Erotica 1

Erotica 1


Erotica 1
Carebear Suicide Hotline March 28, 2014 at 8:07 PM


#1. I'm quitting Eve PV Rock I want to talk with you
315,000,000,000 isk

#2. Permabanned Heroes of the Code
214,859,000,000 isk

#3. PV Rock
153,000,000,000 isk

#4. The Lawton School for Pubbies Who Can't Mine Good
130,315,000,000 isk

#5. Erotica 1
65,591,000,000 isk

#6. Bing Bangboom
54,650,000,000 isk

#7. Slave A00073078
50,500,000,000 isk

50,315,000,000 isk

#9. Apo123
44,000,000,000 isk

#10. Hrothgar Nilsson
38,315,000,000 isk

#11. Carlvagio
37,300,000,000 isk

#12. Super Perforator
31,531,000,000 isk

#13. Robert Leheirault
28,580,000,000 isk

#14. Mycella Huren
28,000,000,000 isk

#15. Black Pedro
23,000,000,000 isk

#16. Jason Kusion
21,000,000,000 isk

#17. Sarthana
20,000,000,000 isk

#17. Turd Ferg'Son
20,000,000,000 isk

#19. Daltzi
18,000,000,000 isk

#20. Matrea D
16,000,000,000 isk

Thank you Erotica 1, thank you James 315.
well good job CCP, this banning pretty much puts the nail in the coffin for me ever reactivating my subscription.
Pretty sure they won't miss one more sadistic sociopath.
If you want to find a sociopath gank a miner and see how much they care about the rules of society in comparison to their own avarice
Again you miss the fact that Ripard pulled it from the grave one month after it happened. And sohkar himself pitched in to try to calm things down. Of course once someone has fixated on something negative, the human negative bias kicks in and once the first accusation of 'sadism' 'torture' and 'bullying' flies everyone will join the bandwagon.
Good riddance! Folk like you should leave and be in jail already.
Yes! You should be in internet space jail for your wanton destruction of pixels and your scamming of valuable e-gold! Someone call the internet space police and a qualified space lawyer, right now!
I am sorry normally I can get where you are coming from, but not this time. The 'bonus room' has always been about humiliating others. It's always been sickening. This time just more so.
Yes... Because Ero was holding the WILLING participants there at gun point. Would you prefer we refer to them as hostages from here on out??
Nobody made them enter the "bonus room" except themselves. Nobody chose to do anything 'humiliating' except those themselves. I fail to see what Erotica 1 has done. All this 'controversy' comes from people humiliating and making fools of themselves in front of the whole wide world. But the tumblr crowd had to came along, and suddenly we have not an obvious scammer but a horrible monster worse than Hitler.
The problem is one of due process. If you read the forum announcement and subsequent comments you will see that CCP is saying 1) there is a line and 2) no we won't say where it is but we haven't moved it. Following that they refuse to say more. Malcanis at least came out and said that the CSM agreed with CCP's decision to do whatever they have done to Erotica 1. Of course the problem with that is that it was one of the CSM members who raised the lynch mob, long after the event in question took place, and apparently after Ripard's first attempt to get CCP to act was rebuffed. So, the CSM can't be trusted on this, at least in part. It looks to me like one individual used his position on the CSM to attempt to get another player banned because he did not like what that player had done. Failing to do so without publicity he used his position as an Eve blogger to incite anger and create a demand that CCP act. CCP gave in to this and then to cover themselves from criticism hid behind a meaningless announcement and a moratorium on commenting on the specifics of the situation.
I must admit to being shocked at the actions of CCP.
I saw their announcement first and thought "Ah, so they won't have banned Ero, then". I must say, I'm genuinely shocked. It's very worrying that the witch hunt was successful. Looks like we need to be more worried who gets on the CSM :-s
Or the problem was that CCP was so lax on enforcing their own rules that it took a CSM to raise a lynch mob before they'd go and do their jobs. The Mittani's lynch mob during the summer of rage saved us from gold ammo. Sometimes the only way to get CCP to do the right thing is to grab the pitchforks.
So only one sociopath left James 315, in due time!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cole
My second tear... of joy. Contrary to popular belief, I am not James 315. I don't even know who he is. He could be an alt of the Mittani, or an alt of a random friend, or as he states... simply his own character. A small handful of people in this game know how to contact me outside of EVE. James, someday I would love to sit down with you to enjoy a nice cup of tea and conversation.
inbefore erotica 2 jita isk doubling business
