Erotic Tattoo Stories

Erotic Tattoo Stories


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Tattooed like a hooker

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Do you have any pictures? I think this story is very romantic!!!

My husband always liked to play a game where I would play a prostitute and he
a "john". It was fun to get some sexy clothes and play out the little fantasy.
It always ended in a night of great sex. But I wanted to do something else. I
had him meet me at a bar and I came in dressed in my wig and hooker clothes--I
"picked him up" and we went to a motel and had great sex ( I even had him pay
me $75).
I started wearing the sexy clothes more and more and noticed some
of the real hookers had tattoos. I knew I needed one for our fantasy nights. I
tried some stick on tattoos but it wasn't enough. My husband urged me to have
some real ones put on. I told him that if he picked the place, paided for it,
and took me there I would wear what ever he wanted. I started to read up on
the subject of prostitutes and tattoos--Most of the books I found were old but
they had some interesting ideas. The word "Sweet" over one nipple and "Sour"
over the other. The words "Fuck Me Fifty Dollars" over my vigial lips, Sexy
ladies, Devils, lip stick on the butt cheeks--these things.
I shared these
ideas with my husband and he said it would be a surprise for me. He would just
take me to a place and I would strip and be tattooed forever like a hooker. It
was a sexy idea and I was excited for a week as my husband did all the
planning. One night, after dinner he said to get into the car. I asked where
we were going and he said "To get your tits tattooed". He drove me to
Hollywood, to a place not far from the Mann's Chinese Theater. He had called
around and I later learned that some of the shops wouldn't do waht he wanted.
This was one that agreed to make me look like a street walker. I filled out
the papers, there was no waiting that night. I went into the back but I could
have stayed out front. Maybe seven or eight people watched as I took off my
top and bra. I just tried to act normal as the cleaning and shaving took
place. The designs were put over the nipples--Not what I expected. One was
"Beer" and the other "Wine". They went on in just a few minutes--The first one
(Beer) hurt worst than the other. After than, I was told to strip off my
plants and panties. My pubic hair was shaved by the tattoo artist and his girl
I didn't known what was going to be tattooed on this most private
place. It was a face. The face of a woman with it set so the top lip was right
on my opening. The tattoo also had words above the face--in letters over an
inch high. It said "Happy Hooker". It took two sessions to do it right. The
tattooing really helped our sex life and for six months just the sight of my
art would give my husband a hard on. But in time, he wanted me to get more
tattooing. So it was back to the tattoo place and I got a large tattoo on my
back that says "Party Girl" with a naked woman holding a cherry under it. I am
thinking of getting more sexy tattooing. If I ever get the courage I will have
some bright permanent make-up tattooed on my face. A friend of mine did have
eyeliner and eyebrows done but I want something bolder something that everyone
will see.
Maybe I will Tattoo some blue eye shadow on, Arching, thin
eyebrows, eyeliner, Dark lipliner and bright red lips. Maybe I will even get a
little blue star put on my cheek below my eye (maybe not). I do have a dress
that is so low cut that people can see the words I have on my breasts and a
bikini that even shows the "Happy Hooker" and part of the ladies face when I
wear it. I have worn it in public but only when I travel to places over 100
miles from my home. I don't know what I would do if I ran into someone I know
(my husband doesn't let me wear a cover up--its all out there). People give me
funny looks when I walk around but--its starnge, It sort of turns me on.
Someday I just know I'm going to be arrested someday! I haven't told my
friends about my sexy art. It is a thing that keeps our marriage alive and
special. Maybe I will have "Property of Larry" tattooed on my bottom as a
Christmas present for my husband. Tattooing has opened up a whole sexy chapter
in my life! I am going to send you come pictures when my scanner is fixed.
submitted by: Anonymous on: 16 Sept. 2001 in


Artist: Jimmi

Studio: Off+Hollywood+Blvd.

Location: Hollywood

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How often had she asked herself this question: "Why did I go to that party, why did I listen to his smooth talk, why didn't I leave when I still had the chance?" But she had gone, she had listened to the nice looking boy who sat next to her and she hadn't left. And because of that terrible things had happened to her, were still happening.....

She had accepted the invitation of her friend Deirdre to come to her graduation party. The party had been quite dull and she had been on the verge of leaving early, when a boy sat down next to her and struck up a conversation. He asked if she knew the hostess, and got her to talk about her friendship with Deirdre.
They had a pleasant time and at the end of the party he offered to bring her home. She had accepted and was awed when she saw his car: it was a brand new Mercedes. He was polite, gave her a peck on the cheek and asked her to go out with him. They dated a few times and soon they fell in love.

