Essay About Celebrity

Essay About Celebrity


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Topics: Actor, Third World, Celebrity Pages: 2 (632 words) Published: January 23, 2011
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...Celebrity Role Models A state in which the mind is elevated above the reach of ordinary impressions, unconscious of sensible objects, and under the influence of overpowering emotions celebrities find irresistible and enticing. Celebrities distinguish themselves in such ways that others admire and want to emulate. Celebrities are worthy of imitation; "everyone needs a role model". The immense amount of drug usage that celebrities, athletes, professionals, and politicians take part in has improved society in countless ways and will continue to do so if everyone emulates these social icons. The use of drugs has improved society by never having to worry about anything. It brings you into a state of mind where you feel careless about everything and everybody around you. Marijuana is the most widely used drug, but who can blame celebrities for wanting to feel relaxed, have better awareness, and also an increasingly amount of hunger. Instead of going to jail for having possession of marijuana and other drugs, people should go to jail for not having possession of drugs. Life without drugs would be so boring. What would there be to do without drugs? Celebrities are the best role models for setting such great examples for everyone. They admit their personal experiences and exposures established from the usage of drugs. It is amazing how fast the media and paparazzi get this kind of...
...Celebrities should not be idolized. Today I am going to discuss why teenagers and children spend too much time following the lives of celebrities, and why it creates such a negative impact on young lives in this generation. Nowadays, celebrities include a wide range of genres. Pop stars like Lady Gaga, actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, comedians like Robin Williams and sport athletes like Ian Thorpe. The list of different celebrities goes on, which caters for everyone’s interests. And this is the problem. Everyone in this room has a celebrity that they like, that they have a crush on, that they look up to and that they gossip about with their friends. You might want to cook like Matt Preston, sing like Britney Spears, or be as mean as Simon Cowell. But we need to stop and think about how these celebrities are ruining our lives. Teenagers in this generation spend too much time trying to keep up with the speedy, glamorous lives of the celebrities. We see them on the news, twitter, tumblr, facebook, in magazines, and various gossip websites. We spend so much time reading up on the latest scandals, and new relationships, we don't focus enough on our own personal issues like school, homework, family and friends. Why are we looking up to these celebrities, and researching their lives, when we should be looking up to our parents and researching our homework?...
...Celebrities today make thousands on end for what they do from actors, to musicians, to models , and athletes.I can understand that though because it takes hard work and determination to do so. Some americans however believe they dont deserve all that they get .For me i cant say they make to much or just enough because some celebrities are famous for being famous if you can understand that; for instance they might have a famous family member and they become famous because of that , But for all the celebrities that get it and worked for it they do deserve all that they make .It takes hard work and determination ,you cant be afraid to get up in front of thousands of people and make a fool of youself sometimes, and celebrities must like to bring joy because they bring people up when their down they provide a distractiion from the hard times and might make you even happier when you already happy the affect they have on people not just americans is amazing . To be an actor, or a musician, or a athletes etc. takes hard work .Alot of people might not think so but you have to go to school to be an actor or a musician to perfect what you do.For an athelete however you dont have to go to school but you would want to for the publicity. I wouldnt want to be an athlete myself because not only do you have to be in shape and have plenty stamina theres always that chance that you get hurt doing what you love and your hole career...
...Money is such an influential mechanism that drives people to do their jobs, but how much is too much for a job? Many professional famous actors and celebrities receive multi-million dollar salaries. Many people believe these salaries are excessive; others believe they are justifiable. I strongly feel that they earned their multi-million dollar salaries. Most of us, the common people seem relent the hardships and suffering the familys of the famous go through. Also they endure increasingly long workdays that most of us would not be able to endure, hence that not everyone is a celeb. In addition, celebrities give back millions of their own hard earned money away to needy charities, and do charitable actions that even money could not put a price on. Celebrities families are taking a blow in the limelight, celebs are continually working excruciating never-ending work days, and giving back a lot of their worked copious money. A hefty number of people believe that they are the closest things to perfection, but no one is perfect and things arent quite what they appear to be. Undeniably to many, family is the most important thing to them. More than often, celebritys families suffer due all the media coverage, exposure and stress. It is notorious how divorces are becoming very prevalent among the famous. For the same reason, they are becoming common, and widely accept among our culture. Nevertheless people, famous or not, are...
...athlete or celebrity? At one point in every child's life, they dream of being on the front pages of magazines or live on TV. They dream of the A-list lifestyle and wish that they could be that when they grow up. When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a singer and I looked up to Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. As I grew older, I saw their faces all over tabloids and their actions never made me oppose them, but I understood that some of their actions were wrong. Professional athletes and celebrities make amazing role models but they can also be a really bad one too. People nowadays are so closed minded and quickly judge others when they do wrong. Celebrities and athletes have it really bad because their lives are so exploited. Everything they do is monitored by others and the moment paparazzi catches a glimpse of their mistakes, it's like WWIII has started. Then over time, things die down and people are on to the next big thing. This brings my point of making mistakes are okay. No one on this Earth is perfect, not even celebrities. People go through many challenges in life that cause them to make bad decisions. Instead of shunning a celebrity, people should use them as an example of what their children should and should not do. Furthermore, celebrities have their own lives aside from being a celebrity. They do things such as buy groceries, take vacations, pay bills and...
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...Celebrity Justice Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Ritchie, Paris Hilton, Tiger Woods, Nicholas Cage - the list of celebrities who have been arrested or charged with a crime is a long one. Drug possession, lying to investigators, driving while intoxicated, shoplifting - the list of offenses is also a long one. When arrested, are celebrities held to the same standards of justice as the rest of us, or do they receive special treatment in the legal system? If convicted how, do their sentences compare to those of a majority of those in our justice system? In this paper, I argue that celebrity status does give a defendant a number of major advantages, the most important being that they can hire the kind of legal representation that the average person could never afford. Where most people arrested for DWI, drug possession, public indecency or shoplifting have to use a public defender, go into debt to hire a lawyer or accept whatever deal prosecutors offer, rich people can afford the best defense that money can buy. Their careers may even benefit from the publicity surrounding their cases. The difference is not just because of their celebrity status, but also because celebrities have wealth. In many ways celebrities get special treatment by police, prosecutors and judges. While young rappers or sex stars may have their careers enhanced by publicity, others 2. have been able to use...
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Essay about The Life of Celebrities
There are many advantages and disadvantages to a celebrity life. Some of the advantages that I will evince later on in the essay are: money, popularity, good press in magazines; however, some of the disadvantages that I, too, will evince later on are: privacy intrusions, harassment and childrens’ privacy (children of the celebrities). This essay will also discuss the impact this has on us and will debate the luscious lives of celebrities – or, some may argue, the cruel, callous life of a celebrity.

