Erotica Solo Doctor

Erotica Solo Doctor

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Masturbation Male-Female
Playing Doctor With My Cousin
We currently have 48298 stories with more being added every day
My cousin Lisa and I were always very close. I was an only child, and she was the youngest of four, but the only girl. We lived in the same town and were the same age, so from very early on, we were always hanging out. Even when we started school, up until we were adults, we stayed close friends, and often were hanging out together.

I remember playing doctor with Lisa. I had a toy doctor kit, which had everything a kid wanting to play doctor would want. Very innocently, we would take turns as patient and doctor, the patient getting undressed and being examined by the doctor. Nothing ever happened then, we didn't think anything of seeing each other naked or in our underwear, and we eventually gave it up when I got a Nintendo.

Once we were 13, I had started to notice that Lisa was blossoming. She was developing into a gorgeous young woman, and I had begun to fantasize playing doctor with her again, seeing her naked, and would jerk off while thinking about it. I started to become obsessed with the idea, and spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make it happen.

One day, Lisa was hanging out at my house. Mom was out running errands, and Dad was at work. Lisa and I were playing on my new N64, but got a little bored with it after a while. When trying to think of something to do, we began to reminisce about our youth, playing make believe, using our imaginations more. We were both feeling nostalgic for those days when you were able to entertain yourself. And suddenly it hit me.

'We could play doctor,' I blurted out. The way Lisa looked at me at first, I assumed she thought it was a stupid idea. But then she laughed, and said 'okay. Do you still have your doctor kit?' I assumed I did, and we spent a good deal of time searching through my room for it, finally discovering it deep in my closet. So, we were ready. We decided I would be the doctor first. Lisa left the room while I set up, then knocked on the door.

'Hello, Doctor,' she said, 'I'm here for my physical.' I motioned for the bed and told her 'Good afternoon. Please, undress and have a seat on the table.' I stepped out of the room to allow her to undress, then went back in. There was Lisa, sitting on my bed in just her underwear. She had on a white bra and panties with a floral design, and almost immediately, I began to get a boner. She didn't seem to notice, and so we began the 'exam.' I did the normal stuff-checked her heartbeat, blood pressure, and reflexes-before working up the courage to take it up a level.

My voice cracked when I said 'okay, now it's time for the chest exam.' Lisa nodded, and much to my delight, she reached behind her back and undid her bra. Lisa was topless. I stared at her for a moment before she smiled and asked 'aren't you going to do the exam?' I laughed a little, then did as she suggested. Lisa raised her arms up, allowing me to freely put my hands around her fairly ample breasts. I could barely keep my hands from shaking. It was the most amazing feeling I had had at that point in my life. I gently massaged her breasts, absentmindedly rubbing her hardened nipples, causing her to moan. I finally stopped, and decided to attempt to take this a step further.

'I think I should check you, um, you know, your pelvis.' I said, my voice cracking again. Lisa nodded, and laid back on the bed. I moved my hand down to her panties, lifting them and looking in. I could see a small tuft of pubic hair, but from that angle, not much else. I didn't want to push things, but Lisa said 'shouldn't you check everything out?' So, assuming she wanted me to, I pulled her panties down more. Her hair was very fine, and there wasn't too much, so I could still make out her slit. I rubbed my finger along it gently, she giggled a little, then I put her panties back in place, and told her I was done. Lisa sat up and put her bra back on. We pretended to discuss medical matters, using whatever jargon sounded right to us. When she was finished dressing, she said 'thank you,' and left the room. She came back moments later, and said to me 'your turn.'

After a minute to allow Lisa to set up, I knocked on the door. 'Come in,' I heard her yell, and opened the door. We did the same basic greeting, and then she said 'okay, get undressed and have a seat.' She waited outside the room as I stripped down to my tidey whities, then came back in. We went through the same routine, blood pressure, reflexes, and then Lisa began feeling around my neck with her hands. Her touch felt wonderful, and my boner was raging. She smiled, then nervously said 'now we can do a pelvic exam.' I nodded, then laid down on the bed. My boner was tenting my underwear, but Lisa didn't seem to notice. I began to wonder if she in any way had the same thoughts going through her head that I did, so I in no way brought attention to it.