Susan was a very friendly, tall girl. She had beautiful blonde hair, a wide mass of curls and a nice body. She was a history teacher and taught in a small school in the West.
She was mesmerised by her new boyfriend. Andrew was a very young man, from East European ancestry. He called himself a businessman, but Susan never saw him do business. His father was very rich and apparently gave his son as much money as he needed.
The young couple led a life of luxury and after a few months Susan gave up her job. She had not really wanted to, but Andrew had insisted and finally she had given in.

Andrew could be very convincing and had the habit of starting to sulk whenever he didn't get what he wanted. This was, according to Susan, his only weak point. Without realising it, she always gave in when Andrew wanted something. But he was very generous and took Susan everywhere, all over the United States, often in his own private jet plane.
She had a wonderful time, and loved Andrew very much. Soon she left her own little flat and went to live with Andrew in his enormous bungalow.

The first sign of things going the wrong way was the tattoo. Whenever Andrew had the chance he brought up the subject of Susan having a tattoo. Susan disliked the idea and had always refused to be tattooed. She thought it was vulgar and didn't like her body to be permanently marked.
But Andrew kept nagging and one evening, when she had drunk a bit too much she had given in. As if he had known that she would relent, within an hour Andrew had a tattoo artist with his equipment come to his house. Susan had fallen asleep and woke up by the sound of the tattoo instrument and the sharp pricks of the needle. She tried to pull back, but Andrew held her firmly and after a while the tattoo artist was finished: Susan had on her shoulder the picture of a colourful butterfly. The ink was indelible, and she would never be able to get rid of it.
Susan had awoken the next morning with a burning pain in her shoulder and had cried. She was very angry with Andrew: she had been drunk and he had forced her to go through with everything.

This had been the moment to run away, she knew now what sort of a person her boyfriend was, what he was capable of and at that moment the damage was minimal. But she had let him soothe her, promising it would never happen again and she had stayed...

He gave her lots of expensive presents and complimented her with her tattoo every time he saw her naked.
When she found magazines with pictures of bigbreasted girls, casually thrown at the back seat of the car, she felt very disappointed. She couldn't believe that her boyfriend enjoyed that kind of thing and asked herself why he had been so careless as to leave the magazines in plain view for her to find.
She soon found out what he was after. When she confronted him with the pornographic material he laughed and made nothing of it. He said that it was normal for a guy to read such magazines. She had asked if he was dissatisfied with her body: her breasts were the average size.
He pretended to think her question over and then told her that she could use "a bit extra in the upper regions" and mentioned a friend who was a plastic surgeon who did fantastic jobs with silicones.
Susan was horrified and had fled the room. Andrew came after her and acted as if he was very surprised. He stroked her hair, said nice words and finally she looked up. She had planned to leave him for good, but he used his smart tongue and against her better judgement, she stayed..
During the next month, their old life resumed and Susan almost forgot about the incident. But she was to be reminded of it in the worst possible way.

One evening after dinner she felt nauseous and told Andrew that she was going to bed early. As soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep. When she woke up she had a terrible headache and a very strange sensation in her chest. She opened her eyes and didn't recognise her surroundings. She appeared to be in a hospital, because everything around her was white. She started to panic, because she couldn't remember how she had come here. Had she had an accident? Was she ill? The last thing she remembered was going to bed in their own house. And now this strange pain in her chest, what had they done to her? She must have screamed, because a nurse ran into her room and tried to calm her. Susan lay back and closed her eyes. Everything went black and she slept again.
The second time she woke up she had a clear mind. A nurse was standing next to her, feeling her pulse. When the nurse saw her eyes open, she said that she would call her boyfriend, he was in the room next to hers.
Before Susan could say anything she had left and the next instant Andrew came in, carrying an enormous bunch of roses. He gave them to Susan and asked how she felt. Her mouth was very dry and she found it difficult to speak. She managed to croak: "What happened?"
Andrew shifted in his chair and started to speak: "We're in the family's private clinic. Now don't get angry with me, okay? Remember the plastic surgeon I mentioned the other day, he offered to make your tits a bit larger. I know that you were opposed to it, so I took the liberty of deciding for you. I know that you can't make up your mind, so I decided to go ahead with it. Honey, they will be magnificent! That surgeon is the best!"
Susan could not believe her ears. Was it really true, had Andrew taken her to the hospital, against her will and had they operated on her? She took a deep breath and pulled down the blanket that covered her breast. Where her modest breasts used to be, her night-gown now bulged with twin mountains. She gasped, tore away the gown that was fastened around her neck and looked at her bandaged front. She couldn't see her breasts, they were covered by bandages, but it was clear that they were now at least twice as big as they used to be. With trembling hands, she tried to cover her body again. Silently, she sank back into her pillow, pulled the blankets up and closed her eyes. Tears welled up from under her eyelids.
Andrew stood next to the bed and looked at her, uncertain what to do. He stretched out his hand to touch hers, but she drew her hand away violently and ignored him. Andrew decided he'd better leave.
In the following days Susan had to learn to face the fact that she now had enormous breasts. Every time she tried to sit up she felt their heavy weight pulling down. All day long she thought of how people would react when she would leave the hospital. She envisaged all the men looking lecherously at her, people turning their head when she walked past, women despising her or making fun of her. She pulled the blankets over her face and cried.
Andrew came by regularly, but every time he showed his face, Susan shouted at the top of her lungs that he had to leave, so he retreated without a word. He had a nurse put enormous bunches of flowers in her room, but she told the staff that she didn't want them, so they were removed.
After two weeks a doctor came to remove the bandages and now Susan was for the first time able to see clearly what had been done to her. She stood up and stepped into the bathroom. In front of the mirror she tore away her night-gown and looked at her body. She saw two enormous breasts, with equally big nipples. Her knees felt weak and she almost fell. The nurse, who stood behind her helped her to keep her balance. Slowly Susan turned to the left and to the right. The mounds of flesh (or should she say: silicones?) danced with every movement. Susan turned around completely and looked over her shoulder. She lifted her arms to gather her hair and saw her new breasts bulge out to the left and right of her slender back.
Slowly she walked back to her bed and sat down, crying. The doctor gathered the used bandages and left the room. He knew perfectly well that the girl he had operated on had not consented, but Andrew had offered so much money that he very conveniently had forgotten his Hippocratic oath. Andrew had assured him that it was her secret wish to have very big breasts. This had soothed his conscience, but now he saw that she was obviously very unhappy with what had been done to her. He decided not to visit her anymore and went away to scrub in for a facelift operation. Soon he was completely engrossed in his work and had completely forgotten about the poor girl whom he had disfigured for life.

