Stick it to the Man With a Stealthy Radar Detector

Stick it to the Man With a Stealthy Radar Detector

You've racked up how many tickets this year? If the officer knows you by name, it's time to rethink your strategy. You could slow down...or, for the cost of a ticket, you could just pick up an advantage.

Radar detectors can be a valuable safety tool for more reasons than you might think. In addition to the obvious benefit, they can also alert you to emergency vehicles, road construction, trains and even upcoming road hazards, saving time and preventing injury. But, as with everything in life, not all radar detectors are created equally.

With technology constantly providing bigger and better results, the market is crammed with a wide assortment of options that feature unique alerts and functions. To get the most for your money and find the detector that will best suit your needs, it's important to understand the basic differences, features and terminology.

Radar guns in the United States currently operate on three bands: X, K and Ka, with the Ku band in use throughout Europe. Depending on where you're driving, it's possible to encounter any of the radar or laser bands. Therefore, the smartest investment is in a radar detector that monitors all bands, including laser. 

In addition, modern radar guns can target your vehicle from the front, back or side, so if you've ever wondered how they get you from the oncoming lane, now you know. To provide maximum protection, make sure your radar is equipped with 360 degree detection, like an Escort radar detector, alerting you to radar and laser signals emitted from every direction.

In general, radar and laser guns measure your speed by bouncing waves or bursts of light off your vehicle and back to the gun, calculating the change in distance traveled. In turn, detectors work by monitoring commonly used radar frequencies and providing a warning-through sounds or flashing lights-on signals that match.

For those who like to barrel down side streets through the school zone and onto the shoulder to avoid speed bumps, the best advice would be: slow down. Radar detectors are most effective when there is moderate traffic. Remember: a radar gun generates radio waves. The more the gun is used, the more waves it will generate. The less it's used, the less warning you'll get. Many cities also use what's known as POP radar. It allows police to turn it on and off, thus generating a shorter warning range than radar in continuous use.

Radar detectors are legal in most states (sorry Virginia and DC); however, they may be prohibited in certain areas, on commercial trucks, or when mounted on certain parts of a vehicle. Bottom line: a radar detector is not a get-out-of-jail-free card (so to speak). There is no absolute assurance you won't be caught speeding...unless, of course, you're actually following the speed limit.

Radar detectors, like the Escort radar detector, provide safety and warning to keep you out of danger (and off the sidelines). With a wide variety of options to choose from, there are models to suit any budget...especially when you stack them against the cost of a speeding ticket.

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