This is saddening news. New Eden will be much worse without Erotica 1 and her bonus room; if anything, this is solid proof of the undue influence that the game's lowest common denominator wields over CCP. Erotica 1 may be an asshole, but she has not broken any rules or regulations. It seems like our rights end where the social justice warriors' feelings begin; this populist mob mentality of influencing CCP decisions has got to stop immediately. It is grossly unfair, and opens up innumerable cans of worms with regards to the activities that EVE Online is known for. You know something is very wrong when the victim has had the only rational thing to say about this whole affair: a moral wrong does not necessarily equate to a legal wrong. I hope Erotica 1 has transferred her assets over to another account and continues to play host to the wonderful bonus room.
Where did you get the silly idea that you have any rights in a video game? That game being a privately owned service, CCP being the service provider and rightly concerned about the reputation of their brand? Feel entitled much? Not only is your logic flawed but your moral compass is fundamentally FUBAR.
shove it up your psychotic ass. Today is a good day because CCP saw fit to get rid of a sociopathic cunt from our game
So there is a "line" and its been crossed. There was a gray area, but clearly Erotica 1 went right over to the black area. And yet no one can explain what this line or black area is. I have to say though, for "harassment", I would have expected there to be at least a touch of "non-consensual" in it. So we're all on notice. There is a line that can't be crossed. They don't say what that line is. But if you cross it you get the banhammer. So hyper competitive video game has ill defined rules. Yeah, that makes complete sense.
"I have to say though, for "harassment", I would have expected there to be at least a touch of "non-consensual" in it." This. The whole mention of harassment made me think CCP had decided in Erotica's favour considering no harassment had taken place. I'm very worried about the precedent that has been set and what it means for the game when "being mean" is a sufficient reason to ban a player.
if you are too dumb to use block or leave a ts chat ccp will protect you and reimburse all your losses cuz we need to water down the sandbox and lower the community's IQ. that way we can push for a new incarna expansion. all praise Hilmar.
Thats right there is a line and James 315 and all of the new order are starting to cross it in one way or another and thats a Fact!!!!!!!!!! Cole
tl;dr she gave you a lot of ISK and some sort of strange spiritual massage so it's all good? Whatever m8 I say good riddance. There's a line and if you don't know where it is you've got problems that need sorting, preferably far away from my Eve.
New Eden has lost one if it's brightest stars today, and it now shines ever so dimmer for it. For Erotica1, I have pored a class of quafe into the space she once so dominated.
Barf!!...Someone take his poetic license away from him.
For those of you who werent in last nights teamspeak meeting with shokar I'd like to take some time to explain WHY we do what we do in the bonus round. We we are running a scam its better buisness if we can get the scammed person to say its wasnt Us that scammed Him, rather that HE lost on his own accord. if we take his assets and run the word goes out that its a scam more and more but if we get more people who admit they didnt show full faith or that they left early it adds more legitamacy to the scam, it drives more people to thinking that just maybe they can win and that though it what causes them to pull themselves into the scam. We never insulted or degraded people and after the scam was over it was always over. Take last night for instance, Shokar came back into comms with us KNOWING that we could start cracking jokes at any time, not knowing if we were going to be nice or try to scam more out of him, and after he came in and started talking with us everyone in the room had a downright positive and fun time with him, I personally thanked him for coming and allowing me the opprotunity to hear about the scam from the other side and look forward to possibly talking with him more in the future. What happened here today puts all scamming at risk today the bonus room is the absolute extreme and "must be punished" but when its gone what is next? cut the far ends off the ruler and you make new extremes. Maybe tomorrow its taunting in local after a kill, day after that singing ransoms, then what? Margin scams? market manipulation? .01 ISKing your competition? When you try to eliminate the outliers of any free society you create new outliers and eventually you eliminate everyone. When this happens what will eve become? Are you ready to face that uncertainty?
