Erotic Stories With Sister In Law

Erotic Stories With Sister In Law

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The Farming Sister-in-Law
He falls for brother's lovely wife.
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This story actually started about six years ago. I live in a rural community in the Midwest. One day while I was helping my brother-in-law on his farm I ripped the crotch out of my jeans. When we went to the house for lunch, Bob, my wife's brother was teasing me about my dilemma. Jill, my sister-in-law, said she'd try to sew them for me after lunch if I wanted. Jill has always been straight laced and went to church most Sundays.
While we ate I couldn't help but get a hardon as I sat next to Jill and Bob sat across the table. I had my cock outside my underwear giving it some relief. Jill got up and walked to the cabinet to get the tea pitcher to fill our glasses. I knew my cock was sticking out of the rip in my jeans, but I didn't know she could see it. Not until she had gotten up three times and the third time when I looked over at her, she was looking in my lap at my exposed cock. I pretended I didn't notice.
Bob said he was headed back down to work on the fence some more and would see me after I got sewed up. We all laughed and he left. I slid my chair back and sideways a little and moved my jeans to expose all my cock and asked if there was any more tea. Jill got up and got the tea. She could see all my rock hard seven and one half inch cock as she walked back and poured the tea. She almost over filled my glass. Then she started cleaning off the table making several trips to the sink. Finally, I covered up and neither one of us said a word about her sneaking looks at my cock.
I went into the bedroom and removed my jeans and stuck my head out the door to give Jill my jeans. I stood holding them out to her standing half way behind the door but still in view if she looked. She was standing there looking at the jeans, which allowed her to look at my cock also. I said after a minute or so, are you going to take them and sew them or do you want me to put them back on and let you sew them. She smiled and turned a deep red as she said it would be safer for me if she sewed them off of me. She again smiled as she said her sewing kit was in the bedroom.
I stood back and put my cock back inside my shorts. About two inches stuck up out of the waistband. I held my jeans in front of me as Jill walked into the room to get her sewing kit. I stood by the door as she got her kit and as she came by she took my jeans out of my hands and again turned red as she saw my large cock head sticking out of my shorts. She quickly turned her head and walked out the door. She sat down in a chair that faced the bedroom door. I wonder why. I held the door open far enough to look out and talk to her as she sewed. She was taking her time and kept looking up at me.
I slowly opened the door a little more allowing my cock to come into her line of view, pretending I didn't know she could see as I stood nonchalantly talking to her and she would talk and look my way. She would look at my cock as long as she thought I didn't know she was. I kept slowly pushing the door farther open until there was no doubt my cock was exposed to her view. I left the door telling her I was going to the bathroom and pulled the door almost closed as I left. I was just wanting to see what she would do. I watched through the crack in the door as she finished sewing my jeans and held them up to look at them. She checked her job pulling them and they held.
I figured my show was over. She sat looking at the door then came over and slowly pushed the door open a little and sat back down. Then she pushed it open about half way and sat in a chair to the left of where she had been sitting which allowed her a more straight on view into the half open door. She smiled to herself, came over and closed the door and went back and sat down and picked my jeans up. I went and flushed the stool and walked back to the door and opened it far enough to look out at her and asked if she was done yet.
She looked at me smiling and said not quite. My cock was inside my shorts but was about to fall out of the stretched leg opening. I stood in the door and slowly opened it half way and when I shifted my weight from one foot to the other my cock head came into view. I pretended not to notice, as did Jill. My cock slowly moved more and more into view as I stood there. Jill was pretending to sew and had her head tilted but I could tell she had her eyes raised and was staring at my cock as it stood out in front of me.
After a couple minutes, I pretended to notice my cock was exposed and stepped back out of her view and put my cock back in my shorts. Jill finally said she thought maybe they would hold together good enough to make it through the day and walked over and handed them to me. I went and sat on the bed to put them on and Jill stood in the door way watching. As I raised one foot my cock came into full view. I looked at Jill as I stuffed it back inside my shorts. Again she was a bright red and I said, sorry about that, my shorts are a little baggy.
She never moved, just stood there smiling as I raised my other foot with the same results. She watched as I pulled up my jeans and tucked my cock inside. I said joking that her seeing me was her payment for sewing up my jeans. She smiled and flushed again as she said she had enjoyed her payment. She turned and went to the Kitchen. We smiled at each other as I walked out the door.
Bob was working away when I got there and joked saying he thought maybe she was sewing a whole new pair of jeans. I put my foot on the fence and stretched the crotch area and said good as new. The next day when we went in to eat Jill turned red when I looked at her and smiled. Bob said, so far we didn't have any casualties yet today. We all laughed. Nothing else happened the next several months. I only helped Bob on certain occasions. Fencing, harvesting, disking etc.
Then one day that fall I was driving trucks from the field and putting the beans in the bin. I had on an old pair of threadbare jeans. There was a hole in one knee and a start of a hole where I carried my keys in my right pocket. Jill came out to the bins when I brought the first load of beans in. It was still cool out but was going to be a nice warm day. The hoist didn't work the best on either of Bobs' trucks and Jill climbed right up inside the truck bed and helped me shovel the beans to the back of the truck bed.
