Essay competition for young people

Essay competition for young people


The essay question is:

What fundamental economic and political change, if any, is needed for an effective response to climate change?

Description: For decades the world has been aware that human activity is heating up the planet to dangerous levels, with potentially calamitous consequences. Despite efforts by government, business and individuals to curtail the trend, carbon emissions are still rising. Perhaps new thinking is needed, since previous attempts to deal with the problem have failed. So what might be done?

The winning essay will be published on The Economist's Open Future website and the winner will be invited to attend one of the three Open Future Festival events, to be held in Hong KongManchester and Chicago on Saturday October 5th 2019. The Economist will pay for travel and accommodation; if the winner is under 18, we will pay for a guardian to accompany the winner as well. The names of the 20 long-listed finalists will be published online; each will receive a one-year digital subscription to The Economist.

Essays should answer the question by taking a stance and making a case based on arguments and facts. We will select the best essays based on the quality of their arguments, not the extent to which they align with our views. Though good writing is important, judges will make allowances for those for whom English is not their first language.

Essayists should email their submissions by July 31st 2019, with the subject “Open Future essay contest” to:

Please send only one, final submission, and place the text in the body of the email: we cannot accept attachments.

Please indicate your age and country.

We encourage you to read last year’s winning essays here.

Good luck!

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