of loose skin, held tightly together by the infibulating ring.
The doctor produced a small piece of equipment from his pocket. It consisted of a small loop, about five centimeters in diameter, with a handle on it. When he switched it on, it let off a low hum. "Be careful with this" The doctor commented. "Don't let the back of your hand get too close, or it'll also get plucked ". He placed the loop close to the asset's scrotum. Immediately small frizzy pubic hairs began to pull away from the skin and attach to it. It must have been hurting the asset, for I could feel him flinch. The asset kept his mouth firmly closed. He was too cool to say anything. At least, not yet.
It took a few passes before the scrotum and inner thigh and nearby crotch was plucked clean. The doctor put his first instrument away, and picked up another.
"Thank you, sir. You can let go of it now".
I reluctantly let the warm flesh fall away from my grasp. "What happens now?" I asked.
"The ring comes out, temporarily that is. I have to check that all is in order". He grasped the end of the asset’s cock and applied a small clamp to the ring. A quick turn and there was a ping of tensioned metal and the ring broke. He deftly removed it from the folds of the foreskin.
Immediately the asset's cock started to erect. "They can't help it,” commented the doctor. After a few months it becomes an automatic response. Funny, isn't it, after a few more years they loose it again, and become impotent". He skinned back the thick skin to reveal the small knob beneath. It was clean, and he let go of it once again. The penis was now fully erect, the foreskin covering no more than half the glans.
"Well, I normally have to give them a shot of pain to get the cock down so I can put a new ring in".
"It's a pity you can't sew it up, so that it never retracts and we don't have that problem.” Suddenly I had an idea. I put my face up as close as I could to the asset's face, and looked him in the eye. The hatred and defiance was unmistakable. It was time for the first lesson. "You know what happens now, cuntface?" 1
There was silence as I reached out and grabbed the now denuded balls sitting in their tight pouch. They felt heavy in my hand.
"We're going to help you with your att
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