Lisa pulled at the waistband of my underwear, looking in and seeing my light pubic patch and hard on. I couldn't believe it when she said it. 'You look all swollen there. I think I should get a closer look,' and then pulled my underwear down below my sack. My boner was sticking straight in the air. She touched it a little, and then looked me right in the eye. 'I think I know how to take care of this,' and began jacking me off. She actually seemed to know what she was doing. She lightly pulled at my hard cock, moving her hand over the head. Her rubbing was fast and methodical, and soon the rhythm did the trick. I blew my load all over Lisa's hand. She smiled, then grabbed a tissue, wiping herself off, then me.

'Okay, Tom, I'd say you're cured of your problem.' More medical jargon as I got dressed, and then the game was over.

As it turned out, Lisa had also thought about seeing me naked. And she had been told about jacking off a guy at a sleepover she went to, and wanted to try it with a real penis, so she figured I'd be a good candidate. Every once in a while, we'd play 'doctor,' and I even got to see her masturbate, and masturbate with her. She and I are still close, and I'm thinking of going to see Dr. Lisa again.
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only played once with cousin maybe 9 years old

I loved playing doctor with a couple of my cousins. Seeing them before and after puberty was very enlightening.
I think a weekly checkup is called for.
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Solotouch is operated in collaboration with Gamma Entertainment, Gamma Billing Inc. and its subsidiary Digigamma B.V., Mariettahof 25, Haarlem, Netherlands.

Masturbation Male-Female
Playing Doctor With Best Friend's Sister
We currently have 48298 stories with more being added every day
Posted by: SoloTouchArchive Author: Doctor Boy Age: 20+ Posted on: 27 Feb 2019 1 comments
10 likes 2683 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Doctor
Since I was a small kid, Jake was my best friend. We were the same age and spent a lot of time together. Every summer we spent a week in my parents summer place and went swimming, playing, and biking around the countryside. One summer we discovered 'playing doctor' with Jake. I had already been wanking for some time, and was always curious if Jake did the same, but never dared to ask before that summer. We had been swimming naked and I was so thrilled about seeing him nude that I proposed we could get naked again and compare our dicks. So we did, which became to be a beginning for lots of sexual play over the next few years. I was always the more active one proposing things to do, but Jake was always happily playing along. 'Playing doctor' was always the most popular one, and over time we made it quite professional and even gathered some real materials to complement my toy doctor kit.

Jake also had a sister Emily who often wanted to spend time with us, but Jake wanted to spend time 'between us boys' only, so we rarely did anything with Emily. Sometimes I was wondering how would it be to play doctor with a girl, but for some reason we never even discussed it with Jake. But when I turned 13 I started to become more interested in girls. Many of the girls in my class started to develop that year, at least many started to have small puffy breasts that were clearly visible when they wore tight t-shirts, which made me curious about their development and bodies. I was trying to imagine how did the girls of my age look 'down there' and how many also had some pubic hair already. Apparently I was starting to devleop as well. I started wanking almost daily and started to develop all kinds of crazy fantasies in my head. After the school doctor physicals that year I started fantasizing about playing doctor with girls. But of course I had no chance, so the best I got was an occasional doctor play with Jake.

Then all by sudden it all changed that summer. Emily had sometimes spent a few days in our summer place as well. Always at a different time than Jake was there, though, to make sure there was no fighting between them two. For the last few years she had not come at all, but this summer she told she would like to come again. First I did not think much of it, but then I realized this might be my chance! I had really become girl-crazy by then, so if I could at least sneak a peek of her when we were changing clothes for swimming or something that would be nice! I had no idea what would happen, but I was really excited!

Then when she came to our place I was like OMG! She wasn't very tall or anything, but she was really slender and had really nice puffy ass. She had long brown hair tied up into a ponytail and nicely tanned skin. Boy I had a hard time behaving normally, as I immediately started imagining her naked and of course got a boner. Later when we went swimming I tried to see her changing into swimwear but didn't succeed, but I got to see her in wet swimsuit and realized that she actually didn't seem to have much breasts yet. Nevertheless I had hard time controlling my weenie, and spent most of the time deep in the water to make sure nobody would see my 'tent'.

