Ethnic Minorities: Hong Kong Protests Connects Minorities and Locals

Ethnic Minorities: Hong Kong Protests Connects Minorities and Locals

Representatives of Hong Kong ethnic minorities have spoken up at the 21st Citizens' Press Conference, stating that the recent protests have helped connect ethnic minorities and Hong Kong locals.

A Pakistani college student expressed frustration towards the Hong Kong Police Force for unreasonable stop-and-searches which he and his friends encountered. He participated in the protests because he considers himself a Hongkonger, and stated that many ethnic minorities stepped up to the protests after Jimmy Sham, convener of the Civil Human Rights Front was attacked.

V, an Indian, said that the attack on Sham has weighted heavily on him and worries for his personal safety. He was also concerned for relations between ethnic minorities and locals after the attack, but was moved to see the locals protecting ethnic minority groups.

A spokesperson for ethnic minorities, who was unable to attend the conference, disagreed with the polices’ statement that hitting the Kowloon Mosque with water cannons was just an accident. However, Muslim leaders in Hong Kong did not take their opinions into account and accepted the government's apology in a private meeting.

Representatives of ethnic minorities pointed out that most ethnic minorities in Hong Kong were politically neutral. However, their political awareness has been on the rise due to the recent social movement.

Source: RTHK

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