Jill had on a heavy jacket and said she had on thermal underwear and was about to burn up. I told her if she was going to shovel, she had to many clothes on. Then I smiled and said she should wear something sexy and revealing so the job would go easier and be more enjoyable. She smiled and said, more enjoyable for you. As we climbed out of the back of the truck I caught the hole in my jeans pocket and tore a three corner tear about two inches. I smiled at her and said that could make it more enjoyable for her. She turned a deep red and laughed and told me I better be getting the truck back to Bob.
When I came back with the next truck load I was happy to see Jill come hotfooting it out to help. I had worried that I had said the wrong thing when I tore my jeans. She had taken her thermals off and had on a lighter jacket this time. I noticed her jeans were real tight and the top button on her blouse was undone. Also I could see her bra through the thin material of the blouse. It surprised me to see her dressed this way. She really looked sexy.
As we shoveled she again got hot. I told her she still had to many clothes on to work this hard. She took the jacket off and I enjoyed the little bit of skin I could see as she bent over to shovel. When she turned from time to time with her ass towards me it was all I could do to keep from reaching over and playing with it. I felt like she was teasing me as she would turn and bend putting her ass in my face or lean over to shovel affording me a view of her bra covered tits. We carried on a normal conversation as if nothing was happening.
At one point I decided I was reading more into it than what there really was. As we talked she said lunch would be ready when I came back with the next load. When we climbed out of the truck and I got ready to leave, I said I thought that truck unloaded quicker than the first one did. I saw her smiling to herself as she walked toward the house. I thought she was swinging her ass a lot more as she walked away.
Bob had just dumped the combine and he drove the pickup so he could get back to the field while I dumped the truck after lunch. Bob was already eating when I walked into the house. I tried to pretend I didn't notice anything different but Jill was wearing a pair of loose fitting jeans and a heavier blouse with all the buttons closed. Jill blushed a little, as she knew I noticed.
Bob asked Jill if she could help me unload the trucks. Jill told him she was helping and he said good. He knew unloading involved a lot of shoveling. He told her to be nice to me and help all she could, as they didn't want to loose their help. I laughed and said I couldn't quit, I needed the extra money. We all laughed because I wasn't getting any money. Bob said they would figure out some way to pay me something for helping. He said I could use anything he had anytime I wanted. He was referring to his equipment but I looked at Jill and she got red faced as she looked at me. We had both thought the same thing.
Bob finished eating and kissed Jill and said he was headed back to the field. As he walked to the door he again said to Jill, take good care of our help now and out the door he went. Jill got up and got the tea and filled my glass and asked if I wanted anything else as she started cleaning the table off. I didn't say anything I just smiled. She smiled and said she was talking about something else to eat.
Again I smiled, she got red faced and said you know what I mean. I laughed and said, yes I knew. She laughed and told me to get out of here and get that truck unloaded. I told her to look out now, that Bob had told her to be extra nice to me. The phone rang and Jill answered it. It was Bob on his cell phone. I listened to Jill's side of the conversation and knew what Bob was saying. Jill said Bob's name very exaggerated. Then, your not really serious are you.
Then she said, I couldn't do that. Then she said, I am helping. Then, OK I'll try, if you're sure you want me to. Then she said, OK, I don't know, we'll see, I love you too. Yes, you know I do. Then, don't say that, you know I love you. Yes, I know I've always said I'd do anything for you. She laughed a nervous laugh as she said, OK, I said I'd try. Yes, I promise. Then she said, Bob, you're impossible. I think your getting a little carried away.
It was about then she turned quickly and looked at me with a deer in the head lights look, and said to Bob, yes he is probably already unloading the truck. I smiled as I realized she had forgotten I was sitting there and didn't want Bob to know I'd heard her conversation. Then she said to Bob, you better let me go if I'm going to do your dirty work for you. She smiled at me as she said to him, you know what I mean by dirty work. Yes, I know you love me and she hung up.
I got up and said I better get that truck unloaded, since you told him I'd already started. She got a shy look on her face as she said, sorry, I had to do that. Then she said she'd be down in a bit to help. I had about half the truck empty when she showed up. She stood next to the truck smiling and all I could see was her face.
When she climbed into the truck she stood and smiled at me as I stood staring at her. Jill had on a pair of skintight shorts and a very thin blouse that left nothing to the imagination. I could see all her beautiful tits and rock hard nipples and large sliver dollar sized aureole through the thin, pale blue material. She had also left the top two buttons undone. Finally she said, stop staring, you're embarrassing me.
I smiled and told her she had nothing to be embarrassed about. She said, yes she did. She said standing there the same as topless in front of me is enough but knowing I'd heard her conversation with Bob was the most embarrassing. I asked why. She got a deep red again as she said, you knowing that Bob asked me to keep you happy. I decided to play it along and asked what he wanted her to do. Her nipples were rock hard standing out a good half inch, begging to be pinched. She smiled and said you know.
