Erotica Stoies

Erotica Stoies


Erotica Stoies
My drone touched down delicately in front of me with the red-light warning about low battery life. The drone had ...
Being a good teacher means knowing your speciality subject very well indeed. You must also know how to present a ...
“Do you want to go to a lesbian club tonight?” she asked me from the sofa as I was picking up my clothes that I had left on the living room floor the night before. I wondered if she had ...
I had worked the drive-thru at the fast-food restaurant for a month and had already seen some awkward sights from ...
Those moments when you first wake up in the morning can be confusing. In a matter of seconds, you go ...
There are days in your life that seem insignificant when you live them. It’s only with time that you come to understand their meaning. That’s how it was when I met her. It was a hot summer’s day in Madrid ...
I was young once. Too afraid to give into my desires. Looking back now, I wonder how I resisted, but ...
Mrs. Mower heard Principal Simmon’s baritone voice. “Mrs. Mower,” he said demurely, “a message for you.” She stopped in the ...
Steve knocked on the front door of Brandon’s house on Sherwood Drive. Instead of his friend answering, it was Brandon’s mom. “Steve, how are you?” she said brightly. “Hi, Ms. Davis. I’m here to get Brandon.” “He’s not back yet. ...
“Mrs. Mower…” Mr. Simmon said sternly through her classroom’s doorway. The woman erasing the whiteboard turned around when hearing her ...
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Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Are You for Real? - I grew up, like most boys, watching a certain TV sitcom about a military "rocket man" who crashes on an island and finds a bottle that contains a Genie. I never believed for a moment that Genies existed, So you have to imagine the shock when I first met JEANNIE........
After my visit from Dan, I had returned to my bed to lazy away the day. Half watching the old TV sitcom, I drifted off to sleep.
I became semi-awake to a vision of loveliness. It was the still young actress from the Genie show. Young, sexy, shapely, and wearing that harem girl costume.
She sat beside me on my bed and stroked my forehead as she spoke softly in her sweet voice, “Oh Master, you have lived a very unhappy life. It has been filled with so many disappointments and heartache. I shall use my powers to make your future much better if you wish. I shall give you all the love and happiness you desire. I shall give you all the material things you desire. I shall stay with you faithfully for as long as you will keep me. You shall be my core reason for existing, and your joy will be my greatest reward.”
“If it were only true”, I replied. “I would be grateful and honored to have you just as you describe.” I reached and she came to my arms. We kissed passionately, and my desire for her sprang up between us. She reached for it, pulled it from my boxers, and engulfed it into her warm wet mouth. Within minutes I was unloading my cum as she swallowed and hummed happily.
“Oh god, I so wish this could be real.”
“It shall be real Master. Sleep. Everything will be alright.”
“Not anyone’s Master.” I sleepily replied. “I am simply Justin.”
The loud screeching sound of some type of animated creature in a stupid cartoon woke me.
I hit the OFF button on the remote and checked the clock. I had been asleep for 6 hours.
Slowly, as the fog of sleep lifted and my senses woke up, I detected a smell. A GOOD smell.
My first thought, and hope, was “RHODA”. Had she come back, and was she cooking for me?
I jumped out of the bed and yanked on my shorts, then took time to pee quickly before walking into the living/dining room.
The smell of some type Italian dish maybe? Lasagna I hoped, Rhoda’s lasagna was to die for, but my hope for food was not as great as my hope that the whole “Rhoda marriage” nightmare was really over.
As I entered the kitchen I stopped cold, dead in my tracks, mid-step...
Sitting at my table was the TV actress, young, like on the 25+ year old show.
She wore the same costume. She wore the same smile.
My heart sank. I was still asleep, still dreaming. I tried to do that thing where I “change the channel” on my dreams to something else. It didn’t work.
Panic set in as I realized I had dreamed of peeing, and I tried to wake up so I could clean the mess before it soaked into the bed.
“I made the food dish you like. I hope you aren’t displeased, but I pulled the information from your thoughts, then I read the recipe and tasks from the mind of that Rhoda girl.
Please sit and let me serve you. You must eat before you meet your friends at the college, and you only have 2 hours.”
I walked unsteadily to my chair and plopped down. 2 hours. I had to wake up if I was going to make the study session. Tonight was the last one, then tomorrow afternoon we would travel to the Capitol City and stay overnight in a hotel so we could be there bright and early to take our test the following morning.
“I need to wake up.” And I slapped myself.
“MAST ... I mean JUSTIN!”, she exclaimed in an alarmed tone. “Do not harm yourself. I shall help you. I shall explain all to you while you eat your meal.”
“WHAT??” I stood and gaped at her. “ARE YOU FOR REAL?? You mean I’m not asleep?” I poked her shoulder with my finger. “What is going on here? How is this possible? This can’t be happening. I must be hallucinating.” And I rushed to the sink where I splashed cold water on my face furiously.
She calmly came to my side and began wiping and dabbing the water from my face and chest. All the while smiling sweetly.
“No my love. You are not dreaming or having a mental malfunction. I am real. I am here.”
I awoke after ... well ... I don’t know how long.
I was laying in my bed, on my back, staring at the ceiling.
I spoke out loud, “That was the weirdest and strangest dream I have ever had in my life.”
Then the voice, “No my love, you were not dreaming.”
If the sexy blonde had been a rattlesnake lying beside me in my bed, I am still not sure if I would have jumped out any faster. I actually crashed my back into the wall, blackness descended on me, and...
Rolling over, the wild dream I had been having faded as I regained my senses.
Slowly, as the fog of sleep lifted and my senses woke up, I detected a smell. A GOOD smell. The smell of some type Italian dish maybe? Lasagna I hoped ... WAIT!!!
I jumped out of the bed and headed to the kitchen. The aroma of Lasagna getting stronger with each step.
As I neared the kitchen I slowed and then at the doorway stopped. I peered into the kitchen and...
Standing in the kitchen was the same girl. Looking just like the younger version of that famous TV actress. Just like on the 25+ year old show.
She wore the same costume. She wore the same Million dollar smile. She had the same big HAZEL eyes?
I thought the actress had Blue eyes. No matter. I preferred hers.
5’5” and waist length blonde hair. Perfect C-cup titties that showed no sag, with almost fully visible nipples showing under the costume top that were more perfect than even Rhoda’s.
But her ass was simply AMAZING. Hers put the butt of young Dizney Britney the singer to shame.
Perfectly rounded and impossibly pert. I wanted eat my meals off of it and use it for a pillow when I slept for the rest of my life.
Perfect lips that begged to be kissed, or seen and felt wrapped around my dick. Perfectly tanned smooth complexion and skin. And a toned flat belly, slightly muscular and no fat.
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