The next day was quite similar, real fun time together but no naked bobies unfortunately. I was really getting crazy about seeing Emily naked, so once we were bored and thinking what to do next I just bluntly proposed that we could play doctor. To my surprise she didn't reject the idea. I have no clue if she also thought that the doctor game would mean also getting naked in front of each other, but at least she tried to ask how do you play doctor, but I refused to give any details. I just told her that I had an old doctor kit we can use and that she will be the patient first so she will get the idea. She was happy with the proposal, so we went to our cabin and I pulled my doctor kit out. I told her to go out while I get ready.

While she was out I put on my white jacket (which was quite tight for a 13 year old given it was kids' toy kit) and a stethoscope around my neck. Then I called her in. I asked all kinds of questions first and then explained to her that I would do a complete head-to-toe check-up. Then I told her to strip down to underwear. She didn't resist at all, and pulled down her shorts and took off her t-shirt.

My weenie was hard as rock and I had hard time keeping it still in my pants. She had almost no breasts at all, but her nipples were really large and a bit brownish. First I checked her ears and mouth pretending to be a real doctor, and then I put stethoscope on her chest to listen to her heart and lungs. I accidentally touched her nipple a couple of times, but she just giggled and didn't resist. So I decided to move on and told her that for the rest of the exam she would need to remove her panties as well. She looked at me and told me she knew the whole doctor thing was because I just wanted to see her naked, but then she pulled her panties down anyway. She didn't have any pubic hair yet and her pussy was just a simple slit, but it was already more than I had dreamed for.

I told her to hop on the bed which was my 'exam table' and lie on her back and pull her knees to her chest so that I could have a look between her legs. She giggled and told me that was gross, but then finally she pulled her legs up anyway. I was like OMG! She was still pink all over and I couldn't have believed that girls had all that hidden between their legs! Her vagina hole was also all open and visible. I had always been fascinated by the thought of girls having a hole in them and wondering if it really looked like a hole you can look into and now there it was right in front of my eyes. It was quite small but clearly open in the middle and I was like wow that's where the penis is supposed to go in. I touched her here and there and she told me it tickled. Eventually I even put my finger maybe an inch into her and it felt warm and slimy inside her. I 'examined' her for really long time and she did not resist at all and I just could not get enough of what I saw between her legs. I was so excited and I had a boner like never before. Eventually I told her that everything seemed to be ok and that she could get dressed. My heart was still pounding when she started to dress up and I was like that was the best experience of my whole life!

Once she got dressed I went out and she called me in for a check-up. She told me to undress to my underpants and then did the same procedure. My penis was fully erect right from beginning and I realized she kept on looking at the hump in my underpants seemingly very curiously. I don't know if she had ever seen a boy naked, but she was definitely keen on seeing me! So soon she told me she needed to check my privates and that I would need to get fully naked. So I dropped my pants and my weenie jumped up like a spring. Even though I was already 13 my penis was only maybe two inches long when soft, but in full erection it was at least four inches long. I also had some light hair down there already, so it probably looked bigger that she had expected or seen before. She was just staring at it in complete awe, so I jumped on the bed and told her that now she could 'examine' me. I showed her how to push and pull the foreskin back and forth so she could 'check me there as well'. Apparently she had never seen that being done so she seemed truly amazed. She stroked me only a few times before I orgasmed, but only a few drops came out still at that age. She was like wow but seemed to know what just happened! After that she told me I could get dressed. So I wiped my belly with a napkin and jumped up. I was still burning for more, but did not dare to propose anything, so we closed the game.

Later the same evening when we were going to bed she started asking me about all kinds of boy stuff. We also discussed how boys and girls do 'it' and it felt so exciting to even talk about the subject and eventually we ended up showing each other. We talked late into the night and had such a great time. Later that year we started emailing each other and she told me (and then later on showed me) when she started to grow hair between her legs and when she started her period. But a bit before she turned 14 it just somehow stopped. We were still friends but did not discuss boy-girl stuff anymore. But in many ways she was my first girl and I still often think back to those times.
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