Eskoz S Giantess Pussy

Eskoz S Giantess Pussy

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Not yet. End of May at he earliest, but even that is looking overly optimistic.

I just finished animating the first part of the scene, which I was initially considering releasing separately, but it's now been decided that the full part will be released when it's finished in its entirety instead. So at best, I'm halfway done with the animation phase.
end of may...? maybe we should say...end of august?
Will you be doing anymore UE4 VR goodness? I only played VrVorePov with short vore to the stomach and I absolutely loved it!!
There are no plans for realtime VR content at this time, nor in the near future. But I won't say never. It might happen again some day, although not necessarily made with UE4, could be with Unity as well, or an entirely new game engine.

One thing I'd love to see is some characters with some real thickness on their bones. Different body sizes.
How about a giantess going about her day, with you in the panties, and she tries not to orgasm, then after she does, she takes you out, cleans you off with mouth, and uses u for anal.
If you had to say the percentage of how far you are, what would it be?
Current release estimate is around the end of June. So at least a month to go. I won't start guessing at percentages.
just a idea : 2 girls 1 duble headed dildo and the shrunken person is in the mid av/ub can you chosse by strugling or not strugling wihle you are in the hand of 1girl

What does UB mean i dont understand english that much
It’s unbirth. Basically vaginal vore.
Eskoz, I love your work and have been around since your first PH video. I wanted that to be established before I went into this long message, but I ask you to please read this and give me your thoughts on the matter, even if its "Hey go fuck yourself, this shit is free"

If you continue to go on with the work you have been doing (creating these games) I would love to see more like the prologue. I feel like that game captured everything and made everyone excited for parts 1,2, and soon to be 3. However, in my opinion, and i dont want to sound like an asshole, Part 1 was almost a let down for me. While i love the way you have with words, all 3 failures led to the EXACT same ending from what i i cou tell. Part 2 was slightly better, but it only took 1 senerio, when you had a perfect opportunity for a second game in that part (After she inserts you in the tip of her cock, it would of made a nice game, having your character fighting to avoid plummeting into Pennys depths.

With that being said, I am still super excited for part 3 and with the Tags you have given it definitely shows signs of being on par with the prologue. The reason I am saying all of this is not to say you suck at content creation, but say that depending on the feedback of your community and patreons, maybe size down to 1 game a year, and making it a solid game that people will enjoy, rather than a few little games, then to make up for that maybe post 2 or 3 videos a year as well, or at least one. I know you are a busy man, and if you dont have time that is understandable, I just want you to know that the Quality of the games you make, should severely outweigh the Quantity. Like I said you are the best there is at content creation, but I know you can do better when it comes to the games and their planning

Also If you want an opinion for a game idea, try a make your own story where it is more focused on the video parts (kinda like you had in part 2 where she had to decide to remain on the tip or go inside Pennys shaft, but starting from the beginning, like hearing footsteps and deciding to hide in a closet or under the bed, and letting the story progress based on your choices), rather than the struggle game that has been in all 3 so far, Although the stuggle would be a nice effect as well for escaping bad situations. Yes I know this is a lot to ask and I hope this gave some helpful feedback.
I'll start by saying that what you're asking is not really feasible. Even a decent sized studio would struggle with what you're proposing, and what you're asking would result in quantity over quality, or alternatively a very unrealistic time investment.

Some parts are going to be more straightforward than others. The girl from part 1 will make more appearances later on in the game as well, so you'll see other interactions with her later on in the game. That said, some parts might get additions later. I have some in mind for part 2 for example. But there's no current estimate for when any of that might happen. Depends on patrons, but the priority has been on advancing forward in the game at the moment, instead of beefing up older scenes.

These parts are a part of a bigger game, and are not supposed to represent separate games. If I released the entire game at once, it'd take anywhere between 5-10 years before an update. You can always skip an update or two to wait for a more complete experience, instead of playing a part straight away as it releases. The chapter release schedule is looking to be around one year per chapter, although it will of course depend on the chapter's length. Part 3 will conclude chapter 1 of the game.

I'm doing this alone at this time, although I did hire a modeler to help me a bit now and then with backgrounds and what not. But doing it mostly alone means I can only branch so much, if I want to get this game done before I die of old age. Even major studios have trouble having meaningful consequences in their game's decision making. Now, if the game was entirely text based, then sure it's feasible. But if the decision needs an entirely new CG cutscene, that's obviously going to eat a lot of time, unless I drop the animation quality and other stuff a lot, which I'm not willing to do.

As for the struggle mini-game, there's actually going to be some new additions to that in part 3. Basically a stamina management mini-game of sorts, which lets you skip most of the struggle QTEs, if you perform optimally. There's some mandatory ones, that will be affected by how well you managed your stamina during the parts prior to the QTE. Although this is still yet to be tested, and is only plans on paper at this point, so there might be some changes to it. There's one choice based outcome in this part as well, which can lead to an alternate story path, but when it will get expanded on will depend on the patrons.