There are many advantages of being a celebrity – we all know that – some of these are: the money, celebrities earn impressive amounts of money, for example, Tiger Woods has made over a billion dollars; the popularity, everyone wants to be…show more content…
Examples of this can be things like: simply taking a picture, naming the children. One may think why is this is an issue, well it can be, because what if someone may go to an extreme and kidnaps the child! (This is a widely discussed issue and there are lots of different points of view).

Let us not prevaricate, celebrity culture affects us all. Whether we aspire to them or loath them: they will have an impact on us.
Psychologists say some people aspire towards celebrities because they are made icons by the media around us. But some of us do not aspire – not even close –we think of them as futile flibbertigibbets and wish draconian punishments on them.

Furthermore, some people even put food on their table through celebrity culture. The most well-known form of this is the paparazzi, who try to catch celebrities doing wacky, weird and wonderful things. And they are even magazines entirely devoted to fuel our addiction of celebrity. Where ever you look people are trying to rope in some cash from celebrity culture.

Do not worry human rights freedom fighters; celebrities do have rights. The government body that enjoin these rights are the
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This paper will demonstrate the reasoning behind the photoshopping epidemic that exists through advertisements, celebrity imaging, and through many other facets of one’s daily life. The enhancement of images supplies a altered sense of perfection and what ideal beauty truly looks like. “A technique which is the mainstay of advertisement companies, of personal photo-editing, and of image manipulation in general bears the overtones of a mannerist praxis carried over from the sixteenth century to the
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Celebrities are everywhere in the news, the latest gossip appears in the weekly magazines without fail. Whether they be an actor, athlete, dancer, designer, model, singer or just rich; there is someone out there who is watching that person like a hawk, not letting a single breath go unnoticed. Such is the life of the rich and famous, under the incessant gaze of journalists and the paparazzi. Lives that many people take a great interest in and admire to the point where others would liken this great
nightmare for the celebrities. Imagine living in a place where you cannot control on how much you wanted to expose yourself, just because you are a celebrity. There are always two sides of a coin and being a celebrity has its pros and cons. Does life as a celebrity with its fame, glitter and wealth is worth the price of privacy? The answer would likely be no. When signing a contract to become a celebrity, unintentionally a person is letting go one of the most crucial aspects in life and that is privacy
The celebrity lifestyle is not what everyone portrays it to be. 9 times out of 10 most celebrities wish they could live the average middle class life. Behind the scenes, celebrities suffer from multiple things that affect the lives of their families and themselves. The life of a celebrity can bring fame, money, and lots of attention, but has the downfall of addiction, pain, high standards, and no privacy. Lately, people have been craving the lifestyle of a celebrity because they only see the exciting
Celebrities and ordinary people are identified in different categories. Celebrities are the elite or ones who have a prodigious influence on the public. Famous people range from artist all the way down to politicians. Ordinary people are common citizens of the world. Conventionally, this refers to one who conducts a rudimentary life with no authentic exposure to spotlight attention. This may additionally mean ordinary people have not accomplished as much as a celebrity. Although celebrities and ordinary
Celebrities should have private life. According to Oxford Dictionary (2014), a celebrity is a person who is famous especially in the entertainment or sports world. The fame of celebrities make public to be interested in their private lives. These public demands encourages the paparazzi, the freelance photographer, to target celebrities in order to take their photos (Nordhaus 1999, p.285). Nowadays, it clearly seems that celebrities have problems with their private lives. Their personal details flooded
Introductory Paragraph Being a celebrity
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