Andrew now resorted to notes, which he had a nurse bring to her. In the notes he apologised, told her how much he loved her and how beautiful she now was. He even had the guts to refer to her tattoo: she had accepted that too, hadn't she? He promised her all kinds of things, but she refused to see him. He also made it clear that Susan needn't try to complain to the staff about what had happened to her, the staff was well-paid and completely loyal to the Steltin family. They would also prevent her from leaving the clinic without Andrew's permission.

Susan's wounds had healed, the scars barely visible and she became used to the enormous weight of her new breasts. One of the nurses had bought her a new bra, her old one did not fit anymore. It was huge: when Susan saw her new bra for the first time, she sat with it in her lap and cried. But she needed support for her breasts, because having to carry their weight caused a permanent backache.
She took a deep breath and fastened the bra in front of her, then turned it around so that the giant cups were on the front side. One by one she laid her enormous soft melons in the cups and adjusted the straps. Her breasts seemed even larger now that they were encased in the strong fabric of the bra. She felt the straps on her shoulders biting into her flesh, although they were broad and padded. Susan realised that from now on she would feel this pain every moment of the day. Susan reached for her T-shirt and pulled it over her head. There it became stuck: it was impossible to pull her T-shirt over her gigantic breasts.
Slowly Susan pulled it over her head again and reached for her night-gown. She thought for a long time. She hated it to depend on someone who was affiliated with Andrew, she didn't want any favours. But she could hardly walk around in her night-gown for the rest of her life, so she called for the nurse and asked her to buy some new clothes. She asked for very large t-shirts and wide sweaters in order to mask the size of her new breasts. The nurse went away, but did not come back with the clothes she had asked for.
Later that afternoon, Susan sat near the window reading a book. She had to hold the book at a considerable distance, because her vision was limited by her gigantic melons. There was a knock on the door and an elderly lady stepped into her room. For an instant, Susan wanted to turn around, or hide because she was very ashamed. She didn't want anyone to see her. But it was no use, the lady had already entered. She introduced herself, she was sent by a famous fashion house, to take measurements in order to supply Susan with a completely new wardrobe. She said nothing with regard to Susan's disproportionate measurements. Apparently she had been instructed in advance what to expect.
Susan was puzzled and said that she just wanted some t-shirts and sweaters. She had her jeans (those still fitted) and didn't need anything else.
The lady explained that she had no permission to issue that kind of clothes. She was to take Susan's measurements in order to fit her with a number of tailored dresses, that would show off her figure to the full advantage. Susan was allowed to state her preference with regard to fabric and colour.
Susan sat down and sagged. So this was what Andrew had in mind for her. She was not allowed to hide or mask her enormous breasts. She was to wear tight dresses in which her bosom would seem even bigger. She started to cry.
Mrs Brick appeared not to notice and took out a measuring tape. She pulled Susan to her feet and started to measure her body. Susan had no energy left and allowed the lady to do what she had
Fucking Huge Tits
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