Yes. Yes I am. Your post smacks of justification after the fact. Stop deflecting and acknowledge the whole thing was disgusting and taken too far. Take ownership of the fact that you treated someone horribly for your own amusement and apologize. If you'd done that and accepted the community's collective judgement of appropriateness instead of making excuses you might have saved yourself a permaban.
give me ONE SINGLE QUOTE of when Erotica or any other Escrow agent was rude or disrepectful in any way because Shokar himself cant even give us one
"...CSM member Ripard Teg began to use his privileged access to CCP to lobby them to permaban Erotica 1..." That's a fairly serious charge. Do you have any proof?
Sorry this took a while. There is a metric crap-ton of comments on this all over the net. This is one of the comments that led me to my idea that his blog was after he had brought up the subject to CCP. JesterMarch 25, 2014 at 2:57 PM As you correctly state, any reply to this topic that CCP has made to me would be covered by the NDA. I look forward to CCP's public response in due course. Not exactly a smoking gun I know. But logical, to me anyway. It indicates that he got a private response, wrote his blog post and now awaits CCPs public response. Bing
A real shame, it was always fun when Ero was around. - Guybertini
A glorious development! Seeing all those crybabies' tears is fantastic! Much love to CCP for this decision!
Isk has a very real, out of game monetary value. Erotica 1 is guilty of torture, and extortion. I wish they would prosecute outside of game as well as the perma ban
if you have EVER blown up someone else's ship then you fall under the same prosecution that you wish upon erotica because you took isk value away form someone
"Isk has a very real, out of game monetary value." No - it doesn't. As an aside, you could potentially make an argument that it has value to an *individual person* by virtue of the time he invested in acquiring the ISK. I would counter with: sunk cost fallacy.
"if you have EVER blown up someone else's ship then you fall under the same prosecution that you wish upon erotica because you took isk value away form someone" Except that I have done it IN GAME. E1 used outside of eve coms, and forced him to do torturous things outside of the game itself, where plex is $20, and the marketed isk has real value OUTSIDE OF GAME, where this happened.
You're all being fooled. "Bear with me, folks. I'm doing this on the fly, and some glitches are to be expected." The biggest glitch being that Erotica 1 has not been permabanned. Gullible idiots,
Genuine Question: What's been banned, the character/account or the player/ISP? Thks Guybertini
hahahahahahahahahahahaha the bit where erotica treats all players of the bonus with dignity and respect that part killed me. If he treated them with such dignity and respect then this would not have happened at all now would it? Now eve is a much better place without him and now it also reminds people watch how you treat people even in a "sandbox" Just because you have played longer know the in's and out's a little bit better doesn't mean you should think your any better then any one else nor should you treat people that way. Ero you got what you deserved....well not really you need to be taken out to street and be beaten within a inch of your life but w/e take what we can get.
Someone explain to me how what Erotica 1 did is worse than what this fellow, coward though he may be, is endorsing?
Did someone say it was? It's clear that (serious) threats should be brought to the police AND ccp (so they can release personal details to the authorities and take appropriate action). How does this change what Erotica 1 did?
I always find it curious how the Pirates of eve are always cast in a evil and terrible light of abuse and degradation when you never hear a Pirate say "you got what you deserved....well not really you need to be taken out to street and be beaten within a inch of your life" YOU are the people that sling threats and condone real life violence
A line has indeed been crossed; but not by Erotica 1. It's my belief that Erotica 1, James 315 and other creators of exciting and challenging content have long been the target of bigots. But without CCP endorsement, their attempts to eliminate our beloved gameplay were always just so much air. It is one of the reasons that our Leader tries to make us aware of the drive to nerf Highsec and replace it with a theme-park. Don't doubt for one moment that the baleful blogger Ripard Teg, flush with his recent victory, will emerge with more plans to put before the Board. This is not a time for bailing though. Quite the opposite. Unite, Brothers and Sisters in the Code! I'm sure that, when James 315 has digested this horrible news, he will return to us with something to gladden our hearts. I'm not Eve-rich. I got fed up with missioning and ratting long ago. I fly solo and provide my own gear. Nevertheless, though I'm unable to match Erotica 1's tremendous generosity, I just sent some Isk to buy shares. For the War-Chest of the New Order. Time to bind. Sasha.
Is there not someone out there who can top my investment in the New Order? My longterm goal was to scam 10 trillion isk in a ponzi (run by notorious Erotica 1 no less) then tithe no less than 10% to James for shares. I wanted my volluntary amount to actually exceed Phazer Inc, Eve Bank, etc. I cannot do that now. But there is something you can all do. Spread the word on the forums, in local chats, in corp and alliance chats. Spread the word that the sandbox can still be protected. Top my total investment in shares. Furthermore, knock me off the top 10 shareholders list. Do this by raising as much isk as humanly possible to buy shares in the New Order. Ask scammers to spam for us for at least one day instead of for themselves. Ask everyone you know who loves the sandbox, whether they love me or hate me, ask them to make a statement. Everyone who supported me, I thank you. Please donate 10% of your wealth (isk and assets) by buying shares. Evemail everyone in the threadnaught. Ask for their support, even if only a single share they can afford. Flood James' wallet with isk as a sign of faith, true faith in the sandbox. Join CODEdot alliance with your corps and your alts. Light fire to highsec so that no bot aspirant may mine unless he supports the Code and buys a mining permit. This is all I ask. Make my sacrafice worth it and use today as a call to arms against all those who oppose the New Order. All hail James 315, saviour of highsec!
The fact that you're gone is proof that there is an EVE God, and it's spelled CCP. EVE Jesus is Ripard.
I say DON'T knock your name off the list. Quite the opposite i will give 10% of my liquid isk and the money i have made selling permits and selling the miner loot from the gankings to buy shares in your name. I say we keep you name on top as a symbol that the sandbox will not be crushed underfoot.
Highsec will burn. Every Catalyst will be named Ripard Teg so that the carebears will know why.
As humble as your request is, I too will buy shares in your name as well! Our faith in the CODE, James, and you will not be withered!
yes the sandbox is now protected because a vile scumbag was thrown out of it. God Bless CCP and God bless Ripard for calling you filth out
you can ban Erotica1 but two more will take his place.
the sandbox is protected from ero lmfao. but all the racist and RL threat makers are welcome
Banned but can send Money? This is the only place that states that guy is banned? i would love if the ban is real, but its close to april 1.
Well, sad news if they're true. Erotica 1 excelled in exposing people's stupidity, greed and indecisiveness. Unfortunately these days it's not "politically correct behavior". There's not much I can do about it, besides doubling my efforts in the Code enforcement.
Time for "donate the timecode to New Order" campaign I say
Anyone who can draw that much FLAK from Goons, sack-less CCP Devs, and the larger carebear community - must be doing something terribly......right. I only know Erotica 1 from forum posts and occasional TS contact - but the awesome there cannot be hidden. -Herr Wilkus-
Anon 9:38pm For some reason absolute majority of anti-New Order replies are full of profanities, offensive language and generally unpleasant sayings. Same is applicable to conversations I had in local chats. Why is it so?
Neither tears nor profanities. Only determination and relentless enforcement. That's the way of an Agent.
That's not "semi-philosophic" comment, it's the philosophy of Agent expressed in most concise way. Another thing I noticed - rebels always start with expletives, but usually end on a totally different tone. I guess just chatting with an Agent is an educating experience for them.
Another thing -- the endurance of an Agent easily surpasses that of a rebel. Even after rebel switches from "creative mode" to "randomly generated responses mode".
You started with cursing James and rapidly deteriorated to flooding... Is there a better way of showing the real nature of a bot hiding behind human face?
for a dedicated agent, you're awful shy to show your name there, anonymous...
Anon 10:07pm Well, who knows who CCP will be banning next... They remind me of oppressive regimes more and more. Have relaxed rules, punish selectively.
This site is not very active, I get way more talk going on with LoL, cya guys, oh and btw whoever gives a shit about who erotica is, and what she did, im in it for the drama. WOHOO IM OUT
Realtalk, I'm not sure if I am out or not.
This is getting awkward, can
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