I started shoveling as I said, no, you tell me. She started shoveling also and her tits swayed back and forth rubbing her nipples against the blouse as she shoveled the grain. She started talking and said he wants me to keep you happy. She stopped talking still shoveling. I asked how. She stopped shoveling and stood looking at me and said, he said I should do what ever it takes to keep you happy and keep you driving for us. So that is why I wore this blouse, to keep you happy. She added, you know this as a very big step for me. I've never done anything like this before.
I smiled and said I was very happy she took the big step. She just smiled. I told her I'd enjoy it more if she were totally naked. She blushed as she smiled and said out here in the open. I said, that's what makes it exciting, being exposed in public. She said she felt very much exposed right now. If someone drove up she wouldn't be able to cover up. They would see her exposed condition. I said she shouldn't worry, I was sure they would enjoy the view, almost as much as I was. I smiled and said it's exciting isn't it. She just smiled and started shoveling again.
As we shoveled, my cock was so hard it hurt as I watched her tits through the opening the two unbuttoned buttons created. I pushed a little and said again, it excites you for me to see you don't it. Without looking up she said she was nervous, paused a minute then said, yes, it's exciting. I noticed her looking at my crotch and realized she could see part of my rock hard cock through the tear in my jeans. I wondered how far this was going to go. As we finished up I stood next to the end gate of the truck and she worked the beans out of the corners. She backed across toward me and her nice firm butt pushed up against my firm cock. I stood there not moving as her ass rubbed back and forth on my cock.
After a couple minutes she said, you're in my way here. I moved around to the cleaned side and she cleaned the rest of the truck out. I said, you know, I'd be a lot happier if you'd find a see through mini skirt to wear with your blouse. She stood up and gave me this real cute sexy smile and said she didn't have any see through skirts. I said well, maybe a sexy extra thin extra short dress that buttons down the front, with several buttons missing. She smiled and told me to get the truck back to the field. Bob would be needing it.
I got there just in time. Bob had the other truck full and was pulling out of the field to dump his full hopper as I pulled into the field. He jumped down out of the combine and came over as I got into the other truck. He was smiling a broad smile as he asked how it was going. I said it was going OK. He asked if Jill was helping me unload. I said yes, she helped. I could tell he wanted to know what went on.
He finally asked if she was being sexy for me. I smiled and said she had worn a pretty sexy blouse. He smiled even bigger as he said nice tits, huh? I smiled and said yes. I couldn't believe our conversation. He was enjoying this almost as much as I was. He said he needed to get rolling again. Told me to watch these old trucks and to have fun unloading the beans. Then he said, Tell Jill I love her and to be extra nice to our help, meaning me. I said OK, I'll tell her, and headed out of the field.
As I backed up to the auger to unload, I saw Jill coming out of the house. She had on a very short pale yellow dress and a green button up sweater over it. I raised the hoist a little as she walked up to the truck. I smiled as she walked up to me. The dress was a button up the front and I could make out her dark bush through it. She had cut off the bottom of the dress to about mid-thigh in length and had one button undone on the bottom. She said she brought the sweater along to preserve some modesty if someone stopped by.
I saw what she meant as she took it off. The top half of the dress appeared to be thinner than the bottom half. I could see her dark aureoles and nipples clearly through the material. Also, she had cut out the neckline. She had created straps across her shoulders and had cut straight down and then straight across and the dress top barely covered her aureoles. She had already sewed a seam in the top and said she forgot to allow material to fold under the material to sew it so the top was cut lower than she intended. With the button hooked you could see the top half of her tits and a lot of cleavage. I was curious to see what happened with the top button open. Also with the front cut low and the back cut even lower the potential of the dress straps slipping off her shoulders was great.
She smiled and said, I guess you want a button undone. She had read my mind. I said I wanted two buttons undone. She unbuttoned the top one. The material fell apart all but exposing her nipples as she stood there. She reached down and unbuttoned the next bottom button. As she leaned over her dress fell away from her body giving me a full view of her tits. That was two bottom ones. When she straightened up she said with a smile, this is crazy. I can't believe I am doing this. I told her that Bob wanted me to tell her that he really loved her a lot and to be extra nice to the hired help.
Then I added, that's me. She smiled and said she was being extra, extra nice. I said I agreed. I asked her where she got such a sexy dress. She said Bob had bought it for her a couple years ago. He wanted her to wear it when they were on vacation, but she couldn't bring herself to wear it out in public. She smiled as she thought back and said Bob had talked her into wearing it in the room and she hadn't realized he had opened the heavy curtain. The thin curtain was closed and she knew at least one man saw her that night. Bob was so excited they had some real fun. I asked if she hadn't been excited to. She only smiled.
The grain was slowing and I told her to walk over and raise the truck hoist a little. As she walked away from me her ass was swinging the short thin dress causing my cock to get one degree harder. Th
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