There's another diverging path planned as well, but even one of the paths will take years to complete. And that's assuming the paths are mostly linear after you've switched from the "main" path.

Basically this project is something that I've planned in a way that I can do it forever, if I want, and assuming people want to keep seeing more of it. I don't know if I'll ever finish it, as the scope is already too big, even without the stuff that you're suggesting.
could you please tell us when the next update comes out 100% for all and sry for my bad english
It's right there on the side bar "Public release estimate: Before the 14th of July. Categories: UB/Oral/Anal. Status: Rendering"

It should be out on the 14th, unless I bump into issues.
Hello Eskoz, I really like your games/video content. I see that your work improves a lot. And about the story, master! What is it with these giantess and vore... its so, well... different.
Great work man!
Do not worry Eskoz, we are waiting for more than 2 months from the original date, and we will wait for whatever is necessary, because your game and your art is spectacular and I speak for everyone without being mistaken in saying that you are one of the most talented GTS artists of everyone. Of course I'm dying to play chapter 3, especially because of the speech you were discussing to be able to directly edit the text, since I'm going to translate it into Spanish. In short, good luck with the audio and neglect, here we wait.
Woooooooo! It's the 14th already! Now it's time to play the waiting game, I am soo pumped for what you have in store for the next part! Thank You!
I updated the date a bit, but yes, I'm nearing the finishing line. Just have to finalize audio (a day or two), wait for renders to finish, do post work, and various other minor stuff, like adding the portraits. Most of the heavy lifting is done. 19th for the public at the earliest, if everything goes very smooth. But it's likely to take until the 20th at least, but shouldn't take over the 21st, barring any sickness or the like.
Hi eskoz, you really make the best content there is, and probably will ever be. Really appreciate your work! better take your time instead of rushing it half assed, good job! Is there maybe a possibility now or in the future to disable the quicktime events? like only selecting what to do? would be really cool, those event get kind of annoying after a while, when you are.. busy ^^
There's some changes to the mini-game in the latest part. There are still quick time events as well though, but other than a couple, they can be skipped if you play the new parts of the minigame optimally. I might include a toggle in the future, that lets you win a QTE automatically, but it's not a priority right now.
Hey don't you pax some Gusto help with the animation and some stuff ,I mean you geht mir thank 7k in a month only from patreon
Wtf is that auto correction now again why dont you pay some guys to help you with the animation stuff i mean you get more than 7k from patreon
You overestimate what one can do with 7k. I don't know where you live, but here, with this amount, I could barely hire one full time guy, and be left with barely enough to cover the expenses of running all this, and covering living necessities. Unless they're fresh from school or something, but that comes with other problems, like having to show the ropes, teach the pipeline etc. It would probably take a couple months before they even produce more compared to the time it takes to manage them. Of course, that varies by person. Hiring people is expensive, there's a lot more involved than just paying wages.

Besides, I'd have to find someone who is willing to do content like this in the first place and knows how to animate. They can't use any of the stuff they produce in their resume, so it's a big minus for many, even if you don't consider the ethical problems some might have with doing adult content. So not exactly an easy task. Good animators are already plenty hard to find, as they're usually already employed somewhere.

I did however contract one former colleague to help me with modelling backgrounds for this part though, but not full time, just a few days per month.

So in short, unless I start hiring people from cheaper countries, like India for example, which comes with it's own problems, 7k isn't nearly enough to expand significantly. But I am slowly trying to raise efficiency in ways that are plausible. Like buying a new rendering PC a couple weeks ago.
In case the previous post made it sound like I think 7k isn't much. That was not the intention. It's more than I could have ever dreamed of making with this, when I started. Unfortunately the next step to take it even further, is a very steep one. But it is enough for me to hire help on occasions even now.
Hey Eskoz, I'm the dude that went 'Wooo!' In the previous post. Its alright that it's pushed back, as long as you feel happy doing what you love and not just a boring job you have to wake up to! Plus that just means you'll fine tune it to make it the best as it can be! I really appreciate all that you do! I myself like to imagine having such talent that you have! ONWARDS! To part Three!
Sooo wehn does it come out
Couse you sayed that you will upload it today if nothing goes wrong
Obviously I bumped into issues? It'll be released when it's done. On Sunday likely.
Take your time man, true fans knows that problems happen and we can wait!
I am hype as hell and am here to encourage you :D do what you gotta, I'll still be clicking this post every day, ha!
Your biggest project yet! By the way congrats on 8k with patreon, I remember when you were at a mere 1,500 ish. How do you feel about part three? Do you like it? Or do you feel there was a lot More potential
I'm happy with it! But I'm also a bit exhausted with it, after working non stop with very little breaks for the last month.
I hope you dont bump into other issues and if you do i dont mind i dont animate but i know its hard

Don't worry Eskoz, we have waited since May, the real fans can wait a moment longer, we know that we make a lot of effort in this and what we support, that we release leave when we have to release ;)
Wehn can we expect the realese? in the morning? Or....
Depends where you live. I'd guess some time in the evening in Europe, which would be around the morning or noon in the US and very late night in Asia. That's for the game, video releases will come a bit later. The game will also initially release for windows, and then I'll slowly release for other platforms in several hours intervals per platform (Android, Mac, Linux). That's assuming everything goes as planned of course. But the Windows release at least should be some time tomorrow.
Hype 100

I hope that i can Speed tonight
Just to clarify, since the previous comment might be easy to misunderstand, I expect it to come out in about 20-24 hours.
Not until someone translates it first. This version just makes it simpler to do translations.
love your work, can't wait to see your new update.
Eskoz I am curious who you are. I do understand what you mean when you say you can not expand. A group of graduates of various sciences tried to put together animations to compete with textbooks. Universities are willing to pay too, about 30k each a year. However it collapsed. Some friends of mine did succeed but the videos they can produce are not close to what they would like. Animating is not easy, hardest thing is to bring yourself to the computer to try at all.

That being said, your videos are amazing and I hope the patronage from everyone keeps increasing.
Thanks! I'm not sure what to reply to your question, but I'm an animator! I've been doing animation for a living for nearly 10 years now. Well not purely animation, I've done some more "generalist" 3d stuff as well. But mostly my work prior to patreon was just animating.
Can we expect the public version to be released today?
Yes, I believe so. Adding portraits in to the scene at the moment, so unless I get indecisive with the expressions and what not, it should be out in roughly 12 hours, give or take a few.
I'm replying only to understand the time zones, it's 8:40 here now haha
If the game releases at noon ish in usa, I assume the video will drop later that evening? Also what platform will you release it? Mega or ph?

I’m absolutely amazed by your work. Real talent, effort and determination.
Like I had said earlier this is your biggest project yet, and I can only imagine the grueling hours of sitting down , face stuck on your pc.
Might wanna invest in a massage chair or something to keep the blood from clotting, it’s a serious risk that is caused by well sitting with your face stuck to your pc. There’s a lot of budget ones and heck I bet it would make animated a bit more fun. Hopefully that all didn’t come out as weird lol. Hope all is well

We'll see about the videos, they'll come out a bit later, I've pulled pretty much an all-nighter finishing up the scene, so I'll likely collapse in bed after I've put the windows release out.
ooooh I cant really wait any longer but I have to ^^
omg i love your work n will be happy if it reaise
i hae one question will there be a part 4 or directly chapter 2???
Part 3 was the finale of Chapter 1, so Chapter 2 starts next.
Do you have any idea about the next Chapter? I mean Ub/Av/oral or somthing else like breast vore?
It has all of those. At least the main path does. I still haven't planned the alt path that I introduced in this part very far. So I guess it can depend on which path the patrons want to see expanded.
Will the mobile app update itself or will we have to redownload the whole game?
No, you'll need to re-download it. The settings & save data will be retained. I don't even know where to start with making something like auto updating possible!
Pls dont do it, it would make your work harder and we would wait MUCH more
Considering the previous comment. Maybe 4-5 more hours?
Considering you make 8.2k a month of of patreon alone, do you ever see this becoming a full time job? I live in America, I know money has different value, houses cost more/less, food costs more/less ect, not sure if this is a lot or just the median.
This actually already is my full time job. I stopped doing everything else as soon as I noticed this was viable.

That 8.2k won't be all there when the month changes, there's always a bunch of failed transactions, people backing out of pledges, and fraudulent activity in the mix. Usually around 10% of the mid month amount goes away at least, when the month changes. I'd say when taking into account all the various business expenses involved, this would be somewhere around middle class wages around here.
Will take at least 3 more hours. I recommend doing something else, and checking back in about 6, should be out then... I hope. I'm working as fast as I can, but being a bit sleep deprived after sleeping only a couple hours is slowing me down.
lol @ all the people asking where it is. Why would you want to rush something that requires time to make perfect
It is very exciting, but the good thing usually takes time to arrive, and I will be willing to wait for the necessary to be able to play.
I wish. Then I could get some sleep finally. But I'm getting there, almost all the portraits are placed, but I'll still need to do a bunch of test runs to see everything is working decently with the additions. and possibly fixing any problems that occur. The scene is pretty large so it does take a while to test through. I'm done making guesses as to remaining hours, all I can say is that I'll release it before going to sleep.
Ok Gl and sleep well after the release
Don't rush yourself... release it when you need to... its all from one person, Sleep well Eskoz
How long will it take from now on
Ps. Great work
Everyone constantly asking for when it will be released should realize it would take less time if Eskoz didn't have to keep responding!

They already said they wanted it out today, so stop providing extra distractions and looking impatient, it's lots of work!

PS: Thanks for all the amazing work, Eskoz!
Come on guys, be more patient don't stress eskoz
For me it is already the 22.7 and i am kinda tired but that is nothing compared with what ezkoz is doing for all of us right know just to realese it as fast as he can and i am realy happy that a so tallented guy exists and is creating such beautiful art
It is ok that he needs a bit longer than expected because perfection needs its
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