Eskimo Love

Eskimo Love

I work in the oil industry looking for new deposits. The search never ends. I have been all over the world looking for what we look for. My most recent search has been in the far north cold. I had done some searches way up there years ago before I was married and I was shocked when out in the remote area of Alaska I encountered an Eskimo igloo in the middle of nowhere just before dark and stopped by a young man's home. I found a young man and his wife snug as a bug in a rug as they say. The igloo was as comfortable as any house you would want. 

I was about to set up my own camp in my artic tent and expected to be comfortable in my artic sleeping bag. The young man spoke broken English and he invited me to eat with them and spend the night. The prospect of a very comfortable night in his igloo was very attractive compared to the night in my artic tent of several degrees below freezing. Although I sleep very warm in my sleeping bag. 

I shared my supplies with them and his wife prepared a very tasty meal for the three of us. We sat around and enjoyed a smoke after our meal. As I started to prepare for my nights sleep I was shocked when his young wife quickly slipped off her robe and grabbed my hand tugging me toward their bed. As we reached it she just as quickly began to pull my clothes off. I turned to look at my host to see him grinning broadly as his completely naked wife was rapidly making me as nude as she was. 

He explained to me they as many of the remote Eskimo people still practice the age old custom of sharing their wives with visitors. He told me he was very proud to do so and that the more noise she would make with our love making the more proud he would be! 

As I joined her in their bed she made no effort to keep us from her husband view and she was very ready to mount me. Her body was very sexy if not the slim sexy sleek bodies we Americans seem to think is perfect. Hers was maybe twenty pounds rounder than our perfect but very sexy to the eye. I got as wild and good a fuck out of her as I had ever had. 

And he was very proud as I fucked her a third time before we got up for breakfast the next morning. I have been by and stayed with them several times since that first time and Milo and I have a real fondness for each other. I have encountered several other Eskimo couples who enjoy the custom of wife sharing. And have enjoyed their wives sexually many many times. 

I got married to my beautiful wife 5 years ago and we have been in Europe most of the time since. I was Connie's first lover and her only lover to date. She was raised in a very strict home with a father who is a Pastor in a large church in Atlanta Georgia. My wife mirrors the wonderful figures of most of the beautiful Eskimo wives I have enjoyed I have explained the wife sharing custom of these wonderful people of the north, And she fully understands the custom. 

Connie is just slightly over 5' tall and about 130lbs. Her hips are round and full and her breasts are a full C cups that compliment her hips perfectly. I have teased my wife terribly every since we were together that if we ever went back up to the north land she would never need to worry about being a very well learned sexual wife. As I would need to share her with most of the Eskimo men in the north. 

Of coarse she had to ask if I had shared that many wives up north? I had to admit there had been many. I really didn't remember exactly the number. And she ask. I was forced to guess. And told her the number could be over thirty? She was shocked. But I explained that any man who came by the home up there was by custom offered the enjoyment of the wife. Even single men. 

"So David most wives may have been shared with all the men in to area?" 

I had never really thought of the depths of their wife sharing but what she said was very true all the men in the area had likely enjoyed all the married wives many times. 

So when I was assigned the northern Area to cover again. We had to discuss how we would do it. I knew I would cover the area for at the next year and maybe much longer?" 

I ask if she was comfortable living in lower Canada while I worked up north. She ask why I felt she needed to stay down there while I worked the area. My reply was instant. 

"Because My Dear, if we live up there It would be a very bad insult to ignore the custom I have enjoyed with them." 

"You mean the wife sharing custom?" 

"Yes exactly, your up bringing would be badly tested." 

"David you have explained their custom and that they have had it for as long as anyone remembers. I see nothing wrong with their custom do you?" 

I was in shock. I did not know what to say? I had to think about how I felt about seeing Connie naked about to take men to our bed to give herself as their lover. I had to admit that I was very turned on thinking about it. 

"I would be more than proud if you choose to join me up there." 

"You are willing to let me do as we should and return the custom to the people up there?" 

"Yes I do feel it is only fair if we return the custom to them." 

With this decided I started looking for housing as far up as I could find. I knew we could build an igloo if need be? I was surprised the company had built a house the shape and about the size on the igloo. It was right up in the center of the region. It had electricity and gas heat. But also a fire place. I took a trip up and looked it over. It was perfect. 

The company Rep ask if I was moving up there and I replied we were. He sat there his mouth wide. 

"Your wife is moving in too?" 

Eyes wide he said. 

"Dave your continued trips to all the igloos in the area are famous. You know how many men will be by your house for the night for a return?" 

"Could be interesting?" 

"Are you really ok with this?" 

"We both feel this is only fair." 

Connie and I moved in two weeks later. We had been in our new digs about ten days when the door opened and a young Eskimo man entered. I greeted him as usual and found he was an old friends son. I knew his grandfather and his father and had been with his mother many times. I promptly invited him to dinner and ask if he wanted to stay over. We had a very nice meal and a smoke after. 

As the evening was nearing our bed time he got up to spread his bed roll. I turned to Connie and simply said why don't you turn the bed back Dear. The young man stopped and lay his roll back against the wall. He turned to me. 

"You will honor me with our custom?" 

"Yes of coarse we are honored to do so. I have been honored many times at your fathers house." 

"Yes, I have seen you and my mother. She was honored by you many times." 

I watched as Connie pulled her dress over he head and stood by our bed naked ready for him. He stepped out of his heavy skins and stood naked beside her. They looked each other over before the joined in the bed. they left the covers off and were naked together kissing. I tried not to act like I was really paying them any attention. Suddenly I heard her intake of breath. I knew she had been entered. 

"Oh My God David, his cock is in me. Oh I am now his completely to enjoy." 

They began to fuck and she was meeting him stroke for stoke. 

"David am I his all night?" 

"Yes, of coarse and again in the morning if he wants to." 

"Oh my will they all want me like this?" 

I didn't need to answer because he did. 

"My father and grandfather will both travel this way soon." 

"When are you going to return home?" 

"In a couple days." 

"Oh God David I can't believe I love being his wife now. His bare cock is really inside me and lots of men are going to do this with me." 

They made love three times during the night and he fucked her the next morning again. 

That afternoon another man came and joined us for dinner. We sat around smoking as we relaxed after dinner. As we sat there smoking Connie got up and simply pulled her dress off over her head and pulled the covers back on our bed. I knew this man I had been to his igloo several times and had enjoyed his wife on a number of times. I smiled at him and said. 

"I am pleased to have you spend the night with us. I have enjoyed your home a number of times. It is a wonderful custom." 

He and Connie joined in our bed. And I heard him enter her as she gasp. 

"Oh God he is inside me David. I love this custom of theirs." 

As the weeks and then months passed and the number of men mounted as Connie's lovers she never failed to point out when a visitor had mounted her and how much she loved the custom. She never tired of the custom of the Eskimos. In the time we spent in the north land my wife never failed to enjoy the custom and I never spent a night out and stayed with anyone to enjoy the custom. I slept by myself in my artic tent. My wife isn't good at sharing. And that is ok. I am proud she enjoys the custom.

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