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Sex chat, explore erotic fantasies, make new friends, and more.
Welcome to Literotica Chat! Please show respect for other chat users. Lit chat rooms are for adults (18+) interested in erotic subjects and sex fantasies. If you have a problem with adult content or you are under 18 years old, please leave now. The chat room is monitored randomly, and anyone under 18 (or age playing) will be removed and banned permanently. By logging in, you agree to the rules and TOS.
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We have upgraded the Literotica chat interface, login page, and URL. Please update your bookmarks and send us feedback to let us know if you have any suggestions to improve the adult chat rooms.
Important: Literotica Chat will never ask you to login on another domain nor redirect you to another website. If someone in the chat tries to get you to click a link, do not enter any personal information in that link. Do not download files from other sites or enter your login details unless the domain says
Important: Any chat user discussing illegal activities - and/or creating rooms dedicated to such activities - will be banned instantly and permanently from Literotica Chat. This includes underage activity and bestiality. We will not reinstate these banned chatters, so please follow our rules (below).
We want anyone over 18 to have as much fun as possible in Literotica Adult Chat. The community has agreed on a few rules to try to make chat as safe and enjoyable as possible for everyone.
Millions of people read sex stories on Literotica every day. For over 20 years, Literotica has been the world’s #1 community of erotica authors and readers. If you enjoy adult chat, why not turn your ideas into erotic stories!
All contents Β© Copyright 1996-2021. Literotica is a registered trademark.

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Sex chat, explore erotic fantasies, make new friends, and more.
Welcome to Literotica Chat! Please show respect for other chat users. Lit chat rooms are for adults (18+) interested in erotic subjects and sex fantasies. If you have a problem with adult content or you are under 18 years old, please leave now. The chat room is monitored randomly, and anyone under 18 (or age playing) will be removed and banned permanently. By logging in, you agree to the rules and TOS.
Login To The New Literotica Chat Now
We have upgraded the Literotica chat interface, login page, and URL. Please update your bookmarks and send us feedback to let us know if you have any suggestions to improve the adult chat rooms.
Important: Literotica Chat will never ask you to login on another domain nor redirect you to another website. If someone in the chat tries to get you to click a link, do not enter any personal information in that link. Do not download files from other sites or enter your login details unless the domain says
Important: Any chat user discussing illegal activities - and/or creating rooms dedicated to such activities - will be banned instantly and permanently from Literotica Chat. This includes underage activity and bestiality. We will not reinstate these banned chatters, so please follow our rules (below).
We want anyone over 18 to have as much fun as possible in Literotica Adult Chat. The community has agreed on a few rules to try to make chat as safe and enjoyable as possible for everyone.
Millions of people read sex stories on Literotica every day. For over 20 years, Literotica has been the world’s #1 community of erotica authors and readers. If you enjoy adult chat, why not turn your ideas into erotic stories!
All contents Β© Copyright 1996-2021. Literotica is a